When you click on “Edit Page” you will be directed back to the dashboard with the current page displayed in edit mode:
The big box in the middle will have the text of the page. You may toggle between “Visual” and “HTML” editing. If you don’t know HTML it is quite easy to do almost everything with the Visual Editor, and I can help with the tricky stuff.
To edit the text (or write new text), just type as you would in a word document.
The Editing Icons
Icons may be in a slightly different place on various sites. I am using a plugin called “TinyMCE Advanced” which allows you to rearrange, add, delete the icons, and also adds new icons for font family, table properties, and more.
As you hover over an icon, it will show you what it does. Examples from top row: Bold, Italic, Strike through, Underline, List, Numbered List, etc. Don’t be afraid to play with the text. And just as with word or other windows programs, you can use Control-Z to undo, Control-C to copy, Control-V to paste, etc.
You may preview how the page looks in a new window or tab before saving it.
For Page Attributes, if you pick no parent your page title will appear in your top menu bar, in the order specified by the number in “Order”. For pages which nestle under other menu steps, select the Parent page and the order.
Some themes let you choose if a page is displayed with or without sidebars. This will be found under the Template pulldown.