Family Crest
(See page 159)
Compiled by Barton Sensenig,
Collaborating with
R. Eugene (Sensenig) Montgomery,
Dr. Roscoe Lloyd Sensenich,
Jeannette Senseney, and others.
Copyrighted by
Barton Sensenig
A. D. 1943
Printed by
Lyon & Armor, Inc.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Preface, acknowledgments and explanations
progeny of Christian and Margaret Muller Senseny, who after
1780 settled in Chambersburg, Pa., and in Maryland—the
Senseny Branch .
first three generations of Jacob Sensenig’s descendants.
Pike Mennonite Group, who are descended through Michael,
b. 1723, oldest son of Jacob, and through Michael Sensenig,
d. 1806, and his first wife, Barbara Shirk.
Goodville Branch, descended through Michael, d. 1806, and his
second wife, Barbara Oberholtzer…
Sensenich group, descended through Christian Sensenich
(1757-1832), son of Michael, b. 1723 .
Conestoga Branch, which descended through John (1764-
1826) and his son Christian (1793-1863) .
Home Farm Group, which has had possession of the farm, or
the homestead part of it, from the beginning until now. This
group descends through the 2nd Jacob (1730-1814) .
Brecknock Township Group, whose line of descent is Michael,
b. 1723; John (1764-1826); Jacob (1790-1833); and Daniel
Witwer Sensenig (1812-1864) .
The Farmersville Group, whose line of descent is Michael, b. 1723;
John (1764-1826); John (1802-1878) ; and John M. Sensenig
(1832-1923) 131-141
The Virginia Branch, descended through Peter Senseney, the
youngest son of Jacob, the first, and the youngest brother of
Michael, b. 1723. Peter was born in 1738 and died in 1804. 142-155
The Tennessee Branch of the Virginia Branch. 156—158
Appendix . 159
Compiler of the record, at age 65
Chief CoRahorator
NO PERSON can build up a family record without the help of others.
There must be collaboration by many persons, and the record will
be just as complete as the contributions which have been sent in
to the compiler of the record. If the information in certain places seems
to be lacking, it is because information was withheld, or was not sent in.
It is in order here to make acknowledgments to those who have contributed
to the record:
A very large contribution has been made by R. Eugene (Sensenig)
Montgomery, who spent time and money in gathering data. Most of the
Virginia Branch, and of the Christian Senseny-Margareth Muller branch
are his contribution, along with other information obtained by examining
wills and deeds.
Mrs. Caroline S. Coldren, Secretary of the Lancaster County Historical
Society, made large contributions by way of untangling some knotty tangles.
She also contributed much information bearing on the early Sensenigs who
settled in Lancaster County. She proved that Magdalena Wenger, and not
Barbara Oberholtzer, was the wife of Michael Sensenig, b. 1723.
Isaac G. Sensenig, in reporting for the farm group, sent in over 300
names and dates. That was a big piece of work.
Bertha Sensenich Singer, daughter of Harry W. Sensenich, had access
to the records he had gathered, and which he did not live to complete.
Chester D. Sensenich sent us the information about the Irwin branch
of the Sensenich family.
Mrs. Magdalena Sensenig Wenger gave us all the information about
the Franklin County branch of the Goodville group.
Allen Burns Senseney, of Knoxville, Tenn., gave us the information
about the Tennessee group.
The compiler of the record had special advantage in having been born
in Lancaster County, from which radiated all the various branches of the
big “Sensiney” family. As a man seventy-seven years of age and still of
clear mind, and knowing Sensenigs in five generations, he was drafted by
members of the Sensenig family to build up the record. He knew the key
persons from whom to get information, and his educational training fitted
him for the task. He is responsible for the Introduction and the longer
articles appearing in the book. These are based on personal knowledge,
or on information furnished by others.
It would not be fair not to include the many names of persons who in a lesser degree made contribution to this book, and we shall here set
down their names and addresses:
Rev. Peter Weaver, Ephrata, Pa.;
Mary Snyder Nolt, Bareville, Pa.;
Mrs. Levi Garman, Goodville, Pa.;
Miss Emma Sensenig, Lititz, Pa.;
Earl Sensenig, Reading, Pa.;
Clyde Gamber, Lancaster, Pa.;
Mrs. Walter Sensenich, New Holland, Pa.;
Mrs. Blanche Goheen Renninger, New Holland, Pa.;
Lemon Sensenig, Reading, Pa.;
Mrs. J. Winters Weaver, Narvon, Pa.;
Rev. Oliver H. Sensenig, Altoona, Pa.;
William S. Martin, Altadena, California;
Rev. Elmer Sensenig, Allentown, Pa.;
Prof. Heber Sensenig, Newport, Rhode Island;
Bishop Noah Mack, New Holland, Pa.;
Mrs. Warren Yerger, Terre Hill, Pa.;
Dr. Wayne Sensenig, Cynwyd, Pa.;
Anna Sensenig, Philadelphia, Pa.;
William Eby, Blue Ball, Pa.;
Katie Sensenig, Meadville, Missouri;
Peter Albert Sensenig, Rahway, New Jersey;
Ella Martin Sensenig, Philadelphia, Pa.;
Florence Wilkinson, Middletown, Virginia;
Mrs. Sue Winters Richwine, Washington, D. C.;
Mrs. Lydia Sensenig Kauffroth, Gap, Pa.;
Mrs. Ethel Senseney Gutridge, Cheverly, Maryland;
Edna Sensenich, Philadelphia, Pa.;
Rev. Daniel S. Sensenig, New Holland, Pa.;
Mrs. Mary Sensenig Becker, Lititz, Pa.;
Mrs. Martha Sensenig Reber, Sinking Springs, Pa.;
Amos Sensenig, East Earl, Pa.;
Sensenich Brothers, Lititz, Pa.;
Mrs. Magdalena Sensenig Hess, Ephrata, Pa.;
Jeannette Senseney, Chambersburg, Pa.;
Cora Horst, Shippensburg, Pa.;
Miss Nelle Senseney, Huntington, W. Va.;
John R. Senseney, Alexandria, Louisiana;
Ella Beard Cannon, York County Historical Society.
We also made use of other family lineage records.
As to abbreviations:
b. stands for born; d. for died; m. for married; b. 7-6-1884 means
born July 6, 1884. John Sensenig, b. 5-8-1875; d. 8-12-1942; m. Mary
Good, b. 6-3-1876; d. 7-10-1938—all this means that John Sensenig was born
May 8, 1875; died August 12, 1942; married Mary Good, who was born
June 3, 1876, and died July 10, 1938. Mtgy. stands for R. Eugene (Sensenig)
Montgomery; C— stands for Caroline Coldren of the Lancaster County
Historical Society. B.S. stands for the compiler of this record; J. stands
for Jeannette Senseny of Chambersburg, Pa.; (*) stands for no issue.
As to designation:
a, b, c, d, etc., designate the members of a family from the oldest to
the youngest (generally).
If (a)bcf stands for the head of a family, then by dropping the f, you
will have (a) be representing his father, found a page or so earlier. Drop
the c and you have (a)b, representing the grandfather, and (a) will repre¬
sent the great grandfather. In general, by dropping the end letter, you go
back a generation.
Our method of dealing with this matter of lineage is altogether
original, and is an attempt to do away with the system of numbers generally
employed in setting forth the subject, as we find in other books. We think
there is an advantage in using letters to designate persons. Suppose Christian
Senseny has four sons—a., b., c. and d., then in the preceding paragraph,
(a) bcf would represent the fourth generation in the line of the first son.
(b) bcf would designate the fourth generation in the line of the 2nd son,
etc. It will all be plain after you see the system in operation in the treat¬
ment of the Christian Senseny-Margaret Muller branch of the family —the
Senseny branch. B.S.
(In order to enable us to sell this book at two dollars, the following
have each contributed twenty-five dollars to the Book Fund.)
Anna Sensenig, Philadelphia, Pa. 25.00
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Martin, Altadena, California. 25.00
Sensenich Brothers, Lititz, Pa. 25.00
Chester G. Sensenich, Irwin, Pa. 25.00
John R. Senseney, Alexandria, Louisiana . 25.00
George Eyster Senseney, Ipswich, Massachusetts. 25.00
Dr. Roscoe Lloyd Sensenich, South Bend, Indiana. 25.00
M ANY readers of this introduction are familiar with the history of
Europe during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. Bigotry and
intolerance were rampant. The Catholic Church has never been
a democratic institution as to doctrine. Its keynote during these centuries
was Believe as we tell you or be damned. The Council of Toulouse forbade
the reading of the Scriptures by laymen, and adopted severe measures against
heresy. In Germany and Switzerland, at this time, only the Catholic,
Lutheran, and Reformed churches were tolerated by law. The adherents
of the “sects,” as they were called, were persecuted, and among these were the
Mennonites. Yes, the Reformers were persecutors, along with the Catholics.
To be free of Rome did not make them free of intolerance. It was John
Calvin who was responsible for the burning of Michael Servetus at the
stake, October 27, 1553. Those who believed that there were “infants in
hell a span long,” believed in a cruel God, and they felt they were support¬
ing divinity when they persecuted.
Dr. Roscoe Lloyd Sensenich, while searching for information relative
to our family, contacted an Austrian army officer, Rudolph Sintzenich, who
stated that in the 16th century the Protestant branch of our family was
forced to flee to Switzerland to avoid persecution, while the Catholic branch,
of which he was a member, remained in Austria. Later, intolerance swept
them out of Switzerland, also; and upon invitation of William Penn, they
settled in Pennsylvania.
The question which immediately presents itself is, Why were the Men¬
nonites persecuted? The main reason is that they didn’t believe in infant
baptism. They thought the good God would not punish children who had
not yet come to years of understanding; that children are sinless; that
baptism should not be administered until people had reached years of
accountability, and of their own volition desired to be baptized. For this
reason, and for lesser reasons, they absented themselves from established
churches. The Swiss persecution of the Mennonites stands out as a blot
on the Protestant Reformation. Both Dutch and German Reformers were
horrified that Swiss Protestants persecuted Mennonites. It was truly an age
of intolerance.
The Edict of Nantes, in force from April 30, 1598, till October 20,
1685, allowed Protestants the free exercise of their religion in France, and
threw open to them all the offices of the state. When the edict was revoked,
about 500,000 Protestants fled to the Netherlands and to England and other
Protestant countries. These countries gained what France lost, as the best artisans were numbered among these Huguenots. Many of these were Mennonites, who rose to distinction. Mosheim said of them, at a little later
period, “It is certain that the Mennonites in Holland at this day are, in their
tables, their equipages, and their country seats, the most luxuriant of the
Dutch nation. This is especially true of the Mennonites of Amsterdam.”
We see that the nonconformist religious groups gravitated from one
country to another to escape religious persecution, and among these were
the Sensenigs, with the variations in spelling the name. They are found
in Jugo-Slavia, Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark,
Germany, and England. So far as we have been able to find out, all the
old Sensenig Bibles were printed in German. We have not heard of one
printed in French, and we may safely conclude that the “Sensineys” were
of Germanic stock, though living in other countries than Germany. Those
in France would adopt a spelling to conform to French pronunciation,
Senseney. Those in Germany would spell the name Sensenich or Sentzenich,
the pronunciation of both ways being the same; and those of Holland,
Belgium, Switzerland, and Denmark would use the ending nig or neg, which
in German would have the same pronunciation as ich. Thus, the German
word ewig (everlasting) is pronounced evich. The word seiigkeit (hap¬
piness) is pronounced like selichkeit. So, the use of ig and ich is a matter
of choice, but ig is shorter and has come into more common use.
One of our family group travelling in Belgium found a nice house
named Chateau Senseneg. From another member of the family we learn
of a family in France, near Lyons, which spelled the name Senseney. We
may not conclude that the Protestants who fled from France were French.
People had gone there because of religious freedom and left again when
the Edict of Nantes was repealed. If Zimmermans who had been living
in Germany for centuries move to England and take the name Carpenter ,
which means the same, and twenty years later move to the United States with
the name Carpenter, are these people English or German? The fact is that
early Sensenig wills were written in German. Dr. Peter Senseney named his
house Germany , and he had a German Bible. Michael Sensenig married
Magdalena Wenger, and we know that both Sensenigs and Wengers were in
Austria 500 years ago. The Sensenigs, under the name Sintzenich, were at
Ulm on the Danube in Austria in 1505. The record of the name is found on
page 17, book 5, of Erklarung des Wappans, in Vienna. This subject
embraces the explanations of coats of arms. There was a Sintzenich coat
of arms, of which we shall speak in the Appendix.
To revert to the spelling of the name, Faust and Brumbaugh wrote two
volumes containing lists of Swiss Emigrants in the 18th Century to the
American Colonies, and in the 2nd volume incidentally mention the fact that
Margareth Muller was married to Christian Sinzenig. In Patent Book A,
Volume XIII, we find the farm patented to Jacob Sensiney. In signing a
release of a part of the land, the three sons of Jacob signed: John Sinsinigh,
Peter Sensenig, and Michael Sentzenig. Take notice that the ending in each
case has the effect of nig. These three sons, each in his own way, tried to
give English expression to the name. The brothers didn’t always write the
name in the same way. Michael, at different times, signed Sinsinig, Sen-
senich, Sensenigh, Sinsenig , and on his tombstone we read Sensnig. When
Michael signed Sinsenig , his wife, Magdalena, made it Sensenich; and one
of her sons, Christian, adopted that way of spelling the name. But now a
majority of the “Sensineys” spell it Sensenig. Rupp, in his History of
Lancaster County, written over a hundred years ago, spoke of the Sensineys,
and that is in line with the popular pronunciation.
The early Sensenigs were Mennonites, and were opposed to taking part
in civil government, and you look in vain for the name Sensenig on the
civil list. But to my surprise, I found them taking part in military training
after the Revolutionary War, between 1783 and 1790. We find Sensenig
names on the militia rolls of Lancaster County. They may have served under
pressure. Be that as it may, the record appears, as follows:
Christian Senseney was a part of Captain Werntz’s Company, 8th
Battalion of Lancaster County Militia in 1784. Isaac Senseney served in
John Armor’s Company in 1786. Abraham Sensenich served in William
Skiles’ Company. Peter Senseney was to have been in the York Co. Militia,
but he wouldn’t serve and was heavily fined. Jacob Sensnick served in
Captain Henry’s Company in 1786. Since Mennonites are opposed to war,
one wonders how it came about that these men took military training.
Perhaps, they chose the lesser of two evils, as we are doing today. In the
Kellog Pact we set ourselves against war as a means of settling world
disputes, but today we are arming to the hilt in the greatest war of all times.
Does this seem unreasonable? Let’s look into this matter:
If the sheep in a certain field stand for peace and righteousness and
are animated by high Christian motives, and the wolves in the adjacent field
believe in the god of force and deride the lofty sentiment of the sheep, what
will happen to the sheep? Can we afford to let it happen? No! We must
fight that righteousness may not perish from the face of the earth. We
must fight to maintain the gains that have been made through Christian
teaching. War is dreadful, but honor demands that we stand for the right
even unto death. Jesus died for the truth. All the world knew that America
stood for peace, and for the rights of weaker nations; but while we were
preparing for peace others prepared for war; and shall we now let these
bandit nations get away with the loot of the world? We must fight that
righteousness may have a chance to make headway in the world. As the
son of a Mennonite, that represents my view. After all, peace is only one
word in the Christian catalogue of words. I have great respect for the man
who is willing to die for what he thinks is right. To die for a good cause
is unselfish; to live in peace, and wear away one’s life trying to make
money, is selfish. Peace in the ultimate is what we are all striving for, but
before it can be achieved, I think great battles will have to be fought. Those
who spurn the Christian philosophy of life will have to be beaten into
submission. America stands for peace but not at any price.
As to taking part in civil life, the Mennonites in Europe shrank from
taking part in government, and there was reason for this. The governing
authority persecuted them. But in this democratic country, where govern¬
ment is as good as the people make it, what religious scruples can anybody
have against taking part in government? Those who are anxious that
righteousness should prevail in government should by all means register
their convictions. My father was a Mennonite and took active part in
elections. David M. Sensenig constantly strove for righteousness in politics,
and voted at every election as a Christian duty.
The sects have made large contribution to the cause of freedom of
thought, but now that there are so many sects, representing all phases of
religious thought, the challenge to these sects is to cooperate for the good
of all. Instead of tearing apart, let’s get together and work for the common
good. Already, the various Methodist groups have consolidated into one
body, and now there is an effort in progress to unite Methodists, Presby¬
terians, and Episcopalians into one body. We all think about the same as
to essentials of Christian belief, and why should the unessentials keep us
apart? After all, people can think differently and belong to the same church.
I like the spirit of the Sensenichs who helped to start the Evangelical church
at Bridgeville, though they were Mennonites.
Every Sensenig will be interested as to the time when the first Sensenigs
came to this country. Between 1726 and 1776, thirty thousand immigrants
came to Pennsylvania. You will not find the Sensenigs among these. They
had come earlier. Jacob Sensenig married Maria Krey in this country and
their oldest child Michael was born in 1723. Margareth Muller came here
in 1714-15 and married Christian Sensenig, Jacob’s brother. We have good
reason to think that they were married before 1720. They were both from
Switzerland and probably knew each other before they came here; both
fleeing from persecution. The Society of Friends in their yearly meeting
in London in 1709 voted fifty pounds to help poor Mennonites to make the
big journey across the Atlantic. In 1711 and 1717 larger numbers came,
and we think the Sensenigs were among these. For a while, they lived in
the vicinity of Germantown, and from there made prospector’s journeys into
Lancaster County (before it was a separate County), where Jacob and brother
Christian chose land a short distance apart in what was later Earl Township.
Poor Mennonites also managed to get to Pennsylvania. They would
work for several years for their more fortunate brothers to pay for their
ship-passage. The Mennonite church also contributed money to this end.
We have a record of Jacob Sensenig, contributing sixty dollars to help pay
for the ship-passage of Christian Eshelman and family of six children. Let
us also remember that the passage of the Atlantic in those days was a
gruelling experience. Only rugged people could stand the voyage. It is
estimated that as many as two thousand people died in one year in the trips
over the Atlantic. The voyage was long and tedious, and impure water
and filthy living conditions were factors in turning ships into hospitals;
and Philadelphia, the port of destination, became the medical center of
America, a distinction which it still holds. All honor to the pioneers who
braved the voyage across the Atlantic and the privations of the wilderness.
In looking over the record, the reader will find the farm group
exceeding in number all the rest of the big “Sensiney” family. Like Phillips
Brooks, we can pride ourselves in having forty generations of farmers at
our back. It is a great advantage to have been born on a farm and to have
grown to manhood on it. The diversity of farm life leads to the acquisition
of many skills. A well-conducted farm is a big school. Boys and girls
from the farms are as a rule very practical, and are not afraid to face
the issues of life; and they are not too lazy to put forth the effort to achieve
success. When a farm boy goes in for the higher education, he generally
achieves success, because he learns to give expression to a well-rounded
experience which has already been acquired on the farm. The case of
David M. Sensenig demonstrates what a farm boy can do in the educational
I was born on a farm and lived on it for eight years, when my father
moved into the village of Goodville. In my early teens, my father felt
that it would be to my advantage to spend a summer on a farm to learn
to do a day’s work. I consider the summer on the farm as rich in expe¬
rience, and my sympathy to this day is with the working classes. The high-
hat crowd which are afraid to put their hands to the plow, are at a discount
in my thinking. The farm group has the largest families, because the farm
is the best place to raise a large family.
Finally, the stress of this book is on character, rather than on wealth
and public glamor. The dominant strain of the family is sympathetic. The
first Jacob showed this strain when he helped to bring over Eshelman and
his family in 1770. His brother Christian is spoken of by Hans Huber
in his will as “his good and trusty friend Christian Sensenny.” I have found
this sympathetic strain in all branches of the family. The fact that the
family has furnished more than twenty doctors is further confirmation of the
sympathetic strain. Another characteristic strain is friendliness. The
“Sensineys” are friendly and cheerful, but they will not let arrogant people
walk over them. May we all measure up to the high standards which have
been set by the best representatives of our family.
T HE “Sensineys” who have sprung from the union of Christian Senseny
and Margareth Muller spell the name Senseny, excepting those
descended through John Senseney.
In Land Warrant Book, Index No. 77, 150 acres of land are set down
in the name of Christian Sensiney. This tract was surveyed January 27,
1734. It was returned April 22, 1747, as 216 acres. Reference: Patent
Book A-9-266; Survey Book C-182-179.
In the Patent Book, his name is Senzenich. In the Survey Book, it is
Christian Senzeney, alias, Christian Sansanick.
His land joined that of Jacob Milin, Christian Martin, and Dr. Lewis,
and land not yet taken.
In A-9-266, the stipulation for payments is: “On the 1st of March, each
year, he must pay to the Penn heirs a half-penny Sterling per acre.”
Christian was naturalized September 25, 1747 (Pennsylvania Archives,
2nd volume of the 2nd series, page 374).
A photostat of his will is on file with the Lancaster County Historical
Society. He lived near New Holland; made his will May 12, 1753, and
died June 1753. C—
In his will, he names his. wife Margaret, and his sons—Jacob, Michael,
John, and Christian. In the body of the will he gives each of his sons a
farm, and provides that Margaret shall continue to dwell in her house as
long as she lives.
Margaret and Jacob were the executors of his estate. Both Jacob and
John were doctors.
When Hans Hoober ordained Christian Sensenny as an executor of his
will, he alluded to him as “My well beloved and trusty friend.” That state¬
ment helps us to estimate Christian as a man.
We shall name this branch of the family The Senseny Branch, and the
reader will find the name spelled that way throughout this chapter, excepting
the offspring of Dr. John Senseney.
Christian Senseny married Margaret Muller, who came to this country
from Switzerland in 1714-15. He and his brother Jacob acted in consort.
They acted and planned together. In the Land Warrant Book, Jacob’s
number is 76 and Christian’s 77. The children born to this union are: (2nd
a. Dr. John Senseny, d. 1800;
b. Dr. Jacob Senseny, d. 1769;
c. Christian Senseny, d. 1761;
d. Michael Senseny, d. 1773.
(a) John Senseny was “a practitioner of Physic” who resided in Leacock
Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. He married Mary -. He
purchased several farms, which were willed or given to his sons. These
farms were located in Maryland, to which State John had moved after
1782. The farm on which he lived and on which is the family grave¬
yard, is now in possession of Ernest Senseny. Dr. John has only a
sandstone as a memorial. The children to this union: (3rd Gen.)
a. Isaac Senseny, (1766-1804);
b. Jacob Senseny, d. 1829;
c. John E. Senseny (willed a farm by his father, located on Pipe
d. Abraham Senseny, d. 1811 (unmarried). The father willed him
a farm and his doctor’s instruments.
e. Christian Senseny (1776-1836);
f. Margaret;
g. Mary.
(b) Dr. Jacob Senseny, d. 1769, married Barbara Musselman. They lived
in Warwick Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. We found out that this man was
a doctor through an inventory, as follows:
Jacob Senseny of Warwick, Doctor of Physick,
Late Deceased:
June 30, 1769
July, 1, 1769 (Exhibited) Signed,
Barbara Senciney
Henry Carpenter C—
Christian Bamberger
Jacob and Barbara owned a 100-acre farm. Their children: (3d
a. John Senseny, (9-23-1758; d. 3-30-1819.);
b. Abraham, b. 6-19-1761; d. 2-23-1844;
c. Joshua, d. 1826;
d. Sarah.
(c) Christian, d. 1761, m. Ursula Shoneur. After his death his widow
married his Cousin, Peter Senseney, who lived on the farm his father
willed him in Earl Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. Peter was the guardian
of Christian’s two minor daughters until he left Lancaster County.
Then John, d. 1800, became the guardian of Mary and Barbara (3d
Gen.). Mtgy.
(d) Michael Senseny, d. 1773, married Freena Veronica. They lived on
the 125-acre farm his father had bought for him from Paul and Anna
Teterhaar, in Warwick Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. He died intestate and
his widow married Christian Eby (lower). Their children: (3d Gen.)
a. Barbara Senseny, b. 1-30-1750; d. 4-24-1787; m. George Eby.
She is buried in the Eby family plot not far from Hammer Creek
b. Esther Senseny, b. 1-30-1754; d. 1824; m. John Huber (1750-
1811). They are buried in the cemetery of Salem U. B. Church,
Franklin Co., Pa.
c. Christian, b. 1767, living in Warwick Twp. in 1790; m. Barbara
Brubaker, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Baer Brubaker. They
were married in Trinity Lutheran Church, Lancaster, Pa., June
17, 1788.
d. Anna Senseny (over 14 years of age in 1773). Dr. John Senseny
was her guardian.
e. Mary;
f. Susanna;
g. Maria (John Shantz was her guardian). C— and Mtgy.
The Fourth Generation:
(a)a. Isaac Senseny, b. 1766; d. 1804; m. Mary-. They resided
in Salisbury Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. He was willed a farm of 115
acres by his father (Will is on record in Frederick Co., Md.).
Children: (4th Gen.)
John, Isaac, Elizabeth, Mary, Catherine. We know nothing more
about this group.
(a)b. Jacob, d. 1829, married Anna Baer. He was willed a 120-acre farm.
This will is also on record in Frederick County, Md. Children: (4th
a. Jacob, b. 1791;
b. Elizabeth, b. 5-9-1804; d. 10-17-1868;
c. Catherine;
d. Peter, b. 2-3-1789; d. 2-21-1855.
(a)e. Christian, b. 1776; d. 3-1-1836; m. Anna Appier, b. 1782; d. 3-5-1853,
daughter of Jacob Appier. He was willed 127 acres of land by his
father. Children: (4th Gen.)
a. Susanna;
b. Mary;
c. Kitty Ann;
d. Lydia Senseny, b. 4-11-1805; d. 10-20-1869 (buried in Church
of God Cemetery, Uniontown, Md.);
e. A. Hanson Senseny, b. 8-13-1812; d. 11-26-1844;
f. Washington Senseny, b. 5-26-1815; d. 12-18-1868;
g. Angeline Senseny, b. 9-28-1825; d. 12-18-1899;
h. William Senseny, d. 1852;
i. John W. Senseny, b. 1818; m. Sister of Mrs. Cleveland, accord¬
ing to Mrs. Joseph England;
j. Eleanor.
(b)a. John Senseny (1758-1819) married Margaret Zwalley Siehrest, b.
5-24-1748; d. 1-23-1819, widow of Solomon Siehrest, and daughter of
Christian Zwalley, a prominent man in his day. John owned property
in Warwick Twp., also, in the city of Lancaster, a residence on North
Queen Street. He also owned stock in the Phila. and Lane. Turnpike
Co., and was County Commissioner in 1795. At the time of his death
he was a tax-collector. He met his death when a bandit frightened
his horse, causing it to stumble and fall down the steep bank of
Cocalico Creek. Several days later his body was found several miles
down stream, and his wallet was missing. He and his wife were
buried on Zwalley farm until several years ago, when his remains
were interred in Jerusalem Evangelical churchyard, Rothsville, Pa.
There were no children born to this union.
(b)b. Dr. Abraham Senseny, son of Dr. Jacob Senseny, d. 1769, was born
in 1761 and died in 1844. He married Margaret Hoover, b. 11-5-1761;
d. 11-5-1851. She was the daughter of Frederick Hoover, a physician
living in Chambersburg, Pa. This Dr. Hoover served in the Revolu¬
tionary War, contracted a fever, and died in the Philadelphia Hospital.
Abraham and Margaret were married in Trinity Reformed Church
of York, Pa., September 30, 1783. Dr. Abraham moved from Lan¬
caster County in 1781.
Dr. Senseny was born in New Holland, Lancaster Co., Pa., and at an
early age went to York and began the study of his profession. He
remained in that town till 1781 and then made Chambersburg his
permanent home. He probably studied medicine under Dr. Peter in
York, as Peter resided there in 1781. Dr. Abraham practiced medi¬
cine in Chambersburg for 63 years.
One night as Dr. Abraham was sitting in his office, he was confronted
by two heavily armed bandits, who asked him to go with them to
attend a very sick woman. They promised that no harm would come
to him, but that he would have to allow himself to be blindfolded
after they left the town. His wife urged him not to go, but he said,
“If a very sick woman needs my services I must go.” He went with
them quite a long distance before they dismounted from their horses.
He was led into a cave to the sick woman, who gave birth to a baby
before the doctor left. They brought him back blindfolded to the
edge of tlie town, where they gave him a bag of gold, and told him
not to look around until he no longer heard their horses’ hoofs. These
men were English bandits who lived in a cave several miles from
Chambersburg. J.
The children born to this union: (4th Gen.)
a. Catherine, b. 1-25-1787; d. 8-13-1876;
b. Jeremiah, b. 8-14-1779; d. 8-6-1863;
c. John Senseny, married to Elizabeth Snyder;
d. Magdalene, married to Henry Reges;
e. Rebecca, b. 1796; d. 8-7-1875;
f. Eliza, 1789; d. 10-31-1882;
g. Mary (Polly) married John Hershberger, a graduate of West
Point, and a drillmaster there when General Grant attended the
Academy, and he drilled Grant; J.
h. Charlotte, b. 5-1-1802; d. 6-15-1863;
i. Jacob, b. 1864; d. 10-7-1885.
(b)c. Joshua, d. 1826, married Nancy -. He was a shoemaker,
who resided in Baltimore, Md. After the death of his brother John,
he moved to Lancaster. Issue: (4th Gen.)
Joshua, b. 8-18-1795, Anna, Susan, Jacob (d. 1833), and Polly.
(b)d. Sarah Senseny married Christian Zwalley, b. 5-3-1751; d. 1835, son
of Christian Zwalley. No Issue.
(d)a. Barbara Senseny, b. 1-30-1750; d. 4-24-1787; m. 9-17-1769; George
Eby, b. 12-11-1748; d. 6-10-1800, son of Christian and Elizabeth
(Mayer) Eby. Children: (4th Gen.)
a. Christian Eby, m. Catherine Schaff;
b. Samuel Eby, 5-8-1872; d. 2-10-1840; m. Magdalena Herb;
c. David Eby;
d. George Eby, b. 5-8-1776; d. 11-17-1858; m. Barbara Wenger;
e. Joseph Eby, m. Elizabeth Hershey;
f. Anna Eby, m. Frederick Boyer;
g. Esther Eby, m. Peter Risser;
h. Elizabeth Eby, m. – McKane;
i. Susanna Eby, m. Jacob Summa.
(d)b. Esther Senseny (1764-1824), m. 1-30-1774, John Huber, b. 3-25-1750;
d. 1811. He was the son of Martin Huber. The Hubers were originally
Mennonites; but soon after Bishop Newcomer preached in John
Huber’s house, the entire family united with the United Brethren
Church. The Hubers lived at Hockey Spring, Franklin Co., Pa.
Children: Mtgy.
Esther, Anna, John, David, Samuel, Benjamin, Abraham, Fanny,
and Sarah (Record in Huber-Hoover History, by Harry Huber).
(d)c. Christian Senseny, b. 1767, m. Barbara Brubaker. Issue: (4th Gen.)
a. Jesse, m. Eleanor-. His children: (5th Gen.)
a. Mary Ann (1805-1877);
b. Joshua;
c. Anna.
b. Anna Senseny, m. John Forney (d. 1867), inn-keeper in West
Earl Twp., Lan. Co., He sold no liquor; kept a rooming house.
Anna was 2nd wife; Barb. Baker, 1st.
c. Susan Senseny, m. Eli Goodrich, inn-keeper;
d. Jacob Senseny, m. June Evans, b. 4-16-1815; d. 10-25-1882.
They are buried in Green Mount Cemetery, Baltimore, Md.
Jacob was a miller in Harford Co., Md. They had one child,
Amanda (1829-1899). (5th Gen.)
e. Polly, m. Peter McLaughlin, a tailor, living in Baltimore. Issue:
John and Peter McLaughlin. (5th Gen.) Mtgy.
5th Generation:
(a)ba. Jacob Senseny, b. 1791, m. Elizabeth Krize, b. 10-26-1799, daughter
of Peter and Elizabeth (Troxell) Krise. Issue:
a. James Senseny;
b. Alice Senseny.
(a)bb. Elizabeth Senseny (1804-1868), m. 6-6-1823, Peter Chrest, b. 7-19-
1786; d. 3-3-1876; buried in Church of God Cem., Uniontown, Md.
Children: (5th Gen.)
a. Jerusha (1825-1888);
b. Jacob;
c. Daniel (died in Leadville, Col.)
(a)be. Catherine Senseny, m. Philip Bishop of Adams Co. Mtgy.
(a)bd. Peter Senseny (1789-1855), m» 6-6-1821, Keturah Stevenson, b.
1788; d. 6-11-1858. They are buried in St. Paul’s Evangelical
cemetery, Uniontown, Md. Issue: (5th Gen.)
a. Mary Senseny, b. 1824; d. 9-2-1879;
b. Sarah, b. 1823; m. Richard Parrish;
c. Charles, b. 1-25-1825; d. 1-6-1913;
d. John Q. Senseny, b. March, 1827; d. 6-16-1911.
(a)ee. Alexander Hanson Senseny (1812-1894) m. 5-9-1838, Lavinia Engler,
b. 1-8-1819; d. 9-3-1904. He was a minister in the German
Baptist Church for many years. Children:
a. Silas P. Senseny, b. 1854;
b. Mary L. Senseny, b. 11-15-1839; d. 8-22-1922;
c. Sarah E. Senseny, b. 7-31-1850; d. 6-7-1888;
d. Hannah A. Senseny, b. 12-7-1843; d. 11-12-1914;
e. Ezra Senseny, b. 3-14-1849; d. 2-22-1935;
f. Amos Senseny, b. 1846; d. 1847.
(a)ea. Susanna Senseny, m. Joseph Sweegart (moved to Ohio).
(a)eb. Mary Senseny, m. – Ebersole. Issue:
Kitty and Ann Ebersole.
(a) eg. Angeline Senseny (1825-1899), m. David Heltabile (1822-1899).
They are buried in Pipe Creek Dunkard Cem., Uniontown, Md.
(a) ef. Washington Senseny (1815-1868); m. 10-15-1838, Mary Ann Grimes,
b. 7-27-1815; d. 6-20-1875. They are buried in Church of God Cem.,
Uniontown, Md. Children: (5th Gen.)
a. Mary, b. 1-5-1846; d. 10-5-1925;
b. Lydia E. (1848-1900);
c. Louisa Adelaide, b. 11-27-1851; d. 10-5-1913;
d. Caroline R., b. 1854; d. 3-22-1940;
e. Margaret, b. 8-25-1843; d. 4-3-1885;
f. John E. Senseney, b. 10-25-1840; d. 9-22-1921. Mtgy.
(b) ba. Catherine Senseny (1787-1876), m. – Hysinger. Buried
in Cedar Grove Cem., Chambersburg, Pa.
(b)bb. Dr. Jeremiah Senseny (1789-1863), m. Catherine Hoover, daughter
of Abraham Hoover of Bridgeport. They are buried in Zion
Reformed Cemetery. Children: (5th Gen.)
a. Abraham Hoover Senseny (1811-1874);
b. Christian H. Senseny, b. 1814; d. 9-1-1874;
c. Martha Senseny, b. 7-26-1828; d. 12-16-1900;
d. Jeremiah H. Senseny (1821-1873);
e. Ferdinand Senseny (1822-1894).
(b)bc. John Senseny, m. Elizabeth Snyder, daughter of Peter and Hannah
Cook Snyder. Children: (5th Gen.)
a. Jeremiah S. Senseny, b. 10-2-1821; d. 11-17-1873;
b. Abraham S.;
c. Ferdinand, b. 5-20-1823; d. 2-18-1894; m. Jane Carson;
d. Margaret Senseny, m. Henry Sierer.
(b)bd. Magdalene Senseny, m. Henry Reges, a captain in Jeremiah Snyder’s
Regiment of Penna. Volunteers in the War of 1812. They guarded
the harbor of Baltimore when the Star Spangled Banner was being
written on board of a ship. J.
(b)be. Rebecca Senseny (1796-1885), m. Nov. 23, 1813, Henry Ruby, b.
4-8-1804; d. 3-5-1891, son of Caspar and Sarah (Piesel) Ruby.
They are buried in Cedar Grove Cemetery. He came to Chambers*
burg in 1814, and entered the printing office of his uncle, F. W.
Schophfin, the publisher of a German language newspaper. After
the death of the uncle he became owner, and conducted the shop
for four years. In 1831, he began the publication of the Franklin
Telegraph, out of which grew the Valley Spirit. Later he was Supt.
of the German Reformed Messenger establishment until 1839. He
was appointed register and recorder of Franklin County by Governor
Porter, and elected to the same office at the first election under the
new Constitution. In 1847 he was elected Associate Judge. In 1853,
he was postmaster at Orrstown. In 1856 he moved to Shippensburg,
and for twenty years was in the grain and forwarding business.
He was a member of the German Reformed Church, a democrat,
and a Mason. Mtgy.
(b)bf. Eliza Senseny (1789-1882), m. John Strealy (1794-1857), son of
John and Margaret (Snyder) Strealy, a schoolteacher and later a
book printer. Children: (5th Gen.)
a. John Strealy (1820-1898); m. Martha Sieman, and went to Ky.;
b. Catherine Strealy (1822-1875), m. Matthew P. Welsh;
c. Jacob Strealy (1825-1914), m. Kathrine Kerr;
d. Margaret Strealy (1832-1898) ;
e. Abraham Strealy, b. 1837; m. Annie Lewis. Lived in W. Va.
(b)bh. Charlotte Senseney, m. Henry Smith, b. 2-3-1805; d. 9-15-1855.
Sixth Generation:
(a)baa, James Senseny, m. 1848, Elizabeth Ann Luscaleet.
(a)bba. Jerusha Senseny, b. 11-30-1825; d. 1888; m. Ephraim Barner,
b. 11-8-1815; d. 4-18-1900. Children:
a. Jesse Barner, b. 1862;
b. Emma Barner, b. 1860;
c. Alva Barner, b. 1865.
(a)bbb. Jacob Senseny married, and had a daughter who married William
(a)bda. Mary Senseny (1824-1879), m. Richard Pfoutz (1825-1884).
Issue: (6th Gen.)
a. Samuel Pfoutz, who married Louisa Senseny.
(a)bdb. Sarah Senseny, b. 1823, m. Richard Parrish, b. 5-10-1822; d.
12-2-1857. They are buried in Methodist Cemetery, Uniontown, Md.
a. Charles Parrish, b. 1856; d. 6-17-1940; m. Martha Shreiner,
d. 1920.
(1761-1844) (1811-1874)
(1842-1880) B – Music
b. Frances Parrish;
c. Virginia, b. 6-5-1854; d. 2-28-1940; m. John Senseny. Buried
in Mt. View Cemetery.
(a)bdc. Charles Senseny (1825-1913), m. 5-18-1847, Rachel Rebecca
Blackson (1826-1862); buried in St. Paul’s Evangel. Cem., Union-
town, Md. They had one child:
a. John H. Senseney—a brakeman on the B. & 0. R. R.
(a)efe. Margaret Senseny (1843-1885), m. Joseph Engler, b. 10-13-1885;
d. 11-13-1916, son of Nathan and Martha (Kinzer) Engler. Buried
in Beaver Dam Church Cemetery, of the United Brethren Church.
Issue: (6th Gen.)
a. John Lee Engler, b. 1863; d. 11-23-1942; m. Emma Brown.
Residence: 5100 Maple Park Ave., Baltimore, Md. They
have four daughters—Mrs. Frank Farver, Mrs. Frank Mills,
Mrs. Eleanor McCormick, and Miss Catherine Engler.
b. Carrie Engler, b. 12-24-1864; d. 9-3-1923;
c. Harry S. Engler, b. 9-11-1867; d. 12-8-1923; m. Nancy
Wallen. They live at Seattle, Washington.
d. Grace Engler, b. 1-27-1870; d. 6-18-1873;
e. Mary Engler, b. 10-8-1875; m. E. Joseph Engler, b. 1-12-1862.
(a) eff. John E. Senseney (1840-1921), m. Elizabeth Engler, daughter of
David and Louisa (Royer) Engler. They are buried in Pipe Creek
Cemetery. Issue:
a. Mary Louisa Senseny, b. 5-17-1865; d. 12-6-1938;
b. E. Ernest Senseney, b. 11-11-1869. Mtgy.
(b) ba. Abraham Hoover Senseny (1811-1874), m. Jane Kirby Davis. When
Dr. Abraham Hoover was a student at Jefferson Medical College,
his professor of Obstetrics said, “Abraham has the eye of a hawk,
the heart of a lion, and the hand of a woman.” He said to
Abraham, “My boy, stay here—you will make your mark in Ob¬
stetrics.” He was a great friend of Dr. McClellan, whose father
studied with Dr. Benjamin Rush of Revolutionary fame, and whose
son was General McClellan. Abraham didn’t stay at college, but
he raised three sons to graduate from it; and in all, the Sensenys
furnished doctors for Chambersburg for over a hundred years.
When Abraham Hoover Senseny died, all the stores of Chambersburg
closed from 9 to 12, during the time of the funeral. Thousands
passed by his coffin. His wife, Jane Kirby Davis, was a lovely and
devoted wife and mother. She was a descendant of the Davis family
of Bucks County, who were prominent at the time when the Revolu¬
tionary forces encamped at Valley Forge, and who were loyal and
helpful to Washington. The Kirbys were noted teachers and scholars.
Issue: (6th Gen.) J.
a. William Davis Senseny, M.D.;
b. Alexander Hamilton Senseny, died of heart disease;*
c. Benjamin Rush Senseny, M.D.;
d. Edgar Nevin Senseny, M.D.; m. Fanny Gehr—no issue;*
e. George McClellan Senseny (1861-1862);*
f. ^Catherine Senseny, b. 11-25-1846; d. 3-29-1921; m. Wm.
g. Alice Denny Senseny, b. 9-29-1851; still living at age 91*;
m. 5-11-1882, John D. Grier, d. 8-10-1888; 2nd marriage,
11-18-1894, Albert L. Gardner, of Baltimore;
h. Jeannette Senseny (died at age of six).*
(a)bdd. John Q. Senseney (1827-1911), m. Marion Howard, 2-19-1860;
b. 4-25-1835; d. 12-1-1899. Residence: Linwood, Md. Buried in
Mt. View Cem., Uniontown, Md. Issue: (6th Gen.)
a. George Senseney, b. 12-11-1860; d. 4-14-1912;
b. Mary;
c. John, died 1938;
d. Clara, m. Harvey Stokes. Res.: Winona Lake, Ind.;
e. Rose, m. Andrew Hamilton. Res.: Baltimore;
f. Edgar, b. 2-10-1875; d. 11-11-1917;
g. Bessie;
h. Martha;
i. Ethel, b. 1879, m. Charles Hitshaw 3-27-1899.
(a)eea. Silas D. Senseney, b. 1854, m. 10-21-1881, Annie E. Repp (1854-
1935). He is president of the Union Bridge Banking and Trust Co.
Res.: Union Bridge, Route 1. Issue:
a. A. Marie Senseny.
(a)eeb. Mary Lavinia Senseney, b. 1839; d. 1922; m. 11-30-1861, John D.
Roop, b. 2-7-1838; d. 8-21-1929. He was an elder in the German
Baptist Church. Buried in Brethren Cem.
(a)eec. Sarah Elizabeth Senseney (1850-1888), m. Isaac Repp, b. 10-19-1849;
d. 12-12-1899. Issue: (6th Cen.)
a. Ada Louvina Repp (1878-1882);
b. Edna Repp, b. 1884, m. Edgar Graham.
(a)eed. Hannah Senseney (1843-1914), m. Elhanan Dohever, b. 12-9-1850;
d. 1-7-1892, son of Joshua and Sarah (Parkman) Dohever. Issue:
a. Clara, d. 3-9-1930; m. Cleveland Garber.
(a)eee. Ezra Senseney (1849-1935), m. 11-27-1874, Clara E. Welty, b.
6-12-1851; d. -. Buried in Pipe Creek Cem. Ezra was a
minister in the Church of the Brethren. Issue:
a. Eva Senseny;
b. Bertha Senseny, d. 2-26-1878;
c. Daughter, d. 1875;
d. Marshall Senseney;
e. S. Raymond Senseny, b. Sept. 1880; d. March, 1918;
f. Earl Senseny.
(a)efb. Lydia Ella Senseney (1848-1900), m. 5-20-1872, John N. Weaver
(1841-1925). Buried in Mt. View Cem., Union Bridge, Md.
(a) efd. Caroline R. Senseney (1854-1940), m. William Messier (1859-1933).
Buried in Church of God Cem., Uniontown, Md. Issue:
a. Addie Messier, m. Seward Engler;
b. John S. Messier, resides in York, Pa.
(b) bbb. Christian Hoover Senseny (1814-1874), died in the Civil War.
He was married to Margaret Peyton of Virginia. Issue:
Lula, Lela, and Harry (all dec’d).
(b)bbd. Jeremiah Senseny (1821-1873), married Elizabeth Logan, b. 3-28-
1825; d. 8-25-1905. She came from an English family. Children:
(6th Gen.) J.
a. Mary Catherine Senseny, b. 1849; d. Dec. 17, 1936;
b. Anna Rebecca Senseny (1850-1893);
c. Sarah C. Senseny (1854-1927);
d. James Logan Senseny (1856-1922), m. Emma C. Eckel (1857-
e. Jennie May Senseny (1866- ), the last surviving member
of this family, and blind—a very lovable person.
(b)bbe. Ferdinand Senseny, b. 5-20-1823; d. 2-18-1894; m. Mary Jane
Carson, b. 10-10-1827; d. 2-20-1889. They lived in Loudon and
are buried in Fort Loudon Cemetery. Issue:
a. Ellen Marion Senseny, b. 10-30-1850; d. 10-14-1928 (Single) ;
b. William Carson Senseny, b. 7-8-1852; d. 6-4-1919; m. Mary
Elizabeth Long, b. 7-6-1866; d. 4-7-1929. Issue:
a. Edna Mary Senseny, b. 12-30-1887; m. John A. McClellan,
and they have one child—Mary Edna McClellan, b.
b. Helen Catherine Senseny, b. 11-17-1888;
c. Ray William Senseny, b. 1-9-1894; m. Olive I. Kuhn.
No issue.
d. Ruth Carson Senseny, b. 4-6-1898;
c. Jane Catherine Senseny, b. 9-9-1857; d. 11-1-1933 (single);
d. George McClellan Senseny, b. 10-8-1861; d. 9-14-1862.
Seventh Generation:
(a)bcda. John H. Senseney married Virginia Parrish, b. 6-5-1854; d. 2-28-
1914, daughter of Richard and Mary Ann (Senseny) Parrish.
Buried in Mt. View Cemetery, Union Bridge, Md. Children: (7th
a. William Clinton Senseny, b. 1874; d. 11-16-1937;
b. Deihle Senseny;
c. Dayton Senseny.
(a)eeea. Eva Senseney, m. Herman Schnader, b. 1875; d. 4-15-1938. Issue:
Thelma Schnader.
(a)eeed. Marshall Senseney, m. 1-12-1893, Effie R. Repp. Issue: Catherine
(a)eeef. Earl Senseney, m. Louise Beecham, residence: Westminster, Md.
a. Thomas;
b. Patricia;
c. Frederick.
(a) effa. Mary Louisa Senseney (1865-1938), m. Samuel Pfoutz. Issue: a
daughter, who married John D. Roop, Jr. Issue: Louise, Roger,
Carroll, and Elizabeth Roop. (7th Gen.)
(b) bbaa. William Davis Senseny, M.D., graduated from Jefferson College
in 1861, came home with his diploma, and an appointment as
surgeon in the army, but died in May, 1861, as the result of over¬
work while at college. J.
(b)bbac. Benjamin Rush Senseny, M.D., m. Rosalie Johnson Murdoch of
St. Louis, a woman greatly beloved by the whole town. She was
the first President of the Literary Club, which established the
Library. There was only one child born to this union:
a. Jeannette Senseny.
Dr. Benjamin Rush Senseny was internationally famous, as appears
in the following article:
The Sensenys of Chambersburg, Pa., practiced medicine for about
a hundred years, and Dr. Benjamin Rush Senseny, born December
12, 1842, was a member of the fifth generation of Sensenys to
practice medicine. He was educated in the Chambersburg schools
and academy, and at the age of twenty years presented himself
before a board of United States army surgeons in Philadelphia,
passed a creditable examination, and was commissioned a cadet
surgeon in the United States army. This commission has been
preserved and bears the signature of Edwin M. Stanton, secretary
of war, and is dated February 26, 1863.
Dr. Senseny was at once placed in Cherry Hill Hospital, Phila¬
delphia, but was soon transferred to Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis,
Missouri. While there he studied medicine in Pope Medical
College, and in 1864 was granted the M.D. degree. Smallpox
was prevalent in that section, and the doctor gained wide expe¬
rience in treating the disease. In 1866, he returned to Chambersburg and entered practice with his father.
Dr. Benjamin Rush Senseny was disabled in childhood, and never
enjoyed robust health. With the hope of recovering failing health,
he went to a mining camp in White Pine Valley in western Nevada.
During the winter of 1868-69, smallpox spread in the camp, and
Dr. Senseny was the only doctor within 200 miles, and he was
compelled to treat the epidemic as best he could, under threats
of guns and pistols. Later, in writing of this experience, he said,
“No pen can adequately describe the horrors that confronted me
during my sojourn in that plague-stricken charnel house of the
White Pine Mountains of Nevada.”
With his health renewed, Dr. Senseny returned to Chambersburg
in 1874, and established the Pennsylvania Vaccine Farm in Hamil¬
ton Twp., on a farm owned by his father, and named Goshen.
Here, healthy young heifers from four to six months old were
leased from farmers for a period of four weeks. The Gernsey
stock was preferred because of having a thinner skin. At times,
the farm had as many as a hundred calves under treatment, and
in the course of six years more than a thousand heifers were used
to produce the animal vaccine.
Dr. Senseny had ready sale for large quantities of this animal
virus, and over a wide range of country; and a general agency
for its distribution was established in Philadelphia. This virus
was shipped as far as the Sandwich Islands, Japan, China, Africa,
New Zealand, and Canada. The United States government was
a heavy purchaser, for use in the army and navy and marine corps.
In a California epidemic, 40,000 persons were vaccinated in a
short time by virus made by Dr. Senseny in Chambersburg. The
Governor of Mississippi expressed thanks to Dr. Senseny for
promptly supplying virus to head off a great epidemic in his state.
Today, a case of smallpox is rarely seen, and yet, less than a
century ago, one was expected to have at least a touch of small¬
pox, just as now, one expects children to get the measles.
“The small insignificant operation of vaccination with animal
virus, now so universally performed, has done more for the human
race than any other procedure recorded in the history of man¬
kind.” The city of Chambersburg is highly honored in having
had as a citizen Dr. Benjamin Rush Senseny, whose labors resulted
in preventing the dreaded epidemics of smallpox. Dr. Jenner
made the first successful experiment in vaccinating a boy with
virus obtained from a milkmaid’s hand infected with cow pox,
but milkmaids with infected hands were not at hand when small¬
pox epidemics broke out, and epidemics continued until Dr.
Senseny produced virus on a large scale. All honor to Dr.
The strain of this great work was too much for the delicate health
of Dr. Senseny, and his life ended March 28, 1880, not yet 37
years old. No other member of the “Sensiney” family is more
worthy of honor. (This article is based on a paper read before
a doctor’s meeting in Chambersburg.) B.S.
(b)bbad. In Dr. Edgar Nevin Senseny centered the last hope of a long line
of physicians. The news of his death came as a startling reality,
and everyone had a kind word to say of him, courtly and talented,
the very ideal of strength and beauty centered in him, the last
of a long line of physicians conspicuous in southern Pennsylvania.
He had graduated with high honors from Jefferson Medical College
in 1870. J.
(b)bbaf. Katherine Senseny, b. 1846; m. William McKnight, b. 2-19-1841,
at Washington, Pa.; d. 5-30-1899. They were married 12-19-1866
at Chambersburg, Pa. The children born to the union:
a. Joseph B. (1867-1941); m. Sarah Downs—one child, Marcus;
b. Alice (1869-1918);
c. Edgar S. (1872-1936); m. Mary Sipes, and they have four
children: Albert, Alice G., Arthur, and George.
d. William A. (1874-1877);
e. Elizabeth, b. 1879; d. -;
f. Arthur L. (1883-1901);
g. Marcus A. (1886-1887);
h. Mary Jane, b. 1889; m. Eric Kimmell Plough. Issue:
Katherine, Mary, Alice, Jeanne, Elizabeth, and William
Plough. The above McKnight family is of the 7th generation
and the Plough children are of the 8th generation.
(b)bbdd. James Logan Senseny was a splendid man, a devoted son and
brother. He was at the head of a church publishing house in Ohio.
(b)bbec. Helen Catherine Senseny, b. 6-17-1888 at Fort Loudon, Pa., m.
Rudolph Miller, b. 2-4-1876 in Basel on the Rhine in Switzerland.
He is a Tool and Die maker. Issue:
a. Edna Ruth Miller, Graduate Nurse, Providence Hospital,
Detroit, Michigan;
b. Dorothy Miller, Stenographer, Detroit Board of Education.
Edna Ruth married Robert Repp, and they have one son:
a. John Robert Repp, b. 9-2-1942.
The post-office address for this group is 14657 Cavell Street,
Detroit, Michigan.
(b)bbed. Ray William Senseny, b. 1-9-1894; m. 4-5T923, Olive I. Kuhn of
Greencastle, Pa., b. 9-13-1895. They live at 107 N. 6th Street,
Chambersburg, Pa. He is a clerk in the Transportation Depart¬
ment of the Letterkenny Ordnance Depot. No issue.
(b)bbee. Ruth Carson Senseny, married June 1928, Garland Voorhes Quick.
They live at 246 Roseville Ave., Newark, N. J.
Eighth Generation:
(a)bcdaa. William Clinton Senseney (1874-1937), m. Grace Crawmer.
Issue: (8th Gen.)
a. Virginia Senseney, married- Owings;
b. Maria Senseney, m. -;
c. Truman Senseney.
(a)bcdab. Deihle Senseney, m. 3-16-1899, Harry T. R. Hollenbach. Issue:
Fenton, Bray, and Carrie Hollenbach (d. 1907).
(a) bcdac. Dayton Senseney, m. Elizabeth -. Children:
Lillian, b. 1907; Edwina, d. 1906.
(b) bbaca. Jeannette Senseny, B.Music, the only daughter of Dr. Benjamin
Rush Senseny, taught music in Wilson College for twenty-seven
years, and has made an enviable record; not only in her chosen
field of work but as a very lovable person, who endeared herself to
all the students that came under her training. Jeannette is so very
modest that we could get her to say little about herself; but,
indirectly, we have found out that she endeared herself to many
people. Miss Florence Wilkinson, in writing from Middletown
with reference to the Virginia branch of the family says: “I
enjoyed so much to have Jeannette from Chambersburg with us
for a few days. She is delightful to know.” You always find
Jeannette helping someone who needs assistance. She is cer¬
tainly following in the footsteps of her father in trying to do a
lot of good in the world. Wouldn’t Christian and Margaret
Muller Senseny be glad to know that Jeannette belongs to their
line of the big “Sensiney” family? Well, we Sensenigs are
proud to call her cousin. B.S.
Jeannette has written a book—“Singing Made Easy,” which may
be obtained by writing to her at 127 North Main Street, Cham¬
bersburg, Pa. I think I shall buy one of those books, as I need
things made pretty easy along that line.
Jeannette has a book on medicine printed in 1578 in Germany,
a volume treating of rare medicinal herbs, now 364 years old,
bound in leather, with silver clasps. She holds on tight to that
W E HAVE been told many things that have come down by word of
mouth, and this we call tradition. Though tradition is not history,
it is generally based on fact. Tradition says that three brothers came
here from Switzerland, lived a while in the Germantown vicinity, and then
moved to Lancaster County, before it was a separate county, and took land
in what was later Earl Township. It is further asserted that Jacob and
Christian married and their brother John remained a bachelor. Now, let
us look at the record to see how much of this can be substantiated.
In the Land Warrant Book, in charge of the Secretary of Internal Affairs
at Harrisburg, we find that warrant No. 76 is to Jacob Sensiney and warrant
No. 77 is to Christian Sensiney, and that both warrants are dated January
27, 1734, showing that these two men worked together with the same purpose
in view. John later took land contiguous to Jacob’s tract, but relinquished
it to Michael Witwer (Witware), either because he made a profit by the
transaction, or because he couldn’t fulfill the stipulations of the agreement
into which he had entered. A third reason may have been that he was
moving to another part of the county. From this point forward we know
nothing more of John.
Foust and Brumbaugh in their two volumes on “Lists of Swiss Emi¬
grants in the 18th Century to the American Colonies,” speak of a property
settlement in Switzerland in which it is revealed that Margaret Muller came
here with her brothers in 1714 and married Christian Sinzenig. This is our
Christian, as later facts prove. It is also well proved that Jacob Sensiney
married Maria Krey while living in the Germantown area. The Kreys had
come here quite early, in the 17th century.
Though land was not surveyed for Jacob and Christian before 1734,
it must not be assumed that they had not already lived on the tracts they
had later surveyed for themselves. Johnny B. Sensenig, forty-six years ago,
told me that Jacob and his bride came to their future farm in 1722. Johnny
was then about 80 years of age and of clear mind, and he said he had often
heard his parents speak about the matter, and he showed me the place
where they alighted and where they built a shelter. All this twelve years
before the Penns surveyed the land for them.
When a boy in my teens, I was told by John S. Weaver, who was then
well on to eighty years of age, that people would come into Lancaster County
from the Germantown area to prospect for land, and when they had found
a tract that pleased them, with a good spring of water on it, they would
break the tops of the shrubbery and small trees about the spring and bend
them down, to show other prospectors that the land was being applied for.
That would prevent duplicate claims for the same tract. Then to assure
the tract to themselves, they would move on it, and have it surveyed later,
and enter into a gradual payment plan, and the farm would be patented
to them when the final payment was made. Thus we find that Jacob’s tract
was surveyed in 1734, but the 155% acres were not patented to him till
1747, Christian’s tract was also patented to him in 1747, and it had been
stipulated that on the 1st of March, each year, he was to pay the Penn
Heirs one-half penny sterling per acre; or for his farm of 216.95 acres,
he would pay about $2.17 in our money. That seems very little, but we
must remember that dollars bought more in those days than now. After
1747, these brothers paid no more money to the Penns.
All the “Sensineys” will want to know something about these early
Sensineys who had come here from Europe. Were they men of good
standing among the people? We find that there were two doctors in the
Christian Senseny family and also two in Jacob’s family. That speaks
strongly of their native ability. Would they help a friend in need? As to
Jacob, we have the following testimonial which has come to hand through
Fayette C. Eshelman, M.D., the historian for the Eshelman family, who has
in his possession the diary of Deacon Wenger, in which is found this
memorandum: “On November 18, 1770, I, Joseph Wenger, have handed
over to Nicholas Schantz money which I have borrowed from old Jacob
Sensenig, which shall be used to pay for the ship-passage of Christian
Eshelman, of the sum of twelve pounds.” In other words, Jacob Sensenig
put up $60 to help pay for the ship-passage of Christian Eshelman, his wife
and six children, October 29, 1770, on the Ship Sally. Dr. Eshelman says,
“No doubt, Jacob Sensenig made this loan out of the goodness of his heart
and for the Mennonite cause.”
One testimonial like that is sufficient to give us a line on the character
of Jacob Sensenig, from whom all the Lancaster County Sensenigs and
Sensenichs, and also the Virginia Senseneys, have sprung.
The picture shows a part of the original log house now used as a shed.
The house was very well built, and the slab of plaster work on the left end
of the house is about 220 years old and has not crumbled. The timber work
is also of the best. This, also, in an indirect way, bears witness of the
character of the first Jacob.
Jacob Sensenig married Maria Krey, daughter of John and Helena
Krey. The Kreys had come here in the latter part of the 17th century
After Helena died, John married Sytge Updegraff; and when John died,
she married Herbert Cassell. We do not know the date of marriage of
Jacob and Maria, but it must have been about 1722; as Michael, their
oldest child, was born in 1723. The children born to this union: (2nd Gen.)
a. Michael Sensenig (1723-1801);
b. Mary Sensenig, married in 1762 to Michael Witwer (2nd wife) ;
c. Gertraut Sensenig, m. David Martin;
d. Jacob Sensenig (1730-1814) ;
e. John Sensenig, Practitioner of Physic, located at Middletown, Pa.;
f. Peter Senseney, b. 1738; d. 9-7-1804.
Reckoning the first three brothers as the first generation, the above
named family of children represent the 2nd generation, and we shall now
list the third generation.
The Third Generation:
(a) Michael Sensenig, b. 1723, married the oldest daughter of Christian
Wenger, Magdalena Wenger, b. 8-26-1729. Both Wengers and Sensenigs
were in Austria 500 years ago. Some 300 Palatines came here on the
ship Molly in 1727, and among these was Christian Wenger; but he
may have been in Lancaster County as early as 1718, if he is the
Wenger spoken of by Rupp in his History of Lancaster County. Be
that as it may, the following is the well authenticated family of Christian
Wenger into whose family Michael Sensenig married:
Christian Wenger married to Eve Grabill, d. 1790, had this family:
a. Magdalena Wenger, b. 8-26-1729; m. Michael Sensenig;
b. Hans, b. 3-9-1731; m. Anna Shirk (0. C. Docket 1791, Cocalico
c. Christian, b. 3-23-1733;
d. Mary, b. 11-27-1734; m. Joseph Long (Long Bible Photostat in
the Lancaster County Historical Society);
e. Eve, b. 10-10-1736; m. Henry Weaver;
f. Barbara, b. 11-11-1739 (died before release was signed);
g. Michael, b. 8-1-1741; m. 1st, Mary Groff; 2nd,-Good;
3rd, Landis;
h. Elizabeth, b. 7-4-1745; m. Henry Sheibly (Biograph. Annual,
Lane. Co.);
i. Joseph, b. 8-8-1747; m. 1st, Barbara Hoover (1747-1792); 2nd,
Anna Hochman; C—
j. Abraham, b. 10-9-1749;
k. Henry, b. 10-25-1753; m. Anna Huber, b. 1755; d. in Virginia.
Since so many relationships crop out in the above record, we thought
Tombstone of Michael Sensenig Tombstone of Jacob Senseni
(1723-1801) (1730-1814)
Part of Original House
it worth while to include it in our record. In addition to the above
record, the signatures of Michael Sensenig and his wife Magdalena are
found in different recorded documents, and no other fact is better
established than that Magdalena was the wife of Michael Sensenig,
b. 1723. However, note the fact that Michael was six years older than
Magdalena, and might have been married before. And bearing on
this point, we have the following notice which appeared in the Pennsyl¬
vania German Magazine, Vol. 2, page 442 (printed at Lititz, Pa.) :
“Elizabeth Reiff was married to Michael Sensenig by Rev. A. J. Fretz,
Oak Ridge, Passaic Co., New Jersey.”
Michael’s sister, Mary, had three sons married to Reiff girls, and their
father may have had a sister Elizabeth, who would have been of
Michael’s age, and to whom he may have been married. The following
children were born to Michael and Magdalena:
a. Jacob Sensenig, b. 10-9-1751; d. 1803;*
b. Christian Sensenig, b. 3-12-1757; d. 1-12-1832;
c. Michael Sensenig, d. 1806;
d. John Sensenig, b. 10-12-1764; d. 10-18-1826;
e. Mary, m. Henry Buckwalter. She was his 2nd wife. By the 1st
wife Henry had three daughters—Magdalene, Mary, and Barbara.
(b) Mary Sensenig, married in 1762 Michael Witwer. Their family:
a. Jonas S. Witwer, b. 2-24-1763; m. Fanny Reiff;
b. David, b. 11-6-1765; m. Maria Reiff (1765-1845);
c. Barbara, b. May, 1764; m. Benjamin Weaver;
d. Daniel, b. 1767; m. in 1790 Anna Reiff (1770-1812);
e. Fanny, b. about 1770; m. – Geyer;
f. Anna, b. about 1772; m.-Gidinger;
g. Maria, b. 8-25-1773; m. Hans Eby.
Michael Witwer died not later than 1785, because his wife Mary was
then a widow, judging by the following record:
“Deed P-3-530, May 21, 1785,
Jacob Sensenig and his wife Barbara to Mary Witwer, widow, part
of larger tract which David Martin and Gertraut, John, and Mary
Witwer, and Peter released to Jacob Sentzenig and Barbara, May 21,
1785.” C
(c) Gertraut Sensenig married David Martin, a farmer of Manor Twp.,
died 1805, and they had this family:
Christian, Jacob, Elizabeth, Barbara, and Ann Martin.
Ann married Jacob Stoner, and we have no further information. Mtgy.
(d) Jacob Sensenig, b. 1730; d. 1814, to whom, the first Jacob deeded the
farm, was married to Barbara -. He was a public-spirited
citizen, as appears from the following:
The first public school in Pennsylvania was founded in New Holland,
Pa., in 1786, and Frank R. Diffenderfer, in writing the history of the
school gives a list of the subscribers to the school fund in terms of
money and services. Among the subscribers we find Jacob Sensenig,
who contributed a log and hauled it free of charge to the schoolhouse
which was building, though he lived several miles away.
Dr. Diffenderfer, as a boy went to this school, and dedicated this little
stanza in Pennsylvania dutch in appreciation:
“Do bin ich ganga in die Schul;
Wo ich nicht war gans kle;
Dort war dar Meschter in seim Stuhl;
Dort war sei Wip, and dort sei Ruhl;
Ich kans noch alles seh.”
When Jacob was 82 years old, he willed the plantation on which he
was living to Daniel, his son. This will is K-l-593, Earl Twp., June 15,
1812; and this will was signed by these children (we have included
a. Daniel, b. 8-12-1782; d. 7-28-1841; m. Eliza McQuate;
b. John (1784-1870); m. Esther Buckwalter;
c. Jacob (1778-1841) ; never married;*
d. Mary (1762-1840) m. John Shirk, son of Peter Shirk, d. 1870;
e. Anna, m. Andrew Summers, and they had these children: Jacob;
Nancy, who married Jacob Witmer; Barbara, who married John
Niekirk; Elizabeth, who married John Strite; Magdalena;
Catherine, who married Henry Harsh; John.
f. Elizabeth, m. John Weaver;
g. Esther, m. Joseph Resh (b. 1771), moved to Washington Co., Md.;
h. Sarah married Peter Shirk. She was his 2nd wife, and mother
of Joseph, the inventor, b. 1-30-1820; d. 8-19-1902. He was the
father of six sons and seven daughters. Among the sons were
Peter Shirk, machinist, Blue Ball, Pa., and Rev. Christian Shirk
of the Methodist Church.
i. Fronica, m. Isaac Witmer, her cousin, b. 12-14-1789; d. 4-30-1876.
Cousin Daniel Witwer was the executor of this will; dated March
26, 1814. C— and Mtgy.
Note on Jacob:
Jacob died in 1814 at the age of 84 years. We know that Barbara
-was his wife from 1785 to 1814 and she outlived him; and
we have reasons for thinking that she was considerably younger and
was his 2nd wife. If she had been as old as he was, she would have
been 59 years old when Fronica was born (1789). We have in our
files a record from the farm graveyard, copied from the tombstone of
Jacob, a bachelor, who died in 1841 at the age of 63 years. This
record states that he was the son of Jacob and Elizabeth. If there has
been no mistake made in copying this record, we are led to infer that
all the children born before Jacob, the bachelor, were also children
of Jacob and Elizabeth.
(e) John Sensenig, who wrote his name John Sinsinigh in signing a release,
was a “Practitioner of Physic,” who held forth at Middletown, now
in Dauphin County, where he paid taxes in Paxtang Township in 1780.
His wife’s name was Anna. There is nothing in Dauphin County records
to give us information. John and Anna may have had children. Mtgy.
Mrs. Coldren has sent us this note:
When Charles Christopher died in 1767, he had no direct heirs. But
in a release dated November 4, 1772, we find the release signed by
John and Anna Sensenig. Anna was probably a niece of Charles
Christopher. C—
(f) Peter Sensenig, born in 1738, was the youngest member of the original
Jacob Sensenig family, who married first Ursula Shoneur, the widow
of his first cousin Christian. His 2nd wife was Maria Holl. Peter
was born in Earl Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa., and moved to York County,
and from there he went to the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia, where he
became a very prominent man. He stands at the head of the Virginia
Branch and we shall speak of him at greater length under that heading.
Jacob Sensenig, married to Maria Krey;
Michael Sensenig (1723-1801), married Magdalena Wenger;
Michael Sensenig (died 1806), married Barbara Shirk;
Peter Sensenig (1790-1872), married to Anna Wenger.
Peter is the progenitor of the Pike Mennonite Group.
T HIS branch of the Sensenig family was chiefly instrumental in starting
the Pike Mennonite Church; and one of their number, Aaron Sensenig,
was a minister in that church. Peter Sensenig (1790-1870) stands at
the head of this group. He has been called “Cloverseed Peter,” because he
was the first to use cloverseed in that community, and he had a thresher
to thresh out the seed for the farmers who raised it. He, also, operated a
gristmill. Peter was one of the children of Michael Sensenig (d. 1806) and
Barbara Shirk Sensenig, his first wife. Their children: (4th Gen.)
a. Magdalena (1788-1788), buried in farm graveyard;
b. Peter Sensenig (1790-1872), buried in farm graveyard;
c. Barbara Sensenig (1793-1814), buried in farm graveyard;
d. Maria Sensenig, m. Benjamin Weaver.
(b) Peter Sensenig married Nancy Wenger, and they had this family,
which belongs to the fifth generation:
a. Isaac Sensenig (1821-1901), m. Eliza Bowman (1825-1901);
b. Michael Sensenig (1814-1871), m. 1st Lydia Weaver (1811-1844);
2nd wife, Lydia Stauffer (1819-1891);
c. Mary Sensenig, m. Samuel Weaver, and moved to Ohio,
d. Esther Sensenig, m. Samuel Horst, and moved to Ohio,
e. Barbara Sensenig, m. Isaac Groff;
f. Anna Sensenig, m. David Weaver.
(d) Maria Sensenig, b. 9-2-1785; d. 11-11-1873; m. Benjamin Weaver, and
they had these children:
a. Moses S. Weaver, m. Maria Wanner, and they had this family:
Lemon, Moses W., Benjamin F., Alice Weaver Martin, and Martha
W. Zimmerman;
b. Barbara Weaver, married to David Shirk;
c. Mary Weaver (single);
d. Isaac and Michael, who both died young.
(b)a. Isaac Sensenig and Eliza Bowman had this family (6th Gen.) :
a. Samuel B. Sensenig (1846-1899), m. Susan Ferry (1846-1899);
b. Isaac B. Sensenig, M.D. (1847-1913), m. Mary Eby (1845-1911) ;
c. Israel B. Sensenig (1853-1926), m. Rebecca Keller (1845-1911);
d. Peter Sensenig, d. 1851.*
(b)b. Michael Sensenig, m. Lydia Weaver; children (6th Gen.):
a. Anna Sensenig (1835-1900), m. Bishop Joseph Brubaker (1838-
1916). Children (7th Gen.):
a. David S. Brubaker (1860-1914), m. Christiana Carpenter;
b. Katie S., b. 1862, single;*
c. Mary S., born 1864;
d. Annie S. (1865-1921);*
e. Lydia S. (1863-1921) ;
f. Lizzie S. (1874-1941), m. William Carpenter.
b. Some children died in infancy;
c. Aaron Sensenig (1854-1916), m. 1st, Anna Martin (1851-1873).
His 2nd wife was Magdalena Weaver (1855-1940);
d. Lydia Sensenig, single.*
(b)aa. Samuel B. Sensenig (1846-1889), m. Susan Ferry, and they had
this family (7th Gen.) :
a. Annie F., m. George Diehm. They have four children and
their address is Ephrata, Pa., Route 3;
b. Isaac, who was the first born; dec’d*;
c. Fannie F. Sensenig, m. John Kramer; they have six children,
and live at Willow Street, Lane. Co., Pa.
d. Susan, b. 12-1-1879; m. Hiram C. Eckman. They have no
children, and live at 318 Coral Street, Lancaster, Pa.
e. Eliza F. Sensenig, m. Harry Mease in 1890.
f. Samuel F. Sensenig (1871-1934), m. Amelia Brown, and they
had one son (8th Gen.) :
a. Clarence B. Sensenig, b. 10-21-1894, at Mountville, Pa.
He married Minnie Fassnacht in 1922, and they have two
children of the 9th generation:
a. Elizabeth Jane Sensenig, b. 9-24-1922;
b. Romaine Sensenig, b. 10-20-1924.
(b)ab. Isaac B. Sensenig, M.D. (1847-1913), m. Mary Eby, and their
children, of the 7th generation, are:
a. Ellen (1870-1871);*
b. Naomi, b. 1873, single;*
c. Elizabeth, b. 1876, m. 1st William Messner in 1901. He died
in 1902. 2nd marriage, to Charles Kieffer in 1905. He died
in 1920. No children born to these unions.
d. Rev. Oliver H. Sensenig, b. 1880 (single).
Dr. Isaac B. Sensenig of Witmer, Pa., was born in Brecknock Town¬
ship, Lancaster Co., Pa. After teaching for several years, he studied
medicine under Dr. Isaac Winters, and in 1869 received the M.D.
degree from Bellevue Hospital Medical College. He began to prac¬
tice medicine at Denver, Pa., but soon removed to the neighborhood
of New Holland, where he remained till 1875, when he moved to
Columbus, Ohio; but returned to Lancaster County, Pa., in 1880.
He was a member of the Columbus Academy of Medicine; of the
Columbus Pathological Society; of the Ohio State Medical Associa¬
tion, and of the Lancaster County and city medical societies. Dr.
Sensenig was a member of Company H, One Hundred Ninety-fifth
Regular Pennsylvania Volunteers in the Civil War. He is buried
in the Pike Mennonite Cemetery.
(b)abd. Rev. Oliver H. Sensenig was born at the home of his paternal
grandparents near Bird-in-Hand, Pa., April 11, 1880. He was con¬
firmed in Heller’s Church, near Mechanicsburg, Pa., October 29,
1892. He served twenty-two months with the Y.M.C.A. at Camp
Lee, Virginia, during World War I, and was ordained May 29th,
1919, at Conover, New Hampshire, where he served his first pas¬
torate from May, 1919, to December 31, 1921. The 2nd pastorate
was at Claysburg, Pa., from 1-1-1922 to 2-28-1931. His 3d pastorate
was at Alexandria, Pa., from 3-1-1931 to 6-30-1935. His 4th pas¬
torate was at Altoona, Pa., from 7-1-1935 to 2-15-1942; and he has
been stationed there since February 15, 1942. He has taken numer¬
ous summer courses at various universities.
(b)ac. Israel B. Sensenig (1853-1926), m. Rebecca Keller, and they had
these children (7th Gen.):
a. Keller Sensenig (1871-1934), m. Mary Zimmerman (1865-
1919). They had one child:
a. Mary Z. Sensenig, b. 1899; m. Aaron Sensenig, b. 1899.
b. Wilson Sensenig (1873-1874);*
c. Isaac K. Sensenig (1876- ), m. Catherine A. Weaver (1866-
d. Emma K. Sensenig, b. 1884; m. Michael Nolt;
e. Israel K. Sensenig, b. 1890; m. Mary Jane Grove, b. 1888;
f. Samuel K. Sensenig, m. Mary Ellen Wanner, b. 1866;
g. Annie K. Sensenig, b. 1887; m. Clayton Martin. Address:
Ephrata, Pa. Occupation: Farmer.
h. Christian K. Sensenig (1878-1932), m. Fannie Stauffer;
i. Peter K. Sensenig (1893-1922).*
(b)acc. Isaac K. Sensenig married to Catherine A. Weaver’ had these
children (8th Gen.) :
a. Samuel W. Sensenig, b. 1895; m. Elizabeth Brubaker;
b. Rebecca Sensenig, b. 1897; m. Aaron Brubaker, b. 1898;
c. Leah Sensenig, b. 1904; m. Aaron Stauffer; d. 1933;
d. Susanna Sensenig, m. Noah Martin;
e. Isaac W. (1904-1925);*
f. Catherine W. Sensenig (1906-1926).*
(b)ace. Israel K. Sensenig, married to Mary Jane Grove, is a dealer in
second-hand machinery. Address: Ephrata, R.D. Children:
a. Dorothy Sensenig, b. 1916; m. Henry Blantz, and they have
one daughter—Janet Blantz.
b. Harold G. Sensenig, b. 1918; m. Ruth Blantz, and they have
one son—Larry L. Sensenig. Their address is Lincoln, Pa.
Occupation: Mechanic.
(b)acf. Samuel K. Sensenig, married to Mary Ellen Wanner, is a Farmer,
and they reside at Ephrata, Pa. Their children (8th Gen.) :
a. Paul W. Sensenig, b. 1913; m. Elizabeth Stauffer, b. 1914;
b. Dora Sensenig, b. 1914; m. Daniel Stauffer. He deals in
general repairs. Address: Ephrata, Pa.
c. Wilmer Sensenig, b. 1917; m. Brita Elmeda Martin. They
farm, and the address is Ephrata, Pa.;
d. Stella W. Sensenig, b. 1920; m. Aaron B. Stauffer. They
farm, and the address is Ephrata, Pa.;
e. Mary W. Sensenig, b. 1918; m. Levi W. Stauffer. Their ad¬
dress is Ephrata, Pa.
(b)ach. Christian K. Sensenig (1878-1932), m. Fannie Stauffer, and they
live in Martindale, Pa. Their children (8th Gen.) :
a. Harvey S. Sensenig, b. 1902; m. Frances Flickinger. Occu¬
pation: Works in hat factory, Reamstown, Pa.
b. Ada Sensenig, 1904; m. Adam Crills, whose occupation is
Silk Knitter. Address: Ephrata, Pa., R. D. 3;
c. Jacob S. Sensenig, b. 1905; m. Anna Brossman. He died in
1926. They had one son Eugene, b. 1925 (9th Gen.);
d. Cora Sensenig, b. 1906; m. Abram B. Witmer. They reside
at Farmersville, Pa. Occupation: Garage;
e. Annie S. Sensenig, b. 1908; m. Charles Crills. They farm,
and the address is New Holland, Pa., R. D. 1.
(b)bc. Rev. Aaron Sensenig (1854-1916), married to Anna Martin, had
one son:
a. Martin M. Sensenig, b. 1874; m. Mary A. Martin, b. 1875;
d. 12-10-1940, daughter of Daniel and Anna Martin.
Children to the 2nd wife, Magdalena Weaver:
b. Michael W. Sensenig, b. 1877; m. Emma Landis in 1899;
c. Daniel W. Sensenig, b. 1881; m. Mary Horst, b. 1884.
(b)bca. Martin M. Sensenig, b. 1874, married to Mary A. Martin, had these
a. Infant, died in 1893;
b. Infant died in 1899;
c. Aaron M. Sensenig, 1899; m. Mary Sensenig;
d. Daniel M. Sensenig (1901-1902);
e. Martin M., b. 1905 (Single);
f. Magdalena Sensenig, b. 1900; m. Levi S. Weaver, b. 1910.
They were both killed on their wedding trip in an automobile
accident, and were buried in one grave.
(b)bcb. Michael W. Sensenig, b. 1877; m. to Emma Landis, had these
a. Landis Sensenig, b. 1899; m. Anna Sauder;
b. Harry L. Sensenig, b. 1901; m. Anna Sensenig;
c. Magdalena Sensenig, b. 1900; m. Paul Brubaker, son of
Emmanuel Brubaker. They farm. Address: Ephrata;
d. Aaron L. Sensenig, b. 1904; m. Emma Martin;
e. Elam L. Sensenig, b. 1906; m. Florence Ortz;
f. Anna Mary Sensenig, b. 1912; m. Raymond Mast, b. 3-29-1909;
g. Paul L. Sensenig, b. 1915; h. Titus L. Sensenig, b. 1925.
(b)bcc. Daniel W. Sensenig married to Mary Horst, is a Farmer and their
address is New Holland, Pa. Their children (8th Gen.) :
a. Elmer H., b. 1905; m. Clara Griffith, b. 1904. Elmer is a clerk
and they live in New Holland, Pa.;
b. Oliver H., b. 1906; m. Mary Zimmerman, b. 1904. They
farm and live at Stevens, Pa.;
c. Bertha, b. 1908; m. Harvey Eckert. They live in Ephrata,
where he works in the hat factory;
d. Ruth, b. 1909; m. Harvey Reed, b. 1910. They live in New
Holland, where he is in the poultry business;
e. Mary, b. 1911; m. Andrew Weaver, b. 1911. They live in
Terre Hill, Pa., where he is in the poultry business;
f. Mae, b. 1920; m. Lloyd Martin, b. 1919. They farm, and
they live in New Holland, Pa.
Ninth Generation:
(b)bcba. Landis Sensenig married Anna Sauder. They live at East Earl,
and have these children:
a. Grace E. Sensenig, b. 10-26-1923;
b. Nora M. Sensenig, b. 6-4-1927;
c. Wilmer G. Sensenig, b. 5-9-1935.
(b)bcbb. Harry L. Sensenig, b. 1902; m. Anna Sensenig. His occupation:
lineman. Address: Ephrata. Children:
a. Chester E. Sensenig, b. 5-31-1926;
b. Roy M. Sensenig, b. 2-7-1929;
c. Irvin J. Sensenig, b. 8-26-1934;
d. Arthur P. Sensenig, b. 2-17-1940.
(b)bcbd. Aaron L. Sensenig, b. 1904; m. Emma Martin. He is a lineman,
and their address is Ephrata, Pa. Children:
a. Earl M. Sensenig, b. 9-4-1927;
b. Anna Mary Sensenig, b. 7-17-1934;
c. Esther Mae Sensenig, b. 7-25-1937.
(b)bcbe. Elam L. Sensenig, b. 1906; m. Florence Ortz. Children:
a. Charles E. Sensenig, b. 8-14-1930;
b. Elaine M. Sensenig, b. 3-10-1934;
c. Marlin R. Sensenig, b. 5-15-1938.
(b)bcbf. Anna Mary Sensenig, b. 1912; m. Raymond Mast. Their address
is: Supplee, Chester Co., Pa. Their children:
a. Pearl Mast, b. 4-30-1936;
b. Raymond Clair Mast, b. 5-8-1937;
c. Anna Grace Mast and Aaron Leroy Mast, b. 11-3-1938;
d. Michael Merle Mast, b. 11-6-1939;
e. Ernest Sensenig Mast, b. 4-19-1941.
(b)acfa. Paul Wanner Sensenig, b. 1913; m. Elizabeth Stauffer. They
farm, and their address is: Ephrata, Pa. Children:
a. Phares S. Sensenig, b. 1936;
b. Esther S. Sensenig, b. 1938;
c. Florence S. Sensenig, b. 1939;
d. Anna S. Sensenig, b. 1941.
(b)acca. Samuel Weaver Sensenig, b. 1895; m. Elizabeth Brubaker, is a
farmer; and their address is Lititz, Pa. Children:
a. Emma B. Sensenig, b. 1920;
b. Mattie B. Sensenig, b. 1923;
c. Amos B. Sensenig, b. 1926;
d. Frank B. Sensenig, b. 1927;
e. Edith B. Sensenig, b. 1929;
f. Irene B. Sensenig, b. 1930;
g. Bertha B. Sensenig, b. 1932;
h. Minnie B. Sensenig, b. 1934;
i. Samuel B. Sensenig, b. 1936.
(b)bcac. Aaron M. Sensenig, b. 1899; m. Mary Z. Sensenig. They farm,
and their address is: Ephrata, Pa., Route No. 3. Children:
a. Lester S. Sensenig, b. 1918;
b. Clarence, b. 1920;
c. Ervin S. Sensenig, b. 1921; m. Mabel H. Zimmerman. They
farm, and their address is Ephrata, Pa.;
d. Mary S. Sensenig, b. 1922; m. Ivan G. Witmer. Address:
Elverson, Pa.;
e. Aaron S., bom 1925;
f. Miles, b. 1927;
g. Keller, born 1930.
(b)bcca. Elmer Horst Sensenig, b. 1905; m. Clara Griffith, b. 1904.
a. Alberta Sensenig, b. 1923; m. Landis Martin;
b. Lloyd Sensenig, b. 1925;
c. Elmer Sensenig, b. 1927;
d. Wilmer Sensenig, b. 1932;
e. Velma Sensenig, b. 1932;
f. Pauline Sensenig, b. 1935.
(b)bccb. Oliver Horst Sensenig, b. 1906; m. Mary Zimmerman. Their
a. Raymond, b. 1929;
b. Melvin, b. 1931;
c. Leroy, b. 1933;
d. Minerva, b. 1934;
e. Shirley, b. 1937.
(b)bcbc. Magdalena Sensenig, b. 11-30-1902; m. Paul Brubaker; had one
Amelia S. Brubaker, b. 5-23-1938; d. 5-20-1942.
Tenth Generation:
(b)bcaca. Lester S. Sensenig, b. 1918; m. Anna M. Sauder. Children:
a. Lester Sauder Sensenig, b. 1938;
b. Magdalena Sauder Sensenig, b. 1940.
They live at East Earl, Pa.
Jacob Sensenig married to Maria Krey;
Michael Sensenig (1723-1801) m. Magdalena Wenger;
Michael Sensenig, d. 1806; m. Barbara Oberholtzer, his 2nd wife;
Michael Sensenig (1805-1870) m. Barbara Martin, and inherited the
farm to the north of Goodville. We regard him as the progenitor of the
Goodville branch of the family, most of whom now live in other areas.
W E REGARD Michael Sensenig (1805-1870) married to Barbara
Martin, as the progenitor of the Goodville Sensenigs. He was a
man rather tall and slender, and no member of the family inclined
to corpulency. My father was almost six feet tall and weighed about 175
pounds. Our grandfather first lived on his farm bordering Goodville,
raised his family on it, and moved away when Martin married and moved
on the farm. He first conducted a store on a small scale at the crossroads
north of Goodville. Later he and his oldest son Michael started a store
at Spring Grove. They sold this business place to John High, and built
the large hardware store on the main street and in the center of Goodville,
associating his two sons, Michael and Peter, with him in the business. The
last named had been a clerk in the store of Jonas Martin in Lancaster, and
was well equipped to become the dynamic partner he proved himself to be.
To quote from the History of Lancaster County: “This was one of the best
equipped enterprises of the interior of the County.” Upon the death of
the Senior member of the firm, and the sale of the farm in 1873, Martin,
who had been in charge of the farm, became a member of the firm, and
the name of the firm from this time on was The Sensenig Hardware Com*
pany. In 1879, this firm purchased the store of J. S. Weaver and Son,
and Michael became the managing partner of that store, while Martin and
Peter gave their close attention to the hardware business. The drygoods
store was rebuilt and the hardware store was enlarged. The hardware
store far and near was referred to as one of the conspicuous landmarks of
local business history.
Michael Sensenig , b. 10-20-1805; d. 10-11-1870; m. Barbara Martin,
b. 8-10-1807; d. 8-18-1880. They lived in Goodville and conducted the
large farm that borders the village on the north side. The children born
to this union:
a. Annie Sensenig, b. 2-5-1931; d. 12-24-1864;
b. Michael Sensenig (1831-1833);*
c. Magdalena Sensenig (1832-1858);
d. Jacob Sensenig (1834-1834);*
e. Samuel Sensenig (1835-1837);*
f. Michael Sensenig, b. 2-7-1837; d. 3-11-1900;
g. Martin M. Sensenig, b. 9-10-1838; d. 7-25-1887;
h. Maria Sensenig (1833-1847) ;*
i. David M. Sensenig, b. 12-17-1840; d. 1907;*
j. Moses Sensenig (1842-1846);*
k. Peter M. Sensenig, b. 5-30-1844; d. 1898;
l. Barbara Sensenig (1846-1860).*
(a) Annie Sensenig married Isaac Horst, b. 8-30-1832; d. 2-11-1903, son
of Joseph and Anna Horst. They were married 1-20-1852, by Bishop
Jacob Zimmerman of the Mennonite Church. They moved to Franklin
County, near Shippensburg, where they had a farm on which their
children were raised. They are buried in the Row Cemetery. Their
children: (6th Gen.)
a. Barbara S. Horst, b. 9-11-1853; d. 5-1-1921; m. Levi B. Lehman,
b. 10-23-1856; d. 4-5-1921. No children to this union. Occupa¬
tion: farmer.
b. Solomon S. Horst, b. 12-4-1854; d. 12-31-1925;
c. Michael S. Horst, b. 1-4-1856; d. 11-6-1924;
d. Susanna S. Horst, b. 9-9-1857; d. 12-23-1858;*
e. Annie S. Horst, b. 3-23-1859; d. 10-25-1895;*
f. Lydia B. Horst, b. 7-23-1860; d. 1-26-1941;*
g. William S, Horst, b. 10-27-1861; d. 8-17-1931;
h. Magdalena S. Horst, b. 7-17-1863;
i. David S. Horst, b. 12-14-1864; d. 5-27-1892.*
(a)b. Solomon S. Horst , m. Mary E. Wenger, b. 3-28-1857; d. 9-12-1920.
They had a farm near Shippensburg, Pa. Issue: (7th Gen.)
a. Cora Mae Horst, b. 12-22-1882. Res.: Shippensburg, Route 3;
b. Rebecca Kate Horst, b. 9-22-1888; m. Reuben Ebersole, b. 8-27-
1890; Farmer; Res.: Shippensburg, Pa., Route No. 3. Issue:
a. Cora May, b. 2-12-1916;
b. Mary Ann, b. 10-13-1917. (8th Gen.)
c. Mary Lena Horst, b. 9-29-1889; d. 12-12-1918; m. Christopher
Sollenberger, farmer. Res.: Chambersburg, Pa., Route No. 4.
They had two children of the 8th Gen.:
a. Mary Elizabeth Sollenberger, b. 7-31-1916; m. Harry Haw-
baker, Farmer, Chambersburg, Pa., Route No. 4. Issue:
(9th Gen.)
a. Martha Jane Hawbaker, b. 12-12-1938;
b. Meriam Arlene Hawbaker, b. January, 1941;
b. Solomon J. Sollenberger, b. 12-1-1918; m. Mamie Butts.
He is a truck-driver, and resides at St. Thomas, Pa.
(a)c. Michael S. Horst, m. Lydia Lehman, b. 8-12-1859; d. 2-3-1923. They
had a farm near Chambersburg, Pa. (Retd.) Issue: (7th Gen.)
a. Samuel H. Horst, b. 10-27-1885; m. Martha Martin. They are
farmers; res., Chambersburg, Pa., Route No. 7. Their children
are of the 8th generation:
a. Michael Martin Horst, b. 5-20-1911; m. Esther Eby. Their
children are of the 9th Generation: (Farmer, Greencastle, Pa.)
a. James Edward Horst, b. 8-26-1937;
b. Joseph Lee Horst, b. 10-26-1941;
b. Fannie Rebecca Horst, b. 6-17-1913; m. Clyde Martin. He is
in the dairy business, Hagerstown, Md. One child:
a. Dorcas Arlene Martin, b. 7-14-1938;
c. Lydia Marie Horst, b. 3-25-1916; m. Noah Wadel. No issue.
He is a truck farmer, Chambersburg, Pa., Route No. 6.
d. Martha Ellen Horst, b. 2-15-1923. Works for Stanley Co.,
Chambersburg, Pa., Route No. 7.
e. Elizabeth Irene Horst, b. 5-29-1919, Chambersburg, Route
No. 7;
f. Lina Ruth Horst, b. 10-3-1924;
g. Mary Celestine Horst, b. 6-12-1927;
h. Samuel H. Horst, b. 4-16-1932;
b. Isaac Horst, b. 7-31-1887; m. Maude Lesher. He is a farmer and
his address is Chambersburg, Pa., R. D. No. 1.
c. John L. Horst, b. 11-9-1889; m. Emma Zimmerman. He spent
his early days on the farm, and a year in the railroad shops at
Chambersburg, Pa. In 1920, he found his way to the Mennonite
Publishing House, located at Scottdale, Pa.; and has been engaged
as a linotype operator, proofreader and editor. He has been
Editor of the Christian Monitor since the first issue in 1930, and
was ordained to the ministry of the Scottdale Mennonite Church
on December 1, 1929. He attended public school, the Eastern
Mennonite School at Harrisonberg, Va., and the Bible Institute
at Los Angeles, California. He is at present Editor of the Men¬
nonite Junior-Teachers Quarterly, and Associate Editor of the
Gospel Herald, and Editor of a little monthly paper, The Way,
a very instructive paper for both juniors and seniors. Res.: 404
Homestead Ave., Scottdale, Pa. Children: (8th Gen.)
a. John Lehman Horst, b. 8-18-1938;
b. Rachel Elizabeth Horst, b. 10-22-1940.
(a)g. William Sensenig Horst , m. Mary Elizabeth Caufman. He had been
a farmer. Her address is: Chambersburg, Pa., Route No. 2. Issue:
(7th Gen.)
a. Anna Caufman Horst, b. 7-27-1902; m. Paul Keener, farmer, and
their address is Shippensburg, Pa., Route No. 3. Issue (8th Gen.)
a. John Elton Keener, b. 9-9-1930;
b. Clarence Aden Keener, b. 5-14-1932;
c. Marian Irene Keener, b. 11-18-1933;
d. Ivan Samuel Keener, b. 8-13-1936;
e. Paul Aaron Keener, b. 7-12-1938;
f. Esther Mae Keener, b. 1-16-1941;
b. Lewis Horst, b. 2-9-1905; in State Hospital, Harrisburg, Pa.;*
c. Catherine Horst, b. 9-24-1908; d. 10-6-1911;*
d. Esther Horst, b. 2-18-1911; m. Amos Shank, a Mennonite Minister
and farmer. Res.: Hanover, Pa.
(a)h. Magdalena Sensenig Horst , b. 7-12-1863; m. George Wenger, b. 6-20-
1859; d. 12-17-1927. Magdalena lives in the Mennonite Home at
Orville, Pa. She has given much assistance in giving data on the
Franklin County Branch, which stems from Annie Sensenig, oldest
daughter of Michael Sensenig, Goodville, Pa. Children: (7th Gen.)
a. Anna Catherine Wenger, b. 11-4-1886; d. 12-19-1917; a teacher;
b. Henry Lloyd Wenger, b. 4-7-1886; d. 1-22-1893;
c. Mary Ella Wenger, b. 12-14-1890; d. 1-11-1893;
d. William Isaac Wenger, b. 9-25-1893; m. Mary Metzler. He is a
Poultry Farmer at Van Nuys, California. Children: (8th Gen.)
a. John Robert Wenger, b. 11-13-1916; m. Dorothy Irene
b. George Metzler Wenger, b. 10-21-1919. Works for Govern¬
e. Rhoda Mae Wenger, b. 11-5-1895; d. 12-19-1924; m. Isaac Metzler,
farmer, who resides at Ronks, Lancaster Co., Pa. Issue: (8th Gen.) •
a. Mildred Elizabeth Metzler, b. 8-13-1918; m. William
Marchael. They live at 136 Crystal Street, Lancaster, Pa.
Issue: (9th Gen.)
a. William Marchael, b. 10-27-1939;
b. Richard Wayne Marchael, b. 8-13-1941;
b. Evelyn Ruth Metzler, b. 11-11-1917. She attends Bus. Col.;
c. William Wayne Metzler, b. 12-19-1921. He is in the Army;
d. Isaac Harold Metzler, b. 12-18-1924. He is an apprentice
to an airplane machinist, and lives at 2923 Berwick Ave.,
Baltimore, Md.
f. Jonas Wayne Wenger, b. 1-26-1898; m. Mary Hoover. They live
in Manheim, Pa. He is a machinist. No children.
(c) Magdalena Sensenig (1832-1858) married George High. Only one
child was born to this union—Susanna S. High, who married Harry W.
Sensenich. Their family will appear in the Sensenich group.
(f) Michael M. Sensenig, the oldest son to grow to manhood, and the
senior member of the Sensenig Hardware Company, married when he
was about forty years of age, Mary Galt, b. 12-12-1846; d. 7-28-1883.
Of all democrats, Michael was the most democratic. He would go bail
for any of his townsmen who were in trouble, and anyone needing
financial assistance would first think of “Mike.” But he wouldn’t
stand for cheating at elections, and he wouldn’t go bail for any member
of the Buzzard Gang. His eyesight was impaired when a boy, and this
somewhat restricted his activity as an active salesman, and it, also, in
a measure, contributed to his being rather untidy, though it must also
be understood that nobody walked about with creased trousers in the
village of Goodville in those days. “Mike” used all the tobacco his
brothers didn’t use. He enjoyed fun and would help along in any
scheme to liven up the town. He had a good level head and wore a
J 1 /} hat. I used to try on his silk hats when I was a boy, but my head
would go in down to the shoulders. He had quite a collection of
them, but I never saw him wear any. When he bought a big bill
of goods in Philadelphia, the salesman would show him favor by buying
a silk hat for him.
Michael was easy to approach and delighted in conversation. The
people enjoyed his unique personality, and from that standpoint he was
a good front-porch attraction. He never commented on anybody’s
personal appearance, and everybody felt at home in his presence.
Perhaps, the reader will best understand Michael if we quote his
favorite sentiment—“0 why should the spirit of Mortals be proud.”
He wished everybody well.
To Michael and Mary Galt Sensenig there was born only one daughter—
Anna Barbara Sensenig, b. 9-11-1877; d. 1-11-1912; m. William Stroman,
who is in the hardware business in Goodville, Pa. Issue:
a. Reta Mae Stroman, b. 5-2-1895; d. 7-3-1912;*
b. Michael S. Stroman, b. 3-8-1896; d. 10-25-1918*;
c. Pearl Stroman, b. 4-24-1897; d. 5-24-1919; m. Wayne Kern.
There was no son to continue the Sensenig name.
(g) Martin M. Sensenig was one of the most widely known persons in the
eastern part of Lancaster County. He was a member of the Weaverland
Mennonite Church, and knew everybody belonging to it. His mother
was a Martin, and he was directly and indirectly related to a large
number of the people in the Conestoga Valley. Not only was he known
widely but also favorably. Everybody wanted to talk with him, and he
generally shook hands with most of the men at the church before he
left for home. One of my friends sent me a newspaper clipping telling
of Martin’s funeral. He had kept this clipping for fifty years, because
the funeral was very unusual. By actual count 303 carriages were
numbered by the hostlers; and most of these in a cortege a mile long,
followed the hearse to the Weaverland Cemetery. This indicates
the esteem in which he was held. The clipping says, “He was a
thoroughly reliable business man; generous to a fault, pleasant and
as a young man
affable to all; and, above all, scrupulously honest in all his dealings.
The community will greatly miss him.” Martin died at the age of
49 years.
When Martin M. Sensenig (1837-1887), the first of the boys in the
Michael Sensenig family to get married, was given charge of the farm,
the rest of the family moved into the village of Goodville. Martin
could not have made a better choice than the young bride of nineteen
for his life partner.
Magdalena Rutt Sensenig was an exceedingly capable farmer’s wife, who
knew how to do things as easily on a large scale as others would do
much less. Nothing went to waste, and with her Elias Howe sewing
machine, perhaps, the first one used in her neighborhood, she made
all her children’s clothes. With the spring water at her disposal to keep
milk and cream constantly fresh, she produced butter of the best
quality, and received several cents a pound more for it than quoted
They made a success of farming during the twelve years they had
charge of the farm, and during that period seven children were born to
this union. We shall now introduce the reader to each member of the
family from the oldest to the youngest, who were made orphans by the
father’s untimely death.
Martin M. Sensenig (1837-1887) married Magdalena Rutt Sensenig
1841-1917), daughter of Christian Sensenig, the miller, and this is their
a. Harry S. Sensenig, b. 9-17-1861; d. 4-18-1936;
b. Emma Sensenig, b. 11-18-1862;*
c. William S. Sensenig, b. 1-31-1864; d. 1-31-1890;*
d. Barton Sensenig, b. 7-12-1865;
e. Susanna Sensenig, b. 11-11-1866; d. 7-27-1926;
f. David S. Sensenig, b. 4-1-1868;
g. Anna Sensenig, b. 6-26-1871;*
h. Christian Sensenig, b. 10-14-1869; d. 8-25-1938;*
i. Mary Ellen Sensenig, b. 2-22-1875;*
j. Martin Sensenig, b. 7-15-1873; d. 8-17-1931;*
k. Magdalena Sensenig, b. 11-12-1876;
l. Wayne Sensenig, b. 4-23-1879;
m. Elizabeth Sensenig, b. 6-7-1881; d. 9-7-1905.*
(g)a. Harry S. Sensenig (1861-1936) married Annie Evans, daughter of
Isaac Evans, who owned one of the best farms in the valley. Harry
had attended the State Normal School at West Chester and taught
school for several years, but inclined to business rather than teaching.
Those who patronized the hardware store at Goodville fifty years ago
will remember Harry as a clerk who was always friendly. In his
later years he lived in Philadelphia. Issue: (7th Gen.)
a. Helen Evans Sensenig, born and died in 1889;*
b. James Evans Sensenig, born and died in 1891;*
c. Isaac Evans Sensenig, b. 7-10-1892, married Marguerite Bitting,
b. 7-14-1897, in Norristown. They have one daughter, Mary
Janet Sensenig, b. 10-24-1923, in Philadelphia. Janet graduated
from the Overbrook High School, January 1941, and is now a
student at Drexel Institute of Technology, taking a course in
Business Administration.
Evans’ place of business is at 709 South Broad Street, where
he deals in automotive replacement parts and fixes all sorts of
automobile ailments, generally employing about six men. They
say that Evans is easy on Sensenigs. Give him a trial.
(g)b. Emma Sensenig stayed with mother longer than others of the family
and has the widest knowledge of family lineage, as mother told her
lots about family matters. Emma has had wide experience. She has
taught school, dealt in millinery, made dresses, and for a number of
years was a clerk in the drygoods department of the Sensenig Hard¬
ware Company in Goodville. She now lives retired with her sister,
Mrs. John Becker, and is a member of the Cedar Grove Presbyterian
Church. Her address is Lititz, R. D. No. 2.
(g)c. William S. Sensenig , b. 1-31-1864, as a boy, was exceedingly anxious
to make his mark in the world. He wanted to go to school and hoped
to see the time when he would be able to do so, but his sickness
prevented him from accomplishing his purpose, and he had to leave
us at the age of 26 years.
(g)d. Barton Sensenig , b. 7-12-1865, at age fifteen was a clerk in the village
drygoods store. The desire to continue with school work was ever
present and at age nineteen he attended the West Chester State Normal
School, and then taught the village school for one year. Reentering
the Normal, he graduated with the Class of 1889. He was offered
a scholarship at Haverford College which he accepted and graduated
in the Scientific Course with the Class of 1893. The day after gradu¬
ation he was offered the choice of two positions. He was invited to
teach mathematics in the Friends School in Wilmington, and he was
offered a fellowship in Gallaudet College for the Deaf, Washington,
D. C., to learn how to teach the deaf. He decided to cast in his lot
with the deaf as one of their teachers, and graduated from the teachers
training department in 1894, with the degree of M.A. He accepted
the position of Supervisor of Boys in the Advanced Department of
the Penna. School for the Deaf; held this position for a year, and then
entered upon his career as a teacher of the deaf.
The chief business of a teacher of the deaf is to simplify the simple.
One is constantly in touch with fundamentafs and becomes rather
expert in presenting subjects in simplest form. In other words, one
is forced to become a good teacher. That probably accounts for
Barton’s becoming an expert teacher of arithmetic, for his writing
articles on how to teach arithmetic, holding forth at conventions of
teachers of the deaf.
In 1925, he became principal of the Advanced Department of the
school, and held that position ten years, when he had to retire in
compliance with retirement stipulations.
He met with success as a chapel speaker, and became interested in
presenting Christian truths in their simplest form. While Principal,
he revised the Chapel book, and entered upon the work of setting the
combined gospel teaching into one unifying account. The world of
Jesus day was so different from what deaf children experience that
they fail to comprehend the significance of many things Jesus said.
The language of the East is full of imagery, and the deaf do not
comprehend when Jesus speaks of “casting out the devil.” It remains
for those who teach the deaf to give a simpler setting to much of the
gospel teaching. With such thoughts in mind, Barton wrote the
book—“How Jesus Showed God to the People.” But this book is only
intended for the more advanced deaf. Still simpler books must be
written, rejecting the more difficult themes, for pupils in the lower
grades; and no book is simple enough for the lowest grades, where
much action work is needed to make even the simplest themes realistic.
Besides teaching the deaf, Barton at times taught in the Germantown
High night school, was Principal for several years in the Girard
College summer school, and also taught several terms in the Gallaudet
College summer school for teachers. For twenty-six years he was a
church trustee. He is a member of the Pennsylvania Historical Society,
and compiler of this book.
Barton Sensenig married Anna Mary Rodgers, b. 4-14-1874, daughter
of John S. and Sarah A. Rodgers, and granddaughter of Martin E.
Stauffer. She is a graduate of the Millersville State Normal School,
and a teacher of experience. Her practical experience in raising a
family of children, coupled with her school training, enables her
to play a prominent part in church and literary circles. The children
born to this union are: (7th Gen.)
a. Pauline Rodgers Sensenig, b. 4-28-1897;
b. Carol Rodgers Sensenig, b. 7-14-1899;
c. Miriam Josephine Sensenig, b. 3-24-1901;
d. Anna Sensenig, b. 2-15-1903;
e. Barton Sensenig, Jr., b. 3-31-1907;
f. Sara Helen Sensenig, b. 11-24-1911.
(g)da. Pauline Rodgers married John R. Hart, Ph.D., rector of Valley
Forge Chapel and a widely known public speaker. The following
is from a newspaper clipping in the year 1914: “The Mayor of
Philadelphia awarded to Pauline Rodgers Sensenig, daughter of
Barton and Anna Rodgers Sensenig, a free scholarship to the Univer¬
sity of Pennsylvania. The scholarship was won in competitive
examination given at the university in June. Miss Sensenig is seven¬
teen years old, and one of the youngest to graduate from Philadel¬
phia High School for Girls, last June.”
Pauline is daily wrapped up in church matters, serving on many
steering committees, either as President, Secretary, or adviser. In
all her multitudinous activities, she is always cheerful with a sunny
face. Lately, she is in the employ of the government, testing precision
(g)db. Carol Rodgers Sensenig married Earl G. Harrison, b. 4-27-1899, a
graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, in both the academic
and law departments. He is a member of the law firm of Saul,
Ewing, Remick and Harrison, and served under President Franklin
D. Roosevelt in the Department of Justice as Director of Alien
Registration. Later, he was appointed the first United States Com¬
missioner of Immigration and Naturalization, and was confirmed by
the Senate.
Carol graduated from the Germantown High School, and also won
a scholarship to the University. She is greatly interested in civic
affairs, and conducts forums of discussion of child welfare problems.
Their residence is in Rose Valley, Delaware County, Pa. Children:
(8th Gen.)
a. Carol Hope Harrison, b. 12-24-1923; d. November, 1930;
b. Paul Harrison, b. 8-16-1925; student at University of Penna.;
c. Joseph Barton Harrison, b. 10-10-1929;
d. Earl Harrison, Jr., b. 10-10-1932.
(g)dc. Miriam Josephine Sensenig married Otto Albrecht, Ph.D., instructor
in French at the University of Pennsylvania; also, a musician of
Miriam Josephine graduated from the Germantown High School,
the Girls’ Normal School, and from the University of Pennsylvania.
She taught in the grade schools of Philadelphia, and also in the
Pennsylvania School for the Deaf. She is greatly interested in civic
matters, and champions the cause of the proletariat. The children
born to this union: (8th Gen.)
a. Anthony Charles Albrecht, b. 8-8-1930;
b. John Rodgers Albrecht, b. 8-11-1937;
Left to right, standing —Barton, Jr.; Sara; Anne; Barton, Sr.; Pauline.
Sitting —Carol; Mrs. Anna R.; and Miriam Josephine
c. Hans Carl Albrecht, b. 2-22-1939.
(g)dd. Anna Rodgers Sensenig married Henry Haas, associated with
Strawbridge and Clothier.
Anna has been teaching deaf children for more than fifteen years,
and is very successful. Her little deaf boys and girls love her. She
knows how to make them happy. The home of Henry and Anna
faces the grounds of the Penna. School for the Deaf.
(g)de. Barton Sensenig, Jr., the only boy in the family, married Anna
Rickards, a graduate of Swarthmore College, who taught several
years in George School.
Barton graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with the
Class of 1930, and taught in George School nine years. He completed
a graduate course in Physics at the University and holds the degree
of M.A. At present he is a very successful teacher in Haverford
School, and has been instrumental in putting athletics on a winning
basis, which makes him very acceptable to the boys. They live at
2609 Woodleigh Rd., Oakmont, Pa. Children (8th Gen.):
a. Sara Margaret Sensenig, b. 7-12-1934;
b. Barton Sensenig, 3d, b. 1-28-1936.
(g)df. Sara Helen Sensenig, the baby of the family, married Otto W.
Renner, Jr., a graduate of the University of Penna. and senior member
of the firm of Renner Advertisers.
Sara graduated from Germantown High School, and successfully
completed the Freshman and Sophomore college years at Earlham
College, and then took the training to teach the deaf. After teaching
two years successfully in the Intermediate Department of the Penna.
School for the Deaf, she married. Their home is at 612 Willow
Grove Avenue, Glenside, Pa. Their baby boy is
a. Otto W. Renner, 3d, b. March 5, 1942.
(g)e. Susanna Sensenig, b. 11-11-1866; d. 7-27-1926, married Albert Eby,
b. 7-18-1868, son of Adam Eby. They bought the farm that had
been owned by her mother, after the death of Martin M. Sensenig.
The view from the house on this farm is one of the most beautiful
in the valley. After the death of Susanna, Albert sold the farm,
and lives with his son William in Blue Ball, Pa. Children: (7th Gen.)
a. Gertrude Eby, b. 11-18-1892; d. 1-16-1907;*
b. Grant Eby, b. 2-2-1898;
c. William S. Eby, b. 1-21-1900;
d. Anna Eby, b. 12-27-1902.
(g)eb. Grant Eby married Sue Alice Mast, b. 9-25-1902, and their home
is at East Earl, Pa. Their children are of the 8th generation. Grant
is an oil distributor.
a. Earl Mast Eby, b. 10-11-1924;
b. Lloyd Albert Eby, b. 2-10-1926;
c. Wayne Leon Eby, b. 3-10-1929;
d. Carolyn Fay Eby, b. v 2-28-1938.
(g)ec. William S. Eby married Mary Cathrine Shirk, b. 5-20-1900. They
live at Blue Ball, Pa. Their children are of the 8th generation.
(William is in the oil business.) Issue:
a. Richard William Eby, b. 2-23-1930;
b. Janet Marie Eby, b. 2-21-1935.
(g)ed. Anna Eby married LaRue S. Robinson, June 16, 1900, and they live
at Kinzer, Route 1. LaRue is in the garage business. Their one
son is:
a. William Melvin Robinson.
(g)f. David S. Sensenig, b. 4-1-1868, married Hettie Bowman, b. 7-27-1869.
They live at 700 West Marshall Street, Norristown, Pa. The children
born to this union are of the 7th generation:
a. Edna May Sensenig, b. 11-24-1889;
b. George B. Sensenig, b. 8-17-1895;
c. Ray Bowman Sensenig, b. 7-11-1902.
(g)fa. Edna taught in the schools of Norristown after she graduated from
high school. She married H. Walton Wood, who is engaged in the
manufacture of textile machinery. They both are active in church
(g)fb. George B. Sensenig married Ethel Harris, b. 11-26-1895. They have
two children (8th Gen.) :
a. Elizabeth Alice Sensenig, b. 3-8-1921;
b. Wilson Ray Sensenig, b. 10-1-1927.
(g)fc. Ray Bowman Sensenig graduated from the Norristown High School,
and married Mary Elizabeth Honeyman, b. 11-4-1910. Ray is in
the employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
David S. Sensenig, b. 1868, as a boy, was always interested in
machinery of all kinds. I remember him as a boy making traps to
catch rabbits. He was then about eight years old. Following his
natural bent, he is now engaged in locksmithing, and in making
general repairs, and in installing heating plants. If the people of
Norristown have a puzzling job to be done they go to see “Dave”
about it. He is well and strong at age 73. George B. Sensenig is
employed by his father in his work.
(g)g. Anna Sensenig. When Anna Sensenig was a little girl attending
school in the one-room schoolhouse at Goodville, it was in order to
make speeches on Friday afternoons. Well, Anna was such a sensitive
girl that in her early attempts before the public, she used to shed
tears on such occasions. But Anna stuck to the job, and the time
came when she didn’t shed tears, and she says that on that day I
ran up stairs two at a time to tell mother about Anna’s triumph. The
persistent attempt to win out is one of Anna’s characteristics, and you
will therefore not be surprised when I tell you that Anna started
teaching in a one-room schoolhouse in Brecknock Township, gradu¬
ated from the State Normal School at West Chester, held very good
teaching positions, took many university courses, and finally taught
in the Girls’ High School of Philadelphia for thirty-one years. She
might have retired earlier, but the high school authorities were
loathe to have her go, as they did not know where to find another
teacher of mathematics who could make things as plain as Anna
could. She had, taken training along that line in the classroom of
her Uncle David M. Sensenig, and I do not think that he could have
done a better job than Anna did. In all, she had credit for forty-six
years of teaching when she retired, and I do not know of any other
member of the Sensenig group of teachers who excelled Anna in
number of years taught and in faithful performance of duty.
Longfellow said, “From these little brown-handed children shall grow
mighty rulers of state”; but, in these days of Hitlerism and gangster-
statesman methods, Longfellow’s sentiment falls rather flat, and one
would express a better sentiment by saying—From these little brown¬
handed children shall grow patient teachers who serve their country
(g)h. Christian Sensenig (1869-1938) first married-
but his marriage was not successful, and they separated. His 2nd
wife was Lucie Montgomery, of Chester, Pa., who survives him.
Christian, for several years, was a clerk in the hardware store at
Goodville. His next occupation was that of motorman in the Reading
Traction system, and later, he held a like position with the traction
company operating between Chester and Philadelphia. His last posi¬
tion was that of Day Watchman in the employ of Ewing and Thomas.
They lived at 1140 Potter Street, Chester, Pa. He is buried in
Weaverland Cemetery.
(g)i. Mary Ellen Sensenig , b. 2-22-1875, began her teaching experience in
Earl Township, Lancaster Co., Pa., and graduated from the Millers-
ville State Normal School with the class of 1901. Her fourteen years
of experience in teaching took place in the townships of West Earl,
Ephrata, Manheim borough, Brecknock, and Caernarvon. In 1904,
she married John Becker, a merchant of Manheim, who continued in
business till 1911, when they bought Edgewood Farm, west of Bricker-
ville, on which they resided thirty-one years.
Mary and John were both members of Bethany Reformed Church
of Ephrata, where Mary ministered in the Sunday School. After
John died, Mary sold the farm and retired to her new home on the
Downingtown and Harrisburg turnpike, above Brickerville. Teaching,
farming, and church interests have occupied the major part of her
busy life. John Becker was well-known about Manheim, where for
one term he was Chief Burgess. He belonged to the Masonic order.
(g)j. Martin S. Sensenig, b. 7-15-1873; d. 8-17-1931, married Iva Faust.
Both Iva and Martin were deaf and attended the Pennsylvania School
for the Deaf. Martin became deaf at two years of age from Fever.
He spent most of his adult life working for the Lancaster Lock
Factory. His widow remarried. No children were born to this union.
Their home was a great gathering place for the deaf in and about
Lancaster City. They were members of the Episcopal Church. Martin
is buried at Lancaster.
(g)k. Magdalena Sensenig Hess, b. 11-12-1876, attended public school and
the West Chester State Normal School, and was married to Menno
W. Hess, June 11, 1895. Like her mother, after whom she was named,
she is able to see things through. She has raised a family of five
children, and has impressed them with the idea of being somebody
in the world. She has been active in church work and has taught
a Sunday-school class during the last ten years.
In all these things, she has been ably seconded by her husband, who
was born 3-13-1874. He was associated with his father in the nursery
business, until his death, and then farmed the home farm. He has
always been active in civic affairs, and was a member of the school
hoard for ten years, a member of the Borough Council for seven
years, and Chief Burgess of Ephrata for five years. He is a graduate
of the high school, but that does not measure the efficiency of his
mentality. Menno has a good level head, and that is just the reason
his fellow townsmen elected him to the office of Chief Burgess.
The children born to this union are of the seventh generation:
a. Lloyd S. Hess, b. 9-24-1896;
b. Ralph S. Hess, b. 10-12-1897;
c. James Galen Hess, b. 9-22-1900;
d. Marion Dorothea Hess, b. 11-25-1903;
e. Anna Sensenig Hess, b. 2-18-1906.
(g)ka. Lloyd S. Hess attended Cloister Academy, and Ephrata borough
schools to the Senior Class in High School, then his restless spirit
craved for action, and he entered the service of the Denver and
Ephrata Telephone and Telegraph Company, as operator, and later,
as lineman and trouble-shooter. He attended the Pennsylvania Rail-
road School of Telegraphy, and served the company as telegraph
operator for three years. Then he was united in marriage with
Ella Mae Beard, b. 4-22-1899, of Clay, Pa. He became a farmer
for three years, and then entered the employ of the Prudential
Insurance Company of America, and is ready right now to insure
your life. One child was born to this union:
a. Samuel B. Hess, b. 9-6-1926; d. 9-27-1926.
(g)kb. Ralph S. Hess, after leaving high school, attended Bowman’s Tech¬
nical School, Lancaster, Pa., where he learned watchmaking. He
went to Rocky Mount, North Carolina, to pursue his trade, and met
Mary Keturah Hicks, b. 7-3-1898, whom he married April 20, 1921.
Miss Hicks had attended Westminster College, Maryland. They
moved to Danville, Virginia, where Ralph is manager of Hodnett &
Spear Jewelry Store. The children born to this union are of the
8th generation:
a. Ralph S. Hess, b. 3-24-1922, who is now a second year student
at V.P.I.;
b. William Leigh Hess, b. 1-7-1924, a Senior in George Washing¬
ton High School, Danville, Va.
(g)kc. James Galen Hess attended the public schools of Ephrata and Lan¬
caster Business College. For the past twenty years he has been
chief Linotypist of the Ephrata Review. Galen married Mary Weber,
b. 6-21-1904. She graduated from the Ephrata High School in 1922,
attended Millersville State Normal School, and taught primary grades
four years. Children (8th Gen.):
a. Robert Weber Hess, b. 7-7-1927, a student in the Junior High
b. Mary Lou Hess, b. 9-28-1930;
c. James Galen Hess, Jr., 8-8-1935.
(g)kd. Marion Dorothea Hess, b. 11-25-1903, graduated from Ephrata High
School, from Lebanon Valley College, 1926 (Magna Cum Laude),
and pursued graduate work at Penn State. She taught Latin in the
Annville High School (1926-1930); and married James Gordon
Starr, October 12, 1929. At present, Marion is President of the
Annville branch of the American Association of University Women,
and secretary of the Annville Free Library Association, of which
she is a charter member.
James Gordon Starr graduated from Survey High School, Hagers¬
town, in 1923; from Lebanon Valley College, as B.S. in Education,
in 1927; and then took work at the University of Pennsylvania,
which led to the degree of M.S. in Education, in 1939. He is
Assistant Principal of the Annville High School. Children:
a. Kathleen H. Gordon, b. 8-22-1930;
b. John Gordon, b. 4-23-1935;
c. Marion Louise Gordon, b. 5-2-1940.
(g)ke. Anna Sensenig Hess, b. 2-18-1906, graduated from the Ephrata
High School in 1924, attended Millersville State Teachers College,
and taught two years in Clay Township. She was married to Ray
Aires, June 12, 1926.
Ray Aires is teacher of piano and has studios in Lancaster and
Ephrata. He got his first lessons from his mother, and has been
fortunate in having the best of teachers, among whom are numbered
Becker von Grabill, a pupil of Rubinstein. At Ithaca Conservatory
of Music, he had as instructor W. Jenner Gillum, a pupil of
Leschetizky; at Peabody Conservatory, from which he graduated
in 1922, he studied with George Boyle, a pupil of Busoni. At New
York School of Music and Arts, he studied piano with Arthur
Friedheim, world famous Liszt pupil, graduating in 1923. Ray is a
member of the Ephrata School Board. Children: (8th Gen.)
a. Ramond H. Aires, b. 3-15-1927;
b. Ronald H. Aires, b 3-2-1935;
c. Randolf H. Aires, b. 3-2-1935.
All these boys are in school and they are fond of music.
(g)l. Wayne Sensenig , B.A., M.A., Ph.D., married Elizabeth Crawford,
A.B. (Bryn Mawr College), b. 11-1-1886, daughter of Joseph Craw¬
ford. The children born to this union are of the 7th generation:
a. Wayne Sensenig, Jr., B.A., M.S., b. 3-22-1915;
b. Crawford Sensenig, B.A., M.A., b. 2-18-1917;
c. David M. Sensenig, B.S. (Haverford), b. 5-4-1921.
Wayne Sensenig, Ph.D., is professor of mathematics in Frankford
High School, where for a number of years he has given his pupils
the privilege of having mathematics made as plain as the best of
teachers can make it plain. He caught the spirit of D. M. Sensenig,
his first great teacher; and add to this the training given by the
brilliant Dr. Frank P. Morley, Professor of Mathematics at Johns
Hopkins University, and you have a combination of training to fit a
mathematician to hold highest positions.
Elizabeth Long Crawford has been a worthy helpmeet in training her
family of boys.
Wayne, Jr., is employed in the research department of the Midvale
Steel Works, holding a very responsible position.
Crawford is also in government service, at present inspecting electrical
equipment in aeroplanes.
David stood third in a class of 66, and is studying medicine at the
University of Pennsylvania.
(g)m .Elizabeth Sensenig, the youngest member of the family, attended
the Normal School several sessions, taught several years, and married
Lloyd B. Hershey.
At a country lyceum, Elizabeth and Sallie Geist were voted the two
most beautiful girls in East Earl Township. Elizabeth is standing
beside her mother in the family photograph. All of the family were
greatly grieved to lose Elizabeth at the age of twenty-four years.
(i) David M. Sensenig, b. 12-17-1840, was born on the farm at Goodville
and attended the village school, but was not much interested in educa¬
tion until his interest was aroused by a veteran teacher, Martin B. Lichty.
David worked on his father’s farm till he was twenty; then he taught
the village school for a year; and a spring term at the Millersville State
Normal School followed. After teaching two more years he clerked
in a store for three years. He reentered the Normal School and gradu¬
ated at the head of his class in 1867. He returned to school in the
following year as a pupil assistant and a student in the scientific course.
The next year he was appointed assistant teacher in mathematics, and
in 1869, was elected professor in mathematics, completing the scientific
course in 1870.
In 1870 he married Anna M. Gillingham, a classmate in the elementary
course, and a descendant of a Quaker family. She had taught several
sessions in the schools of Bucks County, and after her marriage, became
her husband’s efficient assistant teacher of mathematics in the lower
In 1875, David was invited to fill the chair of mathematics at the Indiana
State Normal School. He accepted, and was soon elected Principal
of the school. As Principal, he was confronted by a difficult situation.
The former Principal had resigned, along with a number of the faculty,
and the student body was dissatisfied with the many faculty changes.
Also, the school was in debt about $100,000—all this made the man¬
agement of the school very difficult. David pulled the school out of
the slough of difficulties, lectured in many teacher’s institutes in the
western part of the State, but felt he had to retire on account of failing
health. The school board offered him big inducement to stay on, but
he held to his purpose and retired to Bucks County for a rest.
In the fall of 1878 he again consented to do institute work, and to
assist in organizing a Normal Department in Swarthmore College, and
was offered a permanent position as teacher. But in the meantime he
had been elected Professor of Mathematics in the West Chester State
Normal School. This position suited him better and he accepted. By
largely eliminating lecturing at teacher’s institutes, he was able to
maintain his health. His thorough work in the classroom attracted
many pupils to the school. Sometime ago, Mark Sullivan, in writing
to Dr. Robert F. Anderson, said, “I have been through three institu¬
tions, one of which was Harvard University, but the greatest teaching
I have ever seen was by Professor David M. Sensenig in classroom B-6
of the recitation hall of the West Chester State Normal School.” Dr.
Anderson writes, “I often heard, though I have never verified it, that
Prof. Sensenig was offered and refused on more than one occasion
the degree of Doctor of Science. I believe that the estimate of all
persons who came under the influence of the teaching of Professor
Sensenig, and are able now to give mature judgment as to the character
of his teaching, will say that perhaps he was the greatest classroom
teacher that Pennsylvania ever had.”
Professor Sensenig was the author of two works on algebra, the first
an elementary book, “Numbers Symbolized,” issued by the Appletons
in 1888, had a very large sale in Pennsylvania and throughout the
South and the West. Part one of a higher algebra was issued in 1889,
and part two in 1890. Later, these two parts were combined under the
name Complete Advanced Algebra. This higher algebra is now pub¬
lished by the American Book Co.
Dr. Nathan C. Sheaffer says of Numbers Symbolized, “Every page is
indicative of the skill of a master.” Superintendent Maxwell of Brooklyn
sums up his criticism of Higher Algebra in these words, “It may safely
be said that the author in his methods has not neglected any sound
pedagogical principles established by the philosophy of education.”
Professor Sensenig was also the joint author with Dr. Robert F.
Anderson, of New Complete Arithmetic, 1900; Essentials of Arithmetic,
1902; and Introductory Arithmetic, 1903.
David M. Sensenig exhausted his vitality in making mathematics plain
to prospective teachers, and he made an indelible impression on his
pupils as to manhood and integrity. He was anything but a time-server,
and stood for the right at all hazards. His thought always was to help
righteousness prevail in the world. He never drifted down from this
high elevation of thought. He reflected in his life the teaching of the
plain people of Lancaster County from whom he sprang—work hard
and do right.
David left no issue to bear the Sensenig name. He is buried in Morris-
ville Cemetery.
(k) Peter Sensenig (1844-1898). “Where is Peter? He has been away
several hours.” They found him down by the duck-pond, giving bread
soaked in water to his baby ducklings, and then setting them afloat,
watching them as they gracefully paddled away with their broad web
feet. Thus, quietly, sympathetically, beautifully, Peter passed his child-
( 1844 – 1898 )
hood hours, and the impress of those childhood scenes was indelible
in his life and character.
As the dominant head of the Sensenig Hardware Company, he employed
more clerks than were needed. He would give a grandfather a job
so that his widowed daughter with five children might have means of
support from the salary that was given him. Peter’s sympathetic nature
would not allow him to look indifferently on adversity.
When this quiet boy attended school in the one-room schoolhouse at
Goodville, he observed all that was going on, from the A-B-C class to
the algebra class. One day, the teacher in making his round of
observation, found Peter’s slate covered with algebra problems, and
he asked Peter if he had been following the work of the class. Peter
timidly admitted that he had been doing all the work, and from that
day forward he was found in the algebra class, though but a stripling
compared with his larger and older classmates.
Peter was very timid about religious expression, but as a boy in my
early teens, I took note that Peter would quietly sing religious hymns
as he went about his work when there were no customers about. Quietly,
he would think beautiful thoughts as he carried the burden of business
on his shoulders. Such men are entitled to large families.
Peter Sensenig married Mary Catherine Stauffer (1853-1928), daughter
of Martin E. Stauffer, farmer, surveyor and scrivener. Their children:
(6th Generation)
a. Michael Wayne Sensenig, b. 1873; d. 1876;
b. Jonas Sensenig, b. 2-20-1876; d. 1-8-1917;
c. Elizabeth S. Sensenig, b. 1879;
d. Laura S. Sensenig, b. 1881;
e. Carolyn S. Sensenig (1884-1929);
f. Peter Albert Sensenig, b. 1887;
g. Mary Catherine Sensenig, b. 6-6-1891; d. 4-6-1911;
h. David Ivan Sensenig, b. 1896.
(k)a. It was a sad day when uncle Peter had to part with his first-born
son. I well remember Wayne as a beautiful promising child. It was
during the hot election campaign between Hayes and Wheeler for the
Republicans, and Tilden and Hendricks as the Democratic candidates.
There were large ads telling of political meetings. One was headed
“Hayes, Wheeler, and victory; the other, Tilden, Hendricks, and
Reform.” I took Wayne in my arms and held him up to the Republi¬
can announcement, saying, “Wayne, who are you for?” He said,
“Hazy, Wheely, Vickry, my man.”
(k)b. Jonas Martin Sensenig, b. 2-20-1876; d. 1-8-1917; m. Ella Emma
Martin, b. 12-3-1879, daughter of Christian Martin, farmer and drover,
Goodville, Pa. Jonas conducted a grocery store in Philadelphia,
at the time of his death, which was at the early age of 41 years.
Children: (7th Generation)
a. Infant daughter, born and died 6-16-1899;
b. Christian Martin Sensenig, b. 10-11-1903; m. Blanche Savage,
born 4-26-1905;
c. David Martin Sensenig, b. 1-8-1912.
(k)bb. Christian is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and holds
a responsible position as a partner in P. J. Reeves Studios, located
at 6136-38 Cedar Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. This firm is principally
engaged in placing windows in churches, along with mural paintings
and church decorations. Give them consideration when decorating
your church.
Christian played baseball on the varsity team, though he was rather
light in weight, because he could hit the ball when some of his bigger
teammates couldn’t.
(k)bc. David Martin Sensenig, b. 1-8-1912, is also a graduate of the Uni¬
versity, with the degree of Bachelor in Economics. Three and a half
years after graduation were spent with the Girard Trust Co., and
five years in the statistical department of the Campbell Soup Co.
He is currently listed as the head of the payroll department. While
in college, he played on the forward line of the soccer team, which
had the honor of winning three successive championships.
On June 21, 1941, he was married to Anne Baker Warren in the
meeting house of Swarthmore College. She was born June 3, 1915,
in Philadelphia, Pa. Her parents were Francis V. and Mary Baker
Warren. She is a graduate of George School and Swarthmore Col¬
lege, and was actively interested in athletics while at college. After
graduating with the degree A.B., she was employed with the Sun
Oil Co., Friends Service, and at the University of Pennsylvania.
David says, “Now she is employed as my housekeeper, close com¬
panion, and partner.”
(k)c. Elizabeth Sensenig, b. 1879, married Warren Yerger (1879-1936).
Previous to marriage, she taught four years in the rural schools in Lan¬
caster County, graduated from the West Chester State Normal School
in 1902, taught in the public schools of Wayne one year, was
in charge of the girl’s grammar school and taught arithmetic in
Friends private school in Wilmington, Delaware; and married in
1912. She was active in women’s organizations of Wilmington, and
taught in the senior department of the West Presbyterian Church.
Also, she is a member of the Century Club, and at present is active
in women’s work at Cedar Grove Presbyterian Church. Her home
at present is in Terre Hill, Pa.
Warren Yerger has held responsible positions, as follows: He was
Principal of the Alexis I. Dupont School for 29 years; Past President
of the Delaware State Teacher’s Association; Superintendent of the
Presbyterian Church Bible School for ten years, and an elder in the
Presbyterian Church for ten years. He graduated from the West
Chester State Normal School in 1905; Ursinus College, 1912; and
from the University of Pennsylvania in 1915.
(k)d. Laura Sensenig, b. 1881, married Harry E. Reeser, who is an under¬
taker, located at Terre Hill, Pa. He is a graduate of Eckel’s College
of Embalmers. Laura is a member of Eastern Star, in Ephrata, and
active in church organizations at Cedar Grove Presbyterian Church.
One son was born to this union:
a. Robert Sensenig Reeser, b. 1912; d. 1928. He was a bright
promising young man, and it was very sad for his parents to
part with him at the age of sixteen years.
(k)e. Carolyn Sensenig (1884-1929), married Merle Wick, b. 1-12-1883,
who at present lives at 190 Rose Hill Avenue, New Rochelle, N. Y.
The children born to this union belong to the 7th generation:
a. Merle Sensenig Wick, b. 12-7-1913;
b. Elizabeth Ruth Wick, b. 10-26-1915;
c. Dorothy Jane Wick, b. 10-6-1918;
d. Janet Mary Wick, b. 4-23-1920;
e. Carolyn Bertha Wick, b. 12-25-1924;
f Claude James Wick, b. 12-25-1924.
Mr. Wick holds a very responsible position with the Electrolux Cor¬
(k)ea. Merle Wick, Jr., attended New York University, and is now Account¬
ant Manager for South American Development Company, Guayaquil,
(k)eb. Elizabeth Wick, stenographer, attended Hartwick College, N. Y., two
years, and Moons Business College, N. Y.
(k)ec. Dorothy S. Wick is a teacher, who graduated from New Paltz Normal
School, and was a student at New York University. She is married
to Capt. Andrew Harkness, who is a graduate of Norwich University,
Vermont, and now a Captain in the Air Corps.
(k)ed. Janet Wick attended Cedar Crest College, and studied to be a dietician.
(k)ee and f. The twins, Carolyn and James Claude, are attending high
school in New Rochelle. James is a student of Piano, and is talented
in music.
(k)f. Peter Albert Sensenig, b. 1887, married Merena Moore Lambert, born
in Scranton, Pa., 3-4-1894, daughter of Joseph B. and Elizabeth
Lambert, and great great granddaughter of General Robert Reynolds of
Washington’s staff, during the Revolutionary War.
Their only son is Warren Albert Sensenig, b. 1-3-1923, who graduated
from the Rahway High School in 1940, and attended sessions at
Rutgers University. They are all members of the First Presbyterian
Church of Rahway.
Peter Albert Sensenig started in business as a village newsboy. With
the money earned in this way, coupled with money earned on farms
during the summer time, he was enabled to graduate from high school.
Following his older brother to Philadelphia, he secured work in a
large department store. Promotion came, and he spent a year in the
mail-order department, and took courses in night schools, covering
bookkeeping, sales manager, salesmanship, commercial law, adver¬
tising, and economics. He edited the Westinghouse Machine News,
which required a close study of various classes of skilled labor and
the functioning of various departments.
In radio broadcasting, he wrote many feature articles on Westinghouse
Stations, WJZ, Newark; WBZ, Springfield, and SPZ, Rio de Janeiro.
He is well acquainted with national merchandising. Several products
for which he coordinated publicity and sales promotion have grown
to yearly million-dollar sales.
As chairman of the Exhibits Committee of the American Marine
Association, he staged the 1925 American Marine show in New York
City. He was closely identified with securing national publicity for
well known ships, several of which were given pictorial publicity in
newspapers and magazines. His illustrated articles have been ex¬
tensively used by technical, trade, and semi-popular magazines and
After spending a year with Ingersoll Rand, Peter started on his real
estate career, selecting Rahway, because it is in the midst of the great
marine, industrial, and commercial section of Northern New Jersey,
and within easy commuting distance of New York City.
Peter is Vice-President of the Rahway Real Estate Board, director
of Citizens’ Building and Loan Association, and a charter member
of the Society of Industrial Realtors.
You will agree with me that Peter has put Goodville as well as
Rahway on the map.
(k)h. David Ivan Sensenig, b. 2-18-1896, married Ruth Parry, born in Phila¬
delphia, 1-3-1903. Children (7th Gen.)
Publicist a promising young man
Standing —Merle Wick; Mrs. and Mr. Peter A. Sensenig.
Sitting —Mrs. Caroline S. Wick and children, and Mrs. Peter M. Sensenig.
a. Richard Parry Sensenig, b. 12-7-1928;
b. Mary Jane Sensenig, b. 6-22-1932.
At this writing, David Ivan is Assistant Treasurer and Auditor for
the Evening Philadelphia Public Ledger; Public Ledger, Incorporated,
controlling the accounting system, cashiers, etc., having under his
supervision twenty-eight employees. He is director of Practical
Building and Loan Association, and has connection with the National
Ben Franklin Fire Insurance Company, and the Metropolitan Casualty
Co., as insurance agent. Both Peter and Ivan have inherited their
father’s propensity for business.
Jacob Sensenig, married to Maria Krey;
Michael Sensenig, b. 1723; d. 1801; m. Magdalena Wenger;
Christian Sensenig (1757-1832) m. 1st Elizabeth Buckwalter; 2nd,
Magdalena Weaver.
Mrs. Coldren, of the Lancaster County Historical Society, reports that
eleven children were born to the first wife and three to the second.
Will 2-1-18 of Christian Sensenich reveals the following adults (4th
generation) :
John Sensenich, d. 1829; m. Barbara Lichty, who died, 4-17-1863;
Eliza Sensenich, wife of Christian Lichty;
Barbara Sensenich, b. 4-5-1832; d. 5-28-1900; m. Michael Wenger,
b. 2-26-1819; d. 4-18-1900. (Buried on Sensenig Farm) ;
Francis Sensenich, b. 4-15-1793; d. 10-10-1875; m. Elizabeth Weaver;
Esther Sensenich, wife of Daniel High (Hoch);
Christian Sensenich (1796-1847); m. 1st Barbara -, 2nd
Catherine Hiestand;
Samuel Sensenich, b. 2-12-1807; d. 1870;
Magdalena Sensenich, wife of Jacob Burchart.
The Sensenich farm on which this family was raised is on the road
leading from Bridgeville (west of Beartown) to Route 23 and about a
fourth mile from Bridgeville.
When Michael and Magdalena, the father and mother of Christian
Sensenich, signed a release, he signed Michael Sinsenig and she signed
Magdalena Sensenich. Christian adopted the mother’s way of spelling the
name, and this branch of the family has consistently held to this way of
spelling. Let us remember, however, that final ig and ich have the same
pronunciation in German. Wenig (little) is pronounced like venich.
In his will 2-1-18, Christian’s name appears as Christian Sentznig.
W E RECKON Christian Sensenich (1757-1832) as the progenitor of
the Bridgeville group of the “Sensiney” family, and we shall give
first the family record of his son Francis:
Francis Sensenich, b. 4-15-1793; d. 10-10-1875; m. Elizabeth Weaver
(daughter of George Weaver), b. 8-27-1789; d. 12-22-1863. The children
born to this union (5th Gen.) :
a. George W. Sensenich, b. 1-10-1817; d. 1-19-1881;
b. Catherine W. Sensenich, b. 1-4-1819; d. 4-22-1880;
c. Martin W. Sensenich, b. 7-13-1823; d. 2-6-1902;
d. Abraham W. Sensenich, b. 5-10-1826; d. in 1890;
e. Christian W. Sensenich, b. 8-25-1825; d. 9-3-1859;
f. Levi W. Sensenich, b. 5-23-1828; d. 9-30-1863;
g. Elizabeth W. Sensenich, b. 10-22-1830; d.-;
h. Isaac W. Sensenich, b. 12-31-1833; d. 12-24-1901.
(a) George W. Sensenich (1817-1881) m. 1st Anna Worst (daughter of
George Worst), b. 9-3-1817; d. 5-16-1843. His 2nd wife was Elizabeth
Kurtz, b. 2-1-1820; d. 1-22-1885.
George was one of the first trustees of the Bridgeville Evangelical
Church. The other trustees were John S. Rodgers, Isaac Weaver, and
John J. Stauffer. George bought the small tract of land on which the
tan-yard was constructed, from Samuel Beecher and wife, March 30,
1840. This tract was next bought by Christian and David L. Sensenich
March 27, 1862. The same tract was later owned by Frank W. Sensenig,
and then by Edward Harvey.
Children (6th generation):
a. Frank Worst Sensenich, b. 5-23-1841; d. 6-14-1911; Frank, as a
veterinarian, was well-known in eastern Lancaster County.
There were three daughters born to the 2hd wife:
b. Emma K. Sensenich, b. 10-25-1851; d. 6-19-1927;*
c. Lydia Sensenich Emery, b. 5-26-1847; d. -;
d. Harriet Sensenich Wenger, b. 3-19-1850; d.-; m. Levan
Wenger. No children born to this union.
(a) a. Frank Worst Sensenich married Louisa Koffroad, b. 6-27-1841; d.
2-3-1915. Children (7th Gen.) :
Original Sensenich Homestead (part to the left) Bridgeville Evangelical Church
on 50th Wedding Anniversary
a. Anna C. Sensenich, b. 9-22-1865; d. 11-22-1930;*
b. Levi Walter Sensenich, b. 4-23-1871; d. 11-18-1938;
c. Alta Sensenich Buckwalter, b. 1-2-1884.
(a)c. Lydia Sensenich, b. 1847; m. James Roland Emery, b. 3-24-1834.
Their children (7th Gen.):
a. Charles G. Emery, b. 7-22-1875;*
b. Clyde Emery, b. 6-25-1881;*
c. Lena Emery, b. 7-3-1870; m. William H. Fitch, b. 8-10-1873.
Their children (8th Gen.) :
a. William Emery Fitch, b. 12-7-1907; m. Rebecca Wolfe;*
b. John Clyde Fitch, b. 12-28-1908 (unmarried);
c. Paul Fitch, b. 9-30-1910; m. Ruth Frances Tabscott, b.
5-10-1911. Children (9th Gen.) :
a. William Franklin Fitch, b. 8-9-1933;
b. Gene Paul Fitch, b. 11-24-1936;
c. Barbara Jane Fitch, b. 5-2-1941.
(a)ab. Levi Walter Sensenich was married March 6, 1888, to Susanna
Witwer, b. 6-20-1869. Their children (8th Gen.) :
a. Roy Witwer Sensenich, b. 6-12-1889;
b. Elsie May Sensenich, b. 2-5-1892;
c. Floretta Belle Sensenich, b. 3-17-1894;
d. Paul McKinley Sensenich, b. 10-13-1896.
(a) aba. Roy Witwer Sensenich married December 22, 1910, Lottie Catherine
Fox, b. 4-19-1892. Children (9th Gen.) :
a. Arlene Gladys Sensenich, b. 4-19-1912; m. 6-6-1936, Richard
Eyman. Issue (10th Gen.) :
a. Arlene Gladys Sensenich Eyman, b. 2-5-1942.
(a)abb. Elsie May Sensenich married, May 30, 1918, Benjamin F. Weaver,
b. 2-7-1890. Children (9th Gen.) :
a. Harold Sensenich Weaver, b. 7-16-1919;
b. Kenneth Martin Weaver, b. 7-16-1922;
c. Donald S. Weaver, b. December, 1920;
d. Beatrice Pauline Weaver, b. 8-7-1923;
e. Floretta Labelle Weaver, b. 3-14-1925;
f. Homer Paul Weaver, b. 1-9-1927;
g. Evelyn Jane Weaver, b. 5-2-1928;
h. Hazel Lucille Weaver, b. 7-2-1929;
i. Lois Arlene Weaver, b. 3-12-1931.
(a)abc. Floretta Belle Sensenich (Unmarried).
(a)abd. Paul McKinley Sensenich, married 7-20-1915, Mary Catherine
Rutter, b. 2-12-1896. Children (9th Gen.) :
a. Pauline Helen Sensenich, b. 8-3-1916;
b. Robert Franklin Sensenich, b. 11-19-1917;
c. Irene Grace Sensenich, b. 9-14-1920;
d. Roy Glenn Sensenich, b. 9-9-1924; d. 5-10-1937;
e. Betty Jane Sensenich, b. 9-17-1927.
(a)abda. Pauline Helen Sensenich, married 12-1-1934, LaMarr Clarence
Spotts. Children (10th Gen.) :
a. Paul LaVerne Spotts, b. 7-22-1935;
b. Peggy Ann Spotts, b. 11-2-1937;
c. Larry Glenn Spotts, b. 6-5-1940.
(a)abdb. Robert Franklin Sensenich, married 2-11-1939, Mildred Frances
Ertz, b. 2-22-1920. Children (10th Gen.) :
a. Marlene Adele Sensenich, b. 7-30-1939;
b. Dorothy Arlene Sensenich, b. 11-14-1941.
(a)abdc. Irene Grace Sensenich, married Lawrence Arlington Fox, born
11-2-1920. Children (10th Gen.) :
a. Ronald Lawrence Fox, b. 6-15-1941.
The occupations and addresses of the above group are:
Roy W. Sensenich, Toolmaker, Hamilton Watch Co., Lancaster, Pa.
Address: 915 Edgewood Ave., Lancaster;
Richard Eyman, Armstrong Co., Lancaster, Pa. Address: Lancaster,
R. D. No. 5;
Benjamin F. Weaver, farmer, Stevens, R. D.;
Paul McKinley Sensenich, caretaker, State Highway Dept., Narvon,
R. D.;
Clarence Spotts, Wholesale Truck Service, Wright Bakery, New Hol¬
land. Address: Narvon, R. D.;
Robert Franklin Sensenich, Milk Distributor, White Oak Dairies, Terre
Hill, Pa. Address: Terre Hill, Pa.;
Lawrence A. Fox, employee of Lukens Steel Co., Coatesville, Pa. Ad¬
dress: Coatesville, Pa.
Harold Sensenich Weaver, Lancaster Malleable Castings Co., Lancaster,
Donald Sensenich Weaver, Middletown Air Depot, and now listed as
an Aviation Cadet;
Beatrice Sensenich Weaver will be a Junior at Millersville State Teachers
College, this winter;
Kenneth Weaver works on his father’s farm;
Floretta, Homer, Evelyn, and Hazel are all in high school at Denver,
Pa. (A forward-looking family);
Harold, Donald, Kenneth and Beatrice are all high school graduates;
Betty Jane, daughter of Paul, is a sophomore at the New Holland High
The people of this group are all doing well, and their grandmother (Mrs.
Levi Walter Sensenich) is quite proud of her wide-awake grandchildren.
(a) ac. Mary Alta Sensenich, b. 1-2-1884 at Beartown, Pa., married Benjamin
Buckwalter 12-28-1904, born 1-12-1885, at New Holland, Pa. Their
children (8th Gen.) :
a. Franklin S. Buckwalter, b. 2-16-1906, at Columbus, Ohio, and
he was married to Sarah Trout of Mifflin, Pa.;
b. George Earl Buckwalter, b. 7-16-1910, at New Holland, Pa.;
c. Anna Louisa Buckwalter, b. 11-16-1911, at Newark, Ohio; d.
July 13, 1935;
d. Helen Catherine Buckwalter, b. 4-22-1913; m. Harry Armen-
trout, b. 1-26-1908. They have one child (9th Gen.):
a. Diana Lynn Armentrout, b. 8-25-1934;
e. Pauline Grace Buckwalter, b. 12-21-1914, Newark, Ohio;
f. Paul Weaver Buckwalter, b. 6-1-1916; m. Lucile Crass, b.
12-7-1915, at Salado, Texas;
g. Mary Ethel Buckwalter; b. 8-20-1917, Newark, Ohio.
(b) Catherine W. Sensenich (1819-1880) married John Saussman Weaver,
b. 12-21-1815; d. 3-14-1899. Anyone acquainted in the eastern end of
Lancaster County in the 2nd half of the 19th century knew John S.
Weaver. He was first associated with Peter Good in the store business.
Goodville was named after Peter Good. When he was old and childless
he sold out to John S. Weaver and Martin E. Stauffer. The latter soon
sold out and Weaver became the sole proprietor of the business; and
later on, associated his son, B. F. Weaver, with him, with the name of
the firm J. S. Weaver and Son. This firm later sold out to the Sensenig
Hardware Company. Having known John S. Weaver for a number of
years, I give it as my testimony that he was a man of upright character,
whom all delighted to meet. He was jovial in spirit and wished every¬
body well.
Two children were born to this union (6th Gen.) :
a. Benjamin Franklin Weaver, b. 9-6-1844; d. 12-10-1928;
b. Anna Elizabeth Weaver, b. 3-31-1847; died-.
(b)a. Benjamin Franklin Weaver married Sarah L. Bidden, b. 12-6-1842;
d. 4-23-1927. Franklin was better known as “Squire” Weaver as he
was Justice of the Peace for many years. He first had his office on the
2nd floor of the store, but later the office was at the east end of his
house. It was while the office was in the store that the notorious
Buzzard Gang was brought before him for preliminary trial, and for
lack of bail was sent to Jail by Squire Weaver. As a boy, I stood
beside Jake Buzzard on the day of trial, and I noticed that his hair was
in better order than mine and he had perfume on his handkerchief.
He seemed quite agreeable.
Franklin moved to Philadelphia later in life, and was for a number of
years employed in the Stetson Hat Factory.
The children born to this union (7th Gen.) :
a. Alice Weaver Bair, b. 2-28-1869; d. 11-5-1938;
b. Anna Weaver Ranck, b. 5-8-1871; d. 8-15-1940;
c. Emma C. Weaver, b. 6-16-1872;*
d. John J. Weaver, b. 3-16-1874 (not married);
e. Carrie Weaver Hehler, b. 12-14-1876;
f. B. Franklin Weaver, Jr., b. 8-8-1880; d. 10-3-1896;*
g. Silas B. Weaver, b. 8-8-1880; d. 7-10-1906.*
(b) b. Anna Elizabeth Weaver, b. 3-31-1847, married John Jacob Stauffer,
son of Joseph Stauffer, b. 11-14-1842. He was one of the first trustees
of the Bridgeville Church, and conducted a thriving business in Good-
ville, as a coachmaker and repairer of carriages. Goodville suffered
a big loss when John Jacob Stauffer died as a comparatively young
man. The children born to this union are of the 7th Gen.:
a. Drucilla Caroline Stauffer, b. 10-16-1868 m. Thomas Fox;
b. Anna Catherine Stauffer, b. 2-3-1871; m. John Cox Grube;
c. Eva Mary Stauffer, b. 10-1-1873;*
d. Francis A. Stauffer, b. 10-15-1875; m. Emma Leaman;
e. Cora Louise Stauffer, b. 8-9-1877; m. Milton W. Martin;
f. John Keeler Stauffer, b. 1-21-1880; m. Elizabeth Anderson.
(c) Martin W. Sensenig, b. 7-13-1823; d. 2-6-1902; m. Lydia Ann Weiler,
daughter of Andrew S. and Eliza Jane Weiler, b. 11-9-1833; d. 12-30-
1910. They were married 2-9-1853, in Caernarvon Twp. by Rev. Joseph
Carlisle, minister in the M. E. church. The children to this union are
of the 6th Gen.:
a. Fianna Carrie Sensenich, b. 12-23-1853; d. 8-27-1927; m. John
Sprecher. No issue;*
b. Harry Weiler Sensenich, b. 2-28-1856; d. 2-9-1923;
c. Anna Eliza Sensenich, b. 6-7-1859; d. 8-7-1863;*
d. Ella Amelia Sensenich, b. 10-12-1863; d. 9-25-1937.
(c)b. Harry W. Sensenich married Susanna S. High, daughter of George
High. Those living in the vicinity of Goodville during the fifty
years prior to Harry’s death will not forget Harry. He was the
dominant person in the drygoods department of the Sensenig Hard¬
ware Company, and later acquired control of the store, when the
hardware company disintegrated through the death of the partners.
The store is now conducted under the name of M. 0. Singer, son-in-
law of Harry W. Sensenich.
Harry had spent much time in the latter part of his life collecting
data for the Sensenig record, but he had to depart before completing
The children born to the union are of the 7th Gen.:
a. Edgar H. Sensenich, b. 12-23-1875; d. 6-11-1939;
b. Bertha Sensenich, b. 9-6-1877; m. M. 0. Singer;*
c. George Warren Sensenich, b. 4-21-1887; d. 8-12-1900;*
d. Lydia Ann Sensenich, b. 9-19-1879;
e. Carrie Ella Sensenich, b. 10-7-1886; d. 7-8-1911;*
f. Myrtle Victoria Sensenich, b. 12-15-1895; d. 2-7-1915.*
(c)ba. Edgar H. Sensenich married Louisa Yarnall, b. February, 1896;
d. 6-17-1933. They both graduated from the West Chester State
Normal School; and later, Edgar held a position in the Philadelphia
National Bank, and became a member of the Portland Trust Com¬
pany. Their children are of the 8th Gen.:
a. George Warren Sensenich, b. 4-10-1901; d. 2-4-1937;*
b. Ruth Ellen Sensenich, b. 7-27-1904, who married William Price
Sullivan of Portland, Oregon. Their two children (9th Gen.)
a. Ruth Ellen Sullivan, b. 3-4-1930;
b. William Price Sullivan, b. 6-3-1935.
Wm. Price Sullivan is Mgr. of Sears Roebuck Store, Modesto,
(c)bd. Lydia Ann Sensenich married Clayton H. Hertzler (1878-1937).
Their children (8th Gen.) are:
a. Paul Vincent Hertzler, b. 5-29-1904; m. Mariam Fraley;
b. Lloyd Sensenich Hertzler, b. 12-21-1905;
c. George Edgar Hertzler, b. 3-20-1908;
d. Mary Matilda Hertzler, b. 8-30-1910.
(c)bdb. Lloyd Sensenich Hertzler married Ruth Eckman, b. 6-1-1908. They
have two children (9th Gen.) :
a. David Hertzler, b. 5-15-1932;
b. Susan Ruth Hertzler, b. 6-14-1938.
(c)bdc. George Edgar Hertzler married Mary Overly, b. 3-12-1908. They
had one child (9th Gen.):
a. Georgiana 0. Hertzler, b. 4-9-1938.
(c)bdd. Mary Matilda Hertzler married Richard E. Borger, b. 9-29-1908.
Children (9th Gen.):
a. June Hertzler Borger, b. 1-20-1938; d. 5-1-1938;
b. Richard Eshelman Borger, b. 6-20-1938;
c. Thomas Paul Borger, b. 4-26-1941.
Rev. George Edgar Hertzler is a minister in the United Brethren
Church, and at present is serving Christ Church, Harrisburg. His
address is 3005 Derry Street, Harrisburg, Pa.
(c)d. Ella Amelia Sensenich, b. 10-12-1863; d. 9-25-1937; m. Diller J.
Ranck in 1884. He was born 12-19-1860; d. 5-2-1933. Their children
(7th Gen.):
a. Paul S. Ranck, b. 7-17-1889; m. Marie E. Poulson in 1915;
b. Lydia Susan Ranck, b. 1-7-1893; d. 1-1-1897;*
c. Mark Jacob Ranck, b. 4-1-1896; d. 10-27-1896;*
d. Guy Jacob Ranck, b. 2-14-1898; m. Minnie Myers, daughter of
Amos Myers.
(d) Abraham W. Sensenich (1826-1890) m. Elizabeth Stauffer (1834-1915),
daughter of Henry and Nancy Stauffer. The children born to this
union are of the 6th Generation:
a. Anna E. Sensenich, b. 11-27-1859; d. 1938;*
b. Barton S. Sensenich, b. 10-23-1854; d. 9-30-1883;
c. Reuben S. Sensenich, b. 1857; d. 4-23-1939;
d. Ida S. Sensenich, b. 12-1-1869; d. 1-24-1927.
(d)b. Barton S. Sensenich married Catherine Oberholtzer, daughter of
Joseph Oberholtzer. Issue: (7th Gen.)
a. Carrie F. Sensenich, b. 9-3-1875; d. 9-28-1899; m. Benjamin
Zimmerman. They have one son:
a. Elmer Zimmerman, Blue Ball, Pa.;
b. Sue Etta Sensenich, m. Jacob Martin. They have a son:
a. In Veteran’s Hospital, Coatesville, Pa.;
c. Lena M. Sensenich, b. 7-15-1875; m. Harry Eby (dec’d). They
have one son:
a. Leroy Eby; Residence: 118 Poplar Walk, Ridley Park, Pa.;
d. Roxanna Sensenich, b. 6-9-1880; m. Frank Ludwig, New Hol¬
land, Pa. Four girls and one boy were born to this union.
Those living are Lena, Ruth, and George.
(d)c. Reuben Sensenich, b. 11-17-1857; d. 4-23-1939; m. Emma Good, b.
2-4-1860. Issue: (7th Gen.)
a. Laura Sensenich, b. 9-28-1881; m. Gabriel Gamber, b. 6-7-1875.
Issue: (8th Gen.)
a. Clarence S. Gamber, b. 7-17-1904;
b. Edith M. Gamber, b. 10-25-1906; m. Walter Ranck, b.
c. Roy S. Gamber, b. 10-6-1908; m. Mary Garden, b. 4-4-1913.
Issue: (9th Gen.)
a. Samuel M. Gamber, b. 8-17-1937;
b. Jean P. Gamber, b. 12-31-1939;
d. W. Ralph Gamber, b. 1-4-1912; m. Luella Garman, b.
4-10-1915. Issue: (9th Gen.)
a. W. Ralph Gamber, b. 4-27-1938;
e. Clyde R. Gamber, b. 12-6-1915; m. Dorothea Smith, b.
12-19-1914. Issue:
a. Clyde R. Gamber, Jr., b. 12-6-1939;
f. C. Richard Gamber, b. 12-13-1919; m. Betty Baldwin, born
b. W. Ralph Sensenich, b. 12-21-1884; m. Elizabeth H. Sensenich,
b. 10-3-1885. Issue:
a. Dorothy E. Sensenich, b. 1-3-1908; m. Wm. K. Davis;
b. J. F. Sensenich, b. 6-16-1912; m. Mary Martin. Issue:
a. Elaine Carol, b. 10-13-1939 (9th Gen.);
c. Carl Sensenich, b. 4-13-1919.
c. Mabel Sensenich, b. 11-2-1887; m. Victor Swarr, b. 6-23-1886.
a. Marion Swarr, b. 2-25-1912; m. Roy Herr, b. 6-6-1910;
b. Victor Clair Swarr, b. 3-26-1915; m. Charline Christemen,
b. 6-3-1917. Issue: (9th Gen.)
a. Clair Winfield Swarr, b. 9-9-1940;
c. Emma Swarr, b. 10-5-1917; m. Arthur Rudy, b. 3-6-1940.
d. Rhoda Sensenich, b. 11-2-1901; m. Luther Duncan, b. 3-7-1902.
Issue: (8th Gen.)
a. Robert Luther Duncan, b. 1-23-1924;
b. Richard Nevin Duncan, b. 7-7-1925;
c. Ruth Elberta Duncan, b. 4-7-1927;
d. Harold S. Duncan, b. 3-1-1929.
Roy Gamber is a teacher in the East Hempfield Twp. schools, a
graduate of Millersville State Teachers- College;
Ralph Gamber is a meat salesman for Armour & Co.;
Clyde Gamber is a teacher in the West Earl Twp. schools, and took
a two year’s course at Millersville;
Richard Gamber is in the Chemical Dept, of Hamilton Watch Co.;
Clair Swarr is employed and lives in Philadelphia;
Gabriel Gamber is a farmer; also, Victor Swarr and Roy Herr;
Carl Sensenich is employed by the Hamilton Watch Co.;
Ralph Sensenich is a manager of a feed store;
Luther Duncan is a foreman for the Armstrong Cork Co.
(Information given by Clyde R. Gamber.)
(d)b. Ida Sensenich, b. 12-1-1869; d. 1-24-1927; m. Harry K. Leslie (1865-
1942). Children (7th Gen.) :
a. Leroy Leslie, b. 12-8-1892; m. Elizabeth McNeal. Issue: Mar¬
garet Ann McNeal Leslie;
b. Anna S. Leslie, b. 7-23-1898; m. W. Kinzer Emery. Issue:
Janet, aged 13 in 1941; Denton, aged nine; Ray, aged 2.
Harry Leslie was first employed by the Sensenig Hardware Co., and
later conducted a dairy farm near Honeybrook, Pa. He lived retired
in Bareville, Pa., when he died.
(e) Christian W. Sensenich , b. 8-25-1825; d. 9-3-1859; m. Catherine Lichty,
b. 12-17-1825; d. 2-27-1868. Issue: (6th Gen.)
a. Mary Ann Sensenich, b. 6-13-1852; d. 10-24-1927;
b. Salinda Sensenich, b. 11-1-1855; d. 5-26-1932.
(e)a. Mary Ann Sensenich married Simon Mentzer, b. 9-25-1850; died
10-20-1929. Issue:
a. Rine F. Mentzer, b. 3-5-1874; m. Grace 0. Bender, b. 6-16-1882.
They have one child—Ralph B. Mentzer, b. 1-18-1915;
b. Catherine B. Mentzer, b. 4-14-1875; d. 10-19-1941;*
c. Irvin C. Mentzer, b. 5-17-1879; m. Mary Herr, b. 8-13-1881. They
have one son—Jasper I. Mentzer, b. 10-21-1920; who married
Miriam Gorrecht, b. in 1922. They have one daughter, b. 7-30-
1941 (9th Gen.);
d. Paul L. Mentzer, b. 7-4-1897, has one son—Robert E. Mentzer.
(e)b. Salinda Sensenich married Dr. Barton Winters, b. 12-11-1854; died
7-22-1941. Barton practiced medicine for many years in Goodville
and was one of the directors of the New Holland National Bank.
a. Sue L. Winters, b. 9-11-1885.
(e)ba. Sue L. Winters married Ivan Richwine, b. 2-5-1885. Issue:
a. Barton Winters Richwine, b. 2-3-1909; m. Etta B. Weaver, and
they have two children:
a. Barton Winters Richwine, b. 1-19-1939;
b. Susan Jane Richwine, b. 11-20-1940;
b. Alfred H. Richwine, b. 3-23-1910; m. Martha A. Myers, March
15, 1940. Issue:
a. Linda Ann Richwine, b. 3-25-1941;
c. Isabel M. Richwine, b. 9-7-1916; m. Joseph W. Martin, August
31, 1940;
d. Samuel W. Richwine, b. 3-31-1923.
The two older boys in their study of medicine had the advantage of
having Dr. Barton Winters in the family, and in the letter the mother
sent us, we read:
‘‘Barton specializes on Obstetrics and women’s diseases, and does
operations. Alfred is a general practitioner, doing work in Johns
Hopkins before he opened his office here.
“Isabel lives in my old home in Goodville, and taught physical edu¬
cation before she married. The three graduated from George
Washington University.
Samuel is in the high school, plays football, and will be the tallest
member of the family when full-grown.”
This family has the forward look, and the Sensenichs can well be
proud of this family in their group.
(f) Levi W. Sensenich , b. 5-3-1828; d. 9-30-1863; m. Mary Ann Stauffer
in 1848. Issue: (6th Gen.)
a. Fianna Sensenich, d. 10-31-1862;*
b. John Jacob Sensenich, d. 10-31-1862;*
c. Dr. Aaron Stauffer Sensenich, b. 8-3-1849, at Goodville, Pa., d.
d. Susanna Sensenich, b. 10-7-1853; d. 1926.
(f)c. Dr. Aaron Stauffer Sensenich married Martha M. Brubaker, b. 4-19-
1849, at Ashland, Ohio; d. 5-7-1910; m. 4-7-1867, and moved to
Wakarusa, Indiana, after his father died. Issue: (7th Gen.)
a. Ida Elnora Sensenich, b. 7-30-1869; m. William H. Clay, drug¬
gist, at Wakarusa, Indiana, 12-31-1887; d. 8-31-1932. William
H. Clay, b. 6-11-1867; d. 4-24-1938;
b. Bertha May Sensenich, b. 3-10-1876, at Wakarusa, d. 1-27-1887;
c. Dr. Rosco Lloyd Sensenich, b. 11-20-1882, at Wakarusa, Indiana;
d. Agnes Viola Sensenich, b. 3-3-1885; d. 1-26-1887;
e. Omah Floy Sensenich, b. 1-22-1890, at Wakarusa, m. Otis S.
Romine, 12-13-1919, and lives in South Bend, Indiana.
(f)ca. Ida Elnora Sensenich married William Clay. Issue: (8th Gen.)
a. Cleotis Clyde Clay, b. 11-21-1888; d. 6-29-1942;
b. Golda Gertrude Clay, b. 2-6-1890.
(f)caa. Dr. Cleotis Clyde Clay married Gladys P. Lapp, Nappanee, Indiana,
11-20-1915. Issue: (9th Gen.)
a. William Scott Clay, b. 12-17-1919, at Wakarusa. He is a
graduate of Depauw University, and is serving in Aviation,
U. S. Army, in the present war.
(f)cab. Golda Gertrude Clay married Ralph E. Walter, 5-7-1913, at Waka¬
rusa, Indiana.
(f)cc. Dr. Roscoe Lloyd Sensenich married Helen F. Daugherty, 4-10-1917.
Issue: (8th Gen.)
a. Helene Margery Sensenich, b. 8-24-1918; graduate of Vassar,
with the Class of 1939, took the degree M.A. from the Univer¬
sity of Chicago in the department of Social Service Administra¬
tion, 1941. She is at present in Medical Social Work at the
Graduate Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadel¬
phia, Pa.
(f)ce. Omah Floy Sensenich married Otis S. Romine 12-13-1919. Issue:
Otis Sensenich Romine, b. 1-24-1923, at South Bend, Indiana; who
attended the University of Notre Dame, and is now employed in
the Engineering Department of an aeroplane meter plant.
(f)d. Susanna Sensenich married Daniel High, b. 6-4-1844; d. 12-16-1922.
Issue: (7th Gen.)
a. Benjamin Franklin High, b. 1-1-1873; d. 8-13-1874;
b. Barton S. High, b. 9-24-1875;
c. Ida Estella High, b. 10-23-1884; d. 12-5-1935;
d. Edgar Ray High, b. 7-26-1888.
(f)db. Barton S. High married Emma May Andrews 7-14-1894; d. 3-4-1930.
Issue: (8th Gen.)
a. Forest Glen High, b. 3-29-1904; d. 9-18-1904;*
b. Thelma Magdalene, b. 1906;
c. Charles Daniel, b. 7-7-1908.
(f)dc. Ida Estella High married Ezra Zimmerman, 10-3-1893. They have
five children.
(f) de. Edgar Ray High married Fern Secor, 4-8-1922. They have four
Dr. Aaron Stauffer Sensenich graduated from Rush Medical College,
Chicago, February 22, 1881, and enjoyed a very large practice in medicine
at Wakarusa, Indiana, up to the time of his death. He occupied a high
place in the life of the community in which he lived.
Dr. Rosco Lloyd Sensenich graduated from Rush Medical College of
the University of Chicago in 1905, trained in Presbyterian Hospital in
Chicago and did graduate work in other schools and abroad. He located
in South Bend, Indiana, in the practice of the specialty of Internal Medicine.
He is Past President of the Indiana State Medical Association, and is now
a trustee of the American Medical Association, and member of other medical
organizations. He also served as a Major in the Medical Corps of the
Army in World War No. 1, as Chief of Medical Service in the Army
General Hospital.
Dr. Cleotis Clyde Clay graduated from Purdue University and the
Chicago College of Veterinary Medicine and continued in the practice of
Veterinary Medicine in Wakarusa, Indiana, until his death.
Omah Floy Sensenich attended the University of Chicago, and is
engaged in public welfare work in South Bend, Indiana.
Helen F. Daugherty is a graduate of St. Mary’s Academy and Mt.
Vernon Seminary, Washington, D. C.
(g) Elizabeth W. Sensenich, born 1830, married Martin E. Stauffer. She
was his 2nd wife, and no children were born to the union.
(h) Isaac W. Sensenich (1833-1901), m. Kate Stauffer, daughter of Henry
and Nancy Stauffer of Goodville, Pa. No children were born to this
union, and they adopted a girl, who bore the name Barbara Sensenich.
Isaac, as I knew him, was a man of placid temperament, and he reminded
me of Jesus of Nazareth. I well remember him as my Sunday School
teacher in the Goodville schoolhouse when I was about sixteen years
of age. He was a big strong quiet man who exemplified Christian
virtues. I remember two men engaged in trivial and unworthy conver¬
sation in the drygoods store in Goodville. When Isaac came into the
store, the conversation suddenly changed to more sensible themes with
Isaac leading in the discussion along sensible channels. These two
men could not continue their frivolous nonsense with Isaac present.
As a boy, I was impressed by this demonstration of the power of
righteous personality.
John Sensenich , d. 1829
We do not know the birth date of John, and he may have been the oldest
of the sons of Christian, the progenitor of the Bridgeville Sensenich group.
John was married to Barbara Lichty and Eliza Sensenich was married to
Christian Lichty. The Lichty farm joined that of Christian Sensenich on the
north. John and Barbara had these children born to the union: (5th Gen.)
a. Christian L. Sensenich (1810-1887), bachelor;*
b. David L. Sensenich (1811-1900), married the widow Harvey, with
five children. No issue to this union*;
c. Mary L. Sensenich (1827-1918), married George Russell;*
d. Elizabeth L. Sensenig, d. 5-1- 1850, married John Thomas. One
child, David Thomas, was born to the union.
This group sold the land on which Zion Church of the Evangelical
Association, is located as appears in the minutes bearing on the start of
the church:
“Minute on start of Bridgeville Church: Christian L., David L., and
Susan Harvey Sensenich, of East Earl Twp., parties of the first part, and
George W. Sensenich, Isaac Weaver, John S. Rodgers, and John Jacob
Stauffer, Trustees in trust for the use and purposes hereinafter mentioned.”
“Christian L. Sensenich, David L. Sensenich, and wife Susan sold to
the Trustees of Zion Church of the Evangelical Association, 78.7 perches of
land on the Downingtown and Harrisburg turnpike road in Caernarvon
Township, Lancaster County, for twenty-five dollars ($25), money received.”
As a boy, I well remember all of the persons involved in this trans¬
action. Note that these Sensenichs came from the plain Mennonite group,
but they were big-hearted enough and religious to the extent of starting a
church of another denomination. Peter Senseney, of the Virginia group,
gave the land to start a Methodist church.
Christian Sensenich
Christian Sensenich (1796-1847) is another of the sons of Christian
Sensenich, progenitor of the Bridgeville group. He was married twice.
His first wife was Barbara-, 2nd, Catherine Hiestand.
The children, all born to the 2nd wife, are: (5th Gen.)
a. Jacob H. Sensenich, b. 10-24-1829; at Beartown, Lane. Co., Pa.;
d. 6-18-1907, at Irwin, Westmoreland Co., Pa. He married Mary
Eby, 1-22-1857. She was born 8-19-1832 and died 5-18-1913. Both
are buried at Irwin, Pa. –
b. John H. Sensenich, b. 3-1-1835; d. Sept., 1921;
c. Elizabeth H. Sensenich, b. 11-27-1831; d. 3-13-1916.
(a) Jacob H. Sensenich and Mary H. Sensenich had these children: (6th
a. Anna Eaby Sensenich;
b. Christian Eaby Sensenich;
c. Elizabeth Mary Sensenich;
d. Chester David Sensenich;
e. Peter Eaby Sensenich;
f. Isaac Weaver Sensenich.
(a)a. Anna Eaby Sensenich, b. 11-9-1857 at Compassville, Chester Co., Pa.,
living (1942) at 19 Magee Ave., Jeannette, Pa., married Apr. 4, 1884,
George W. Knappenberger, in Irwin, Pa. He was bom 2-2-1856 in
Hempfield Twp., Westmoreland Co., Pa. Occupation: Drilling Engi¬
neer, (Proprietor). Issue: (7th Gen.)
a. Chester William Knappenberger;
b. Moses Thamar Knappenberger;
c. Ruth Knappenberger;
d. Martha Olive Knappenberger;
e. John Franklin Knappenberger.
(a)aa. Chester William Knappenberger, b. 3-18-1890, at Grapeville, Pa.;
d. 4-27-1936, at Warren Ohio, and is buried near Jeannette, Pa.
He married, in 1920, Jennie Maud Lehr, in Warren, Ohio. They
have two children: (8th Gen.)
a. Alice Ann Knappenberger, b. 11-11-1920, in Youngstown, 0.;
m. 9-12-1941, John Van Wye;
b. George Wm. Knappenberger, b. 6-22-1925, Warren, 0.
(a)ab. Moses Thamar Knappenberger, b. 3-13-1892, in Jeannette, Pa.,
m. Jane Thomas in 1925, in Niles, 0. He is a Doctor of Medicine.
Children (8th Gen.)
a. George Thomas Knappenberger, b. 9-8-1927, in Warren, Ohio.
b. Samuel Thamar Knappenberger, b. 6-5-1929.
(a)ac. Ruth Knappenberger, b. 11-9-1893, in Jeannette, Pa.; m. Frank S.
Ruff; b. 3-17-1893, at Braddock, Pa. Occupation: Attorney-at-Law.
Res.: 15 Cuyler Ave., Jeannette, Pa. Issue:
a. Chester George Ruff, b. 8-4-1916, in Jeannette, Pa. Living in
Detroit, Mich (1942).
(a) ad. Martha Olive Knappenberger, b. 12-27-1896, in Jeannette, Pa., and
living at 19 Magee Ave. (1942). Married in 1917, John W. Lord,
b. 9-13-1890, in New Florence, Pa.; d. 12-31-1937. Issue:
a. Anna Jane Lord, b. 3-19-1918, in Jeannette; m. 1939, James
S. Davis in Morgantown, W. Va. He was born 1-22-1916 in
Jeannette. Issue: (9th Gen.)
a. James Richard Davis, b. 2-17-1940.
b. John Knappenberger Lord, b. 9-4^1922, living in Jeannette, Pa.
(a)ae. John Franklin Knappenberger, b. 6-17-1900; d. 6-9-1941; m. 1923,
Lorna Koch, b. 2-23-1899, in Export, Pa. Issue: Olive Lucile
Knappenberger, b. 1-17-1924.
(a)b. Christian Eaby Sensenich, b. 8-19-1857, in Compassville, Pa.; d.
2-18-1927, in Irwin, Pa. (buried there); m. Nannie J. W. Bethune,
7-31-1884, in Newlinsberg, Pa., where she was born 6-12-1863; d.
5-9-1885. Issue: (7th Gen.)
a. Maud Pearl Sensenich;
Christian married 2nd wife, Annie Reeser, b. 11-24-1858, in Com¬
passville, Pa. She died 4-9-1926 in Irwin, Pa., and is buried there.
b. Roy Reeser Sensenich;
c. Mary Frances Sensenich;
d. Ida Elizabeth Sensenich.
(a)ba. Maud Pearl Sensenich, b. 3-7-1885; m. Thomas Phillips Griffith,
b. 11-10-1882, in Pittsburgh, Pa., now living in Irwin, Pa. Issue:
(8th Gen.)
a. Glendolyn Ruth Griffith, b. 12-21-1919, in Irwin;
b. Chester David Griffith, b. 2-15-1922, living in Irwin;
c. Margaret Elizabeth Griffith, b. 7-31-1924, in Irwin.
(a)bb. Roy Reeser Sensenich, b. 9-16-1888; m. Harriet Rachel Rissel, b.
9-8-1892, in Compassville, Pa. Occupation: Proprietor, Building
Supplies. Issue: (8th Gen.)
a. Roy Eaby Sensenich, b. 1-4-1922, in Irwin, Pa.;
b. Vivian Ruth Sensenich, b. 1-2-1925 (living in Irwin).
(a)c. Elizabeth Mary Sensenich, b. 7-20-1864, in Compassville; d. 12-8-1890,
in Irwin. She was married in 1909 to Harry L. Stewart. (No record
of date of marriage, and none of Stewart.)
(a)d. Chester David Sensenich, b. 1-8-1867, at Compassville; d. 11-10-1937,
in Irwin (buried there). Married 6-8-1879, Carrie Edna Boyd, in
Fayette Co., Pa.; b. 12-15-1872. They live at 625 Oak Street, Irwin,
Pa. (1942). He was an Industrialist, President of Irwin Foundry
and Mine Car Co., Banker, Philanthropist, and was elected to various
political offices. He was a member of the Penna. State Senate 1911-
1915. Issue: (7th Gen.)
a. Thelma Boyd Sensenich;
b. Ila Mary Sensenich;
c. Chester George Sensenich;
d. Louis Eaby Sensenich;
e. Boyd Steel Sensenich;
f. Gray Franklin Sensenich;
g. Earl Ward Sensenich.
(a) da. Thelma Boyd Sensenich, b. 6-9-1900; m. Ralph Alfred Kuhn, b.
8-9-1894, on August 22, 1923. Occupation: Pharmacist (Proprietor).
They live in Vandegrift, Pa., at 173 Washington Avenue. Issue:
(8th Gen.)
a. Ralph Sensenich Kuhn, b. 10-28-1924, in Irwin, Pa.;
b. Carrie Joan Kuhn, b. 9-10-1927, in Vandegrift, Pa.
(a)db. Ila Mary Sensenich, b. 3-4-1902, in Irwin. Living (1942) at 625
Oak Street (unmarried). Occupation: Auditor in the Irwin Foundry
and Mine Car Co.
(a)dc. Chester George Sensenich, b. 6-20-1904, in Irwin, Pa., living at
present at 314 Fourth Street. He was married May 7, 1927, to
Isabel Warren Scull, b. 2-28-1905, in Irwin. After his father’s
death, Chester was elected Chairman of the Board of the Irwin
Foundry and Mine Car Company. He is also a director of the First
National Bank of Irwin, member of the Engineers Society of Western
Pennsylvania, member of the Coal Mining Institute of America, and
member of the United Presbyterian Church. To make a long story
short, he is one of the worth-while men of America, of whom his
country can well be proud. The children born to this union are:
(8th Gen.)
a. Isabel Scull Sensenich, b. 7-3-1928, in Irwin, Pa.;
b. Lois Victoria Sensenich, b. 7-30-1930, in Irwin.
(a)dd. Louis Eaby Sensenich, b. 8-31-1906, in Irwin, Pa. He married,
6-8-1938, Evelyn Margaret Harbourt, in Irwin. She was born 3-25-
1917 in Penn, Westmoreland Co., Pa. His occupation is Attorney-
at-Law. He is also Secretary and Treasurer of Irwin Foundry and
Mine Car Co. The children born to this union: (8th Gen.)
a. Ila Jeanne Sensenich, b. 3-6-1939, in Pittsburgh, Pa.;
b. Louis Eaby Sensenich, Jr., b. 3-24-1941, in Pittsburgh.
They live at 625 Oak St., Irwin, Pa.
(a)de. Boyd Steel Sensenich, b. 10-5-1908; m. Mary Gladys Buchanan, b.
5-16-1910, on June 7, 1935. She was born in Lorimer, Pa. They
now live on Clay Pike, Irwin, Pa. He is a Civil Engineer, and
General Manager of Irwin Foundry and Mine Car Company. Issue:
(8th Gen.)
a. Boyd Steel Sensenich, Jr., b. 3-6-1937, in Pittsburgh;
b. David Buchanan Sensenich, b. 9-7-1939, in Pittsburgh;
c. Gladys Ruth Sensenich, b. 12-10-1941, in Pittsburgh.
(a)df. Gray Franklin Sensenich, b. 7-18-1910, in Irwin, Pa.; married, 12-24-
1936, Lois Joan Stouk, b. 1-19-1913, in Greensburg, Pa. He is Vice-
President and Sales Manager of Irwin Foundry and Mine Car Co.
Their children:
a. Judy Joan Sensenich, b. 8-11-1939, in Pittsburgh;
b. Gray Franklin Sensenich, Jr., b. 10-23-1941, in Pittsburgh.
They live at 301 Penn Avenue, Irwin, Pa.
(a)dg. Earl Ward Sensenich, b. 3-14-1914, in Irwin. (Unmarried.) He
is a Mechanical Engineer in Irwin Foundry and Mine Car Co.
(a)e. Peter Eaby Sensenich, b. 7-12-1869, in Compassville, Pa., died in
March, 1880, and is buried in Irwin, Pa.
(a)f. Isaac Weaver Sensenich, b. 5-17-1882, in Compassville, Pa.; m. Hilda
Gustafson, b. 9-14-1879, on April 1, 1902. She was born in Sweden.
His occupation: Stonecutter. They live on Penn Avenue, Irwin, Pa.
Issue: (7th Gen.)
a. Jacob Ellis Sensenich, b. 6-11-1902, in Irwin;
b. Anna Elizabeth Sensenich, b. 10-8-1907, in Irwin;
c. John Oliver Sensenich, b. 10-8-1907, in Irwin;
d. Frank Isaac Sensenich, b. 1-31-1911, in Irwin;
e. Charles Eaby Sensenich, b. 3-16-1913, in Irwin;
f. Mose Thamar Sensenich, b. 11-23-1914, in Irwin;
g. Harry Louis Sensenich, b. 10-12-1916, in Irwin.
(a) fa. Jacob Ellis Sensenich, m. Jean McQuaid in Wellsboro, W. Va., in
December, 1935. She was born 11-12-1913, in Jeannette, Pa. He is
a Hotel Proprietor. Issue:
a. Ronald Sensenich, b. 5-4-1937, at Greensburg, Pa.
They live at Penn, Pa. (1942).
(a)fb. Anna Elizabeth Sensenich married, 12-29-1934, Sylvester Walker, in
DuBois, Pa. His occupation: Car Builder. He was born at Sykes-
ville, Pa., 12-13-1909. One child:
a. Geraldine Walker, b. 10-6-1936. They live at Wendell, Pa.
(a)fc. John Oliver Sensenich married Erna Cipra in Wellsburg, W. Va.,
May 31, 1928. She was born 7-3-1910 in Irwin, Pa. They live
at Irwin, R. D. 1. His occupation is Electric Welder.
(a)fd. Frank Isaac Sensenich married Mary Capone, b. 11-16-1918, at
Jeannette, Pa., on January 31, 1938. They live in Irwin, and have
one child:
a. Mary Jane Sensenich, b. 8-19-1939, at Greensburg, Pa.
(a)fe. Charles Eaby Sensenich (unmarried), lives on Penna. Avenue,
Irwin, Pa. (1942).
(a)ff. Mose Thamar Sensenich (unmarried), lives on Penna. Ave., Irwin,
Pa. (1942).
(a)fg. Harry Louis Sensenich (unmarried), lives on Penna. Avenue, Irwin,
Notes on the Irwin group:
George William Knappenberger is serving with the U. S. Army in
Africa. He is the grandson of Anna Eaby Sensenich.
Chester David Griffith is serving the U. S. Navy at sea. He is the
grandson of Christian Eaby Sensenich.
Roy Eaby Sensenich is serving the U. S. Air Force in California. He is
the grandson of Christian Eaby Sensenich.
Earl Ward Sensenich, son of Chester D. Sensenich, is serving the U. S.
Army at Philadelphia.
Charles Eaby Sensenich is serving with the U. S. Army in Africa, Moses
Thamer and Harry Louis Sensenich are serving the U. S. Army in the Far
East. The last three are the three youngest sons of Isaac Weaver Sensenich.
(c) Elizabeth Hiestand Sensenich , the only daughter of Christian Sensenich
(1793-1843) was born 11-27-1831; d. 3-13-1916. She married Isaac
Weaver, b. 10-1-1829; d. 11-8-1913. They were married 12-13-1855.
Issue: (6th Gen.)
a. John S. Weaver (1856-1938), married Sabina Spangler;
b. David Martin Weaver (1859-1860);*
c. Isaac Winters Weaver (1861-1941); m. Margie F. Whitaker;
d. Joseph Markley Weaver (1864-1912); m. Emma Snader;
e. Jacob Franklin Weaver (1866-1867) ;
f. Dr. Harry Sands Weaver (1868-1938); m. 1st Mary M. Hollis;
2nd wife: Dr. Ruth Hartley Weaver, who in 1942 was appointed
Assistant Director of the Department of Public Health of Phila¬
delphia. She attended Philadelphia public schools and Wellesley
College, and graduated from Women’s Medical College.
g. Dr. William Arthur Weaver (1871-1942) married Irene Coates
h. Richard K. Weaver (1873-1924) m. 1st Mary Berkey; 2nd
Josephine Berkey.
Since there were no girls in the family, it is said the boys became
quite proficient in household work. They would cook and help
mother in the heavier work.
The two doctors, Harry and William, stood high in the medical
profession in Philadelphia. Each has a son following in father’s
These boys, as I knew them, were all friendly; so was the father,
a soft-spoken man with a friendly face. Visiting preachers to the
Bridgeville church were often entertained by this family. On such
occasions, the boys vied with each other in helping mother to
prepare the Sunday dinner; and after dinner, washed the dishes
while mother helped to entertain. America can well be proud
of such families.
(b) John Hiestand Sensenich
(b) John Hiestand Sensenich was the 2nd son of Christian Sensenich (1796-
1847). John was born in 1835 and died in 1921. He was married to
Harriet Diller, b. 5-31-1837; d. 1-22-1912. The children born to this
union are: (6th Gen.)
a. Adam Diller Sensenich (1862-1911) ;
b. Clara Sensenich Robbins, b. 2-13-1864; d. 10-1-1941;
c. David Sensenich, b. 8-20-1868;
d. Katie (Kurtz) Sensenich, b. 3-1-1870 (living in Missouri);*
e. John J. Sensenich, b. 8-5-1871;
f. Elizabeth Sensenich Horter, b. 2-21-1873; d. 5-30-1931;
g. Susan Sensenich Gauger, b. 8-16-1875;
h. Charles Sensenich.
(b)a. Adam Diller Sensenich (1862-1911), m. Minnie Seyboldt, b.-.
a. Edna Pauline Sensenich, b. 2-3-1891;
b. Sarah Elizabeth Sensenich, b. 4-13-1893; m. Henry Corrie Malin,
b. 8-1-1900. No children;
c. Gertude Mabel Sensenich, b. 11-7-1895;
d. Harriet Bernice Sensenich, b. 4-18-1898;
e. Paul Seaboldt Sensenich, b. 8-23-1900;
f. John Franklin Sensenich, b. 2-16-1903.
(b)b. Clara Sensenich Robbins family: (7th Gen.)
a. Lottie C. Robbins, b. 4-10-1889; married and lives in Arizona;
b. Harriet S. Robbins, b. 5-16-1892;
c. Harry W. Robbins, b. 1-13-1894;
d. Chester F. Robbins, b. 1-7-1900; d. 10-7-1904;*
e. Anna May Robbins, b. 4-21-1904; d. 10-7-1904.*
(b)g. The Susan Sensenich Gauger family: (7th Gen.)
a. Ruth E. Gauger, m. John Kloch. Her boy Albert is in Camp;
b. John H. Gauger, b. 7-26-1902;
c. George W. Gauger, m. Irene Krauce. Issue: (8th Gen.)
a. Georgiana Krauce.
(b)h. Charles Sensenich married Nora Peavler. Children: (7th Gen.)
a. Charles Clinton Sensenich (in training camp) ;
b. Harriet E. Sensenich, teaches school;
c. John Leonard Sensenich, is in training camp.
(b)e. John J. Sensenich married Bertha Redmon, Macon Co., Missouri.
Their children: (7th Gen.)
a. John Kenneth Sensenich, in training camp;
b. Donald Sensenich, called to camp;
c. Kathryn M. Sensenich, at home;
d. David E. Sensenich, in high school;
e. Hershel D. Sensenich, in high school.
Samuel Sensenich (1807-1870)
Samuel Sensenich, the youngest son of Christian Sensenich (1757-1832),
was born 2-12-1807; d. 12-23-1870; m. Mary Reash, b. 2-20-1806; d. 1-30-
1869. They are buried in Resh Dunkard graveyard near Weavertown.
(Church now in possession of the Amish sect.) The children born to this
union: (5th Gen.)
a. Mattie Sensenich, b. 10-22-1832; d. 8-6-1881;
b. John R. Sensenich, b. 12-10-1834; d. 2-22-1910;
c. Christian Sensenich, b. 5-7-1837; d. 5-30-1894;
d. Maria, b. 4-6-1839; d. -;
e. Anna, b. 1847; d. 1849;*
f. Henry (1850-1852)* (buried with parents).
(a) Mattie (1832-1881) m. Daniel LeFever, b. 3-3-1823; d. 4-7-1891. He
is buried in Mellinger’s Mennonite Cemetery. Children: (6th Gen.)
a. Barbara LeFever, b. 7-17-1860; d. -;
b. Frank LeFever, b. 12-22-1864; d. 7-19-1916;
c. Lydia LeFever, b. 5-15-1868.
(b) John R. Sensenich (1834-1910) m. Mary Weaver, b. 2-22-1838; 1-10-
1892. She was the daughter of Amos and Maria (Brubaker) Weaver.
Issue: (6th Gen.)
a. Amos W. Sensenich, b. 7-12-1862;
b. Mary Ann Sensenich, b. 11-9-1863; m. – Graybill;
c. John W. Sensenich (1875-1875).*
(c) Christian Sensenich (1837-1894), m. Hettie Hostetter, b. 10-11-1831;
d. 1-10-1892 (buried in Mellinger’s Mennonite Cem.).
(d) Maria Sensenich, b. 1839; m. John Shaeffer, b. 9-24-1843; d. 2-17-1910.
Children: (6th Gen.)
Propeller Manufacturer Propeller Manufacturer
a. Amanda Shaeffer, b. 5-10-1865;
b. Mary Shaeffer, b. 11-9-1866;
c. Rollie Shaeffer, b. 3-14-1861; d. 1917;
d. Anna Shaeffer, b. 12-9-1868; m. Abraham M. Herr, b. 10-15-1895.
(b)a. Amos W. Sensenich (1862-1927), m. Hettie R. Miller, b. 5-17-1865;
d. 3-20-1929. Amos was Vice-President of the Lititz Springs National
Bank, and lived near Longenecker’s Church. He was killed between
two trains in Lebanon County. He was a farmer and owned several
farms, and was a very prominent man in his community. Issue:
(7th Gen.)
a. Abraham Sensenich, b. 5-8-1889;
b. John M., b. 12-7-1890; d. 6-1-1930;
c. Alice, b. 9-24-1892;
d. Amos M., b. 1-8-1895 (in California, Manager of service branch);
e. Ira, b. 10-16-1897;
f. Elam M., b. 10-16-1897;
g. Fannie, b. 7-7-1889;
h. Hettie M., b. 4-9-1901;
i. Anna, b. 7-15-1896;
j. Harry M., b. 5-17-1903;
k. Bertha M., b. 4-22-1908;
l. Martin M. Sensenich, b. 5-17-1905.
(b)b. Mary Ann Sensenich, m. John M. Graybill, b. 12-30-1855. Children:
(7th Gen.)
a. Ammon Graybill, b. 4-30-1890;
b. Minnie, b. 5-6-1891;
c. Peter, b. 12-4-1894;
d. Mary Graybill, b. 8-21-1898.
(b)aa. Abraham Sensenich, b. 1889; m. 4-17-1917, Verna May Kern,
daughter of Harry S. and Louisa (Hoffman) Kern. Their address
is Lititz, R. D. No. 2. Issue: (8th Gen.)
a. Chester K. Sensenich, b. 1-27-1918; m. Kathryn Brubaker.
Occupation: Farming. Address: Lititz, R. D. No. 2.
b. Esther May Sensenich, b. 5-9-1920; m. Nov., 1940, John D.
Brubaker. Address: Lititz, R. D. No. 2.
(b)ac. Alice M. Sensenich, b. 1892; m. 10-6-1916, Amos H. Erb. Address:
Lititz, R. D. No. 2. Issue: (8th Gen.)
a. Martin R. Erb, b. 2-6-1917;
b. Elizabeth Erb, b. 10-24-1918;
c. Mabel Erb, b. 1-26-1921;
d. Anna Erb, b. 2-27-1923.
(b)ae. Ira M. Sensenich, b. 1897; m. 12-29-1929, Ruth Nissley. Their
address is Lititz, R. D. No. 3. Children: (8th Gen.)
a. Mary Lois Sensenich, b. 4-5-1933;
b. Mabel Ilene Sensenich, b. 9-20-1934;
c. Dorothy Sensenich.
(b)af. Elam M. Sensenich, b. 1897; m. 1924, Sue M. Graybill. Their
address is Lititz, R. D. No. 2. Issue: (8th Gen.)
a. Robert Lee Sensenich, b. 7-21-1931;
b. Martha Jean Sensenich, b. 2-28-1934;
c. Mary Kathrine Sensenich, b. 7-10-1935.
(b)ak. Bertha M. Sensenich, b. April, 1908; m. 1-1-1938, Paul S. Wenger,
son of Benjamin Wenger. Their address is Lititz, Pa., where Paul
works in the propeller factory. Issue: (8th Gen.)
a. Miriam Wenger, b. 1939.
Of the Amos W. Sensenich family, Harry and Martin have earned dis¬
tinction as manufacturers of aeroplane propellers. Their factory is located
adjacent to the Lancaster Municipal Airport, Lititz, Pa. They employ at
present 265 workers in their factory. Harry says the industry developed
from a hobby. He and Mart had a small workshop on their father’s farm,
and the factory today is the outgrowth of it. They had a bent for machinery,
and read the magazines describing inventions in the aeroplane field, and
sometimes played hooky from the farm work, but hastened to the fields
from the shop when Daddy returned home. Harry didn’t feel very guilty,
as he helped to put away as many as 112 loads of hay in a season on
father’s farms. Boys must be encouraged to follow their natural bent.
Jacob Sensenig, married to Maria Krey;
Michael, married to Magdalena Wenger;
John (1764-1826), married to Susanna Rutt;
Christian (1793-1863), married to Susanna Rutt. Christian Sensenig
was a miller, who lived on the Conestoga, near Hinkletown, Pa.
You will notice that two Susanna Rutts are here introduced into the
family, and those who belong to this family group have a double portion
of Rutt blood in their veins.
Susanna Rutt, b. 1807, was one of seven sisters, daughters of Christian
Rutt, miller and farmer, and one of the most attractive families in Lancaster
These girls were a fine-looking group and had no trouble getting
husbands, and these are their names with the surname of husband attached:
Mattie Rutt Longenecker,
Barbara Rutt Jones,
Lydia Rutt (Witmer) Wenger,
Elizabeth Rutt Richmond,
Susanna Rutt Sensenig,
Mary Rutt Weaver,
Nancy Rutt, who remained single.
C HRISTIAN SENSENIG, b. 3-22-1793; d. 6-5-1863; m. Susanna Rutt,
daughter of Christian Root, miller and farmer, b. 6-30-1807; d. 5-2-1888.
Born into a family of beautiful girls, Susanna was conceded to be the
most beautiful. When she went shopping in New Holland, the men who
lounged rather carelessly in their front-porch arm-chairs would spruce up and
sit straight, hoping that Susanna with the marvellous eyes would greet them
with her inimitable smile. If she did, they felt that life was still worth
living. She was beautiful, unaffected and innocent; and fell in love with
her first cousin Christian Sensenig, to whom she bore fifteen children, a
number of whom died quite young.
Children born to this union: (5th Gen.)
a. John Sensenig, b. 7-4-1827; d. 11-7-1856;
b. Lydia, b. 9-30-1828; d. 7-16-1833;*
c. Susanna, b. 8-3-1830; d. 4-27-1853;*
d. Christian, b. 10-3-1831; d. 12-9-1831;*
e. Maria Sensenig, b. 11-17-1832; d. 4-6-1876;
f. Levi R. Sensenig, b. 8-27-1834; d. 3-5-1904;
g. Isaac R. Sensenig, b. 2-24-1836; d. 3-3-1890;*
h. Daniel R. Sensenig, b. 1-7-1837; d. 5-4-1860;*
i. Elizabeth Sensenig, b. 11-2-1839; d. 8-26-1877;
j. Magdalena Sensenig, b. 4-25-1841; d. 6-6-1917;
k. Henry R. Sensenig, b. 12-20-1842; d. 9-9-1909;
1. Jacob Sensenig, b. 3-2-1849; d. 6-25-1850;*
m. George R. Sensenig, b. 6-13-1846; d. 1926;*
n. Anna Sensenig, b. 3-4-1856; d. 2-17-1889*;
o. Christian R. Sensenig, b. 5-24-1851; d. 6-16-1873.*
The nine stars (*) reveal those who died childless.
(a) John Sensenig married Mary Buckwalter, b. 6-26-1826; d. 1-12-1911.
They had two children: (6th Gen.)
a. Benjamin Sensenig, b. 2-17-1856; d. 4-16-1930;
b. Susanna Sensenig, b. 2-24-1853; d. 12-19-1937.
(a)a. Benjamin Sensenig, m. 1st, Susanna Laura Weaver, b. 10-23-1850;
d. 10-11-1903. Children: (7th Gen.)
a. Infant son, died 1879;*
b. William E. Sensenig, b. 7-12-1882; m. Ella M. Bowman, Nov.
14, 1903;
c. Martin B. Sensenig, b. 5-7-1884; d. 6-19-1907; m. Leah H.
Zimmerman, November, 1905;
d. Alice Mary Sensenig, b. 2-7-1886; d. 6-30-1917; m. Martin G.
Sauder, November 20, 1906.
His 2nd wife was Mary A. Weaver; no issue.
(a)b. Susanna Sensenig, married Daniel M. Stauffer, b. 10-22-1852. Issue:
(7th Gen.)
a. Lydia Stauffer, b. 8-18-1873; m. Moses Rissler, 2-22-1903. Re¬
tired farmer, New Holland, Pa.;
b. John S. Stauffer, b. 12-31-1874; m. Veronica Brubaker. Farmer,
Ephrata, Route 3;
c. Mary Ann Stauffer, b. 8-30-1876; m. Ananias Bauman, 11-18-
1900. She died in 1931. Res.: Goshen, Ind.;
d. Susanna Stauffer, b. 12-11-1878; d. 4-19-1879;
e. Emma Stauffbr, b. 3-23-1880; m. Israel Bauman, 1-1-1901.
Occupation: farmer and carpenter. Res.: Ephrata, Route 3;
f. Daniel Stauffer, b. 2-14-1882; m. Ella Witmer, 12-5-1903. Re¬
tired farmer, Ephrata, R. D. No. 3;
g. Eli S. Stauffer, b. 1-12-1884; m. Mary Brubaker, 7-27-1905.
Retired farmer, now coachmaker. Ephrata, R. D. 3;
h. Elizabeth Stauffer, b. 5-22-1887; d. 4-26-1888;*
i. Jacob Stauffer, b. 10-8-1889; m. Magdalena Wenger, 11-16-1912.
He is a bishop of the Mennonite Church and also a farmer.
Residence: Ephrata, Route No. 3;
j. Isaac Stauffer, b. 2-10-1893; m. Hetty Weaver, 11-3-1914. Oc¬
cupation: farming. Res.: New Holland, Route No. 2;
k. Sarah Stauffer, b. 7-8-1895; m. Wilson Martin, 11-23-1915.
Occupation, Farming. Res.: New Holland, Route No. 1;
l. Katie Stauffer, b. 3-30-1897; m. Raymond Martin, 10-9-1924.
Occupation: farming and trucking. Res.: Ephrata, Route No. 3.
(e) Maria Sensenig (1832-1876), m. John Snyder, b. 10-17-1829; d. 8-5-
1908. They lived near Hinkletown and their house was on the bank of
the Conestoga. As a boy, I delighted to visit my cousins there, and
now as compiler of this record, Mary, the only daughter of the family,
has given me much assistance. Seven children were born to this union:
(6th Gen.)
a. Samuel S. Snyder, b. 5-2-1858; d. 1-16-1918;
b. Christian Snyder, b. 4-12-1860; d. 4-12-1861;*
c. Aaron S. Snyder, b. 4-19-1862; d. 8-9-1937;
d. David S. Snyder, b. 12-16-1864; d. 3-12-1895;
e. Henry S. Snyder, b. 10-18-1866;
f. Mary S. Snyder, b. 12-30-1868;
g. John S. Snyder, b. 11-6-1870; d. 3-27-1872.*
(e)a. Samuel S. Snyder married Rachel Seldomridge, b. 6-11-1864, on
Dec. 22, 1885. She died 5-4-1935. Occupation: farming. Res.:
Hinkletown, Pa. There was one son to this union: (7th Gen.)
a. Earl J. Snyder, b. 8-1-1890; m. Hettie E. Myers, b. 12-27-1892.
(e)c. Aaron S. Snyder, m. Lizzie H. Eby, b. 5-9-1864; d. 11-29-1926. Issue:
(7th Gen.)
a. John E. Snyder, b. 9-19-1888; m. Katie M. Nolt, b. 12-4-1889.
Retired farmer; sells feed. Res.: New Holland, Pa.
b. Mary E. Snyder, b. 8-1-1891; m. John M. Groff, born 3-30-1888;
ret’d farmer. Res.: Ephrata, Route No. 2;
c. J. E. Snyder, b. 3-7-1894; m. Mary M. Shirk, 12-21-1917.
Farmer, New Holland, Route 1;
d. Fanny E. Snyder, b. 4-25-1897; m. Enos H. Weaver. They are
farming and live at East Earl, Pa.;
e. Aaron E. Snyder, b. 8-8-1900; m. Minnie Hoover, b. 6-4-1900.
Occupation: farming. Res.: Bareville, Pa.;
f. Martin E. Snyder, b. 10-15-1902; m. Anna Zimmerman, born
12-13-1903. Occupation: farming; residence, Bareville, Pa.
g. Ammon E. Snyder, b. 4-1-1905; m. Elva M. Zimmerman, born
5-31-1907. They farm. Res.: Ephrata, Route No. 2.
(e)d. David S. Snyder married Barbara H. Erb, b. 1-3-1866; d. 2-28-1920.
Issue: (7th Gen.)
a. Lillian E. Snyder, b. 10-5-1889; m. David E. Hornby, b. 12-27-
1887 (married 3-16-1911). He has a meat store at 157 West
Main Street, Manheim, Pa.;
b. Barbara E. Snyder, b. 3-13-1892; d. 2-24-1920; m. Harry N.
Wenger, b. 7-19-1897;
c. Jacob E. Snyder, b. 12-31-1893; m. Jennie E. Bucher, 4-5-1889.
He is a plumber at 150 E. Front St., Lititz.
(e)e. Henry S. Snyder married Emma W. Nolt, Nov. 25, 1890. She was
born 1-18-1869. He is a retired farmer, and his address is Ephrata,
Route No. 3. Children:
a. Joseph N. Snyder, b. 9-16-1891; m. Katie M. Sensenig, b. 10-16-
1894. They were married 11-16-1915. He is a farmer, and the
address is Ephrata, Route No. 1;
b. John N. Snyder, b. 7-9-1894; d. 3-21-1895;*
c. David N. Snyder, b. 4-13-1897; d. 4-21-1897;*
d. Harry N. Snyder, b. 6-28-1901; m. Emma Z. Wenger, 1-20-1921;
b. 12-20-1901; d. 12-14-1935. His 2nd marriage was to Mary
Zimmerman, b. 7-15-1910; m. 10-20-1938;
e. Barbara Ann Snyder, b. 2-2-1904; d. 5-18-1905;*
f. Sadie N. Snyder, b. 8-26-1906; m. Ivan N. Zeiset, 12-16-1927.
He was born 2-20-1902. They farm and the address is Ephrata,
Route No. 3.
(e) f. Mary S. Snyder married Francis H. Nolt, b. 11-12-1871. They had
been farming, but have retired. The address is, Bareville, Route
No. 1. Issue: (7th Gen.)
a. Elizabeth S. Nolt, b. 12-12-1899; m. Martin M. Weaver, b. 6-29-
1897. He is a farm-implement agent, located at Bareville;
b. Anna Mary Nolt, b. 10-8-1902; m. Samuel R. Burkholder, b.
10-15-1900. He is a farmer. Address: Bird-in-Hand;
c. Esther S. Nolt, b. 1-6-1910; m. Noah H. Zimmerman, b. 8-31-1908.
He farms, and the address is Bareville, R. D. 1.
(f) Levi Rutt Sensenig was born in 1834 and died in 1904. He spent his
boyhood days in his father’s mill, and at the age of twenty started out
in life for himself, with a will to succeed. He accumulated sufficient
money as a butcher to enable him to buy the residence and the mill
property upon the death of his father in 1863. In connection with
milling he began to buy cattle in Ohio, which he brought to Lancaster
County in large droves prior to the war. In 1863, as one of his droves
was approaching Gettysburg, a few days before the battle, a large part
of the drove was taken over by the Union army, and were slaughtered
to supply meat for the troops. Levi was paid a fair price for the cattle,
and had no need to complain. He had made a contribution to his
country in time of need, and helped to win the battle of Gettysburg.
In connection with the Pennsylvania Railroad facilities, he was able
to bring cattle from the West in very large numbers, and established
a large cattle yard of his own, making Lancaster the great central
market for the eastern trade instead of Pittsburgh. The cattle which
had been fattened in the West were sent on to Philadelphia and New
York, and the lean cattle were sold in Lancaster County and adjacent
territory to be fattened for the market. His purchases and sales in¬
creased to forty thousand head a year. Anyone reading this record
must concede that Levi was a dynamic personality. He was ably
seconded in this large business by his brother George, who fully under¬
stood the business.
Levi was first married to Anna Catherine Snyder, b. 11-12-1839; d.
2-15-1859; daughter of Samuel and Barbara Snyder of Hinkletown, in
1855. She died the following year, and no children were born to this
union. She is buried in the Groffsdale Cemetery. In 1863, he married
Emma Hull, the daughter of Daniel Hull. The children to this union:
(6th Gen.)
a. Daniel H. Sensenig, b. 1-31-1864; d. -;*
b. Edwin H. Sensenig (1865-1871);*
c. Christian Rutt Sensenig, b. 8-2-1868; d. -;*
d. Lilian Sensenig, b. 9-6-1874;*
e. Harry Barnes Sensenig, b. 4-15-1871; d. -.*
The stars indicate that no children were born to any member of
the family, and Lilian is the last representative of the Levi Rutt
Sensenig family.
(f)a. Daniel graduated from the Boys’ High School of Lancaster in 1882,
and from Franklin and Marshall College with the Class of 1886,
with the degree A.B. After entering the Bar, he practiced law with
success until his hearing failed. He then became an official in the
office of Recorder of Deeds, and remained in that service until a few
weeks before his death. He had a good tenor voice and sang in his
own church choir, and was appointed first tenor in St. James Episcopal
Church, which position he held until his law practice compelled
him to give it up.
(f)d. Lilian married George Benkert, a teacher of pipe-organ and piano.
He died, a pillar of the church. Lilian lives in New Holland.
(i) Elizabeth Sensenig married Samuel S. Martin (1838-1907). Children
born to this union: (6th Gen.)
a. Mary Ann Martin, b. 11-4-1860; d. 10-10-1878;*
b. Lemon S. Martin, b. 4-13-1862; d. 8-14-1862;*
c. Aaron S. Martin, b. 7-10-1863; d. 8-3-1923;
d. Susan S. Martin; b. 2-6-1865;
e. William S. Martin, b. 6-2-1867;
f. Henry S. Martin, b. 3-7-1869; d. 7-5-1870;*
g. Elizabeth S. Martin, b. 8-25-1870; d. 3-23-1810;*
h. Edward S. Martin, b. 2-25-1873; d. 5-10-1881.*
(i)c. Aaron S. Martin married Gertrude Louise Lang, Nov. 11, 1913. A
son, Aaron S. Martin, Jr., was bom to this union (7th Gen.), 11-18-
1914. He married Rosemary Taylor, 10-27-1936, and they have a
son, Randolph C. Martin, b. 10-17-1937 (8th Gen.). These cousins
live in California.
(i)d. Susan S. Martin, a graduate of the Millersville State Normal School,
married Dr. Solon Briggs of Pasadena, Cal. He died 1-22-1932. No
children born to this union. She now lives with her brother William
at 1185 Beverly Way, Altadena, California.
(i)e. William S. Martin married Catherine Keese, November 15, 1910.
William prepared for a business career and has held various business
positions, but now lives retired. He was always a great favorite
because of his sunny disposition. He reads much and is a good
thinker; and is not the slave of any political party. Really, it is
not to one’s credit to have it said of him that he belongs to a party.
Each of the two big parties has its slaves, but it is the independent
on their wedding day, 1859
voters who decide elections. I was always favorably impressed with
William’s common-sense outlook. There was a time when we were
hot partisans. Children born to this union: (7th Gen.)
a. William S. Martin, Jr., b. 8-29-1911; d. 4-11-1915;*
b. Francis B. Martin, b. 1-3-1913;
c. Elizabeth K. Martin, b. 8-22-1918.
(i) eb. Francis B. Martin married Iola Stewart, 11-8-1935, and to this
union was born:
a. Carl Stewart Martin, b. 1-9-1941 (8th Gen.).
Samuel S. Martin (1838-1907) was Recorder of Deeds of Lancaster
County, Pa., and later was elected County Treasurer. He was also
Proprietor of the Leopard Hotel, Lancaster, Pa., for some years. He
was a big man, weighing 325 pounds, and big-hearted too. I well
remember Uncle Samuel and his family when they lived in Goodville,
Pa. I remember, on one occasion, we (cousins) chased a rabbit until
he could run no more. Then there was a dispute as to who should
have the rabbit. It was decided that my cousins should have the rabbit
to eat, but we were to have the skin (worth two cents at that time).
(j) Magdalena Sensenig will appear in the Goodville Section.
(k) Henry Rutt Sensenig (1842-1909) 1st married Sarah S. Wenger, 9-8-
1856; d. 3-12-1882. His 2nd wife was Annie D. Brown.
Children to the 1st union: (6th Gen.)
a. Susanna W. Sensenig, b. 1-9-1877; m. Martin Newswanger;*
b. Annie W. Sensenig, b. 5-4-1878; m. John W. Hoover;*
c. Samuel Wenger Sensenig, b. Feb., 1882; d. 9-11-1882;*
d. Mary W. Sensenig, b. 6-18-1880; d. 3-11-1939; m. Amos High.*
Children to the 2nd union:
e. Lizzie Brown Sensenig, b. 11-23-1884;
f. Mattie Brown Sensenig, b. 11-30-1886;
g. Emma Brown Sensenig, b. 11-10-1889; d. 2-22-1922.
(k)e. Lizzie Brown Sensenig married Levi H. Garman. Their children, of
the 7th Gen.:
a. Henry S. Garman, b. 12-26-1910;
b. Emma S. Garman, b. 6-9-1912;
c. Annie S. Garman, b. 3-30-1914;
d. Noah S. Garman, b. 11-17-1915;
e. Lizzie S. Garman, b. 2-12-1918.
Levi H. Garman is a retired farmer. Address: East Earl, Route No. 1.
(k)ea. Henry S. Garman married Susie B. Zimmerman, b. 12-26-1910. Their
children, of the 8th Gen.:
a. Levi Z. Garman, b. 8-28-1934;
b. John Garman, b. 1-20-1936;
c. Henry Garman, b. -;
d. Ivan Garman, b. 5-5-1940;
e. Mary Garman, b. 8-12-1941.
They farm, and the address is Terre Hill, Pa.
(k)eb. Emma S. Garman married Jonas W. Reiff. Children:
a. Paul G. Reiff, b. 4-16-1936;
b. Clarence G. Reiff, b. 9-23-1937;
c. Jonas G. Reiff, b. 4-2-1941;
They farm, and their address is Narvon, Pa.
(k)ec. Annie S. Garman married Amos H. Shirk. Children:
a. Levi G. Shirk, b. 9-15-1935;
b. Phares G. Shirk, b. 9-14-1936;
c. Amos Shirk, b. 2-11-1939;
d. Mary Shirk, b. 2-11-1939;
e. Paul G. Shirk, b. 7-19-1940;
f. Martha G. Shirk, b. 8-13-1941.
They farm, and their address is Narvon, Pa.
(k)ed. Noah S. Garman married Emma W. Hoover. One child:
a. Esther W. Garman, b. 7-3-1940.
They farm, and the address is East Earl, Route No. 1.
(k)f. Mattie Brown Sensenig married Jonathan Martin. They are both
deceased. Children: (7th Gen.)
a. Henry S. Martin, b. 3-1-1913;
b. Anna Mary Martin, b. 12-29-1916;
c. John S. Martin, b. 8-4-1919.
(k)fa. Henry S. Martin married Mary W. Weaver. Their children, of the
8th Gen.:
a. Arthur W. Martin, b. 6-22-1938;
b. Leon Eugene Martin, b. 12-26-1939;
c. Edith Martin, b. 12-27-1940.
They farm. Address: Denver, Pa.
(k)g. Emma Brown Sensenig married Amos S. Weaver. Their children,
of the 7th Gen.:
a. Annie S. Weaver, b. 10-30-1909; d. 2-18-1910;
b. Paul S. Weaver, b. 6-17-1911; d. 5-27-1925;*
c. Reuben S. Weaver, b. 12-26-1914; m. Mary W. Hoover. They
farm. Address: -.
d. Amos S. Weaver, b. 12-26-1914; m. Vera Z. Sensenig, daughter
of Moses Sensenig. Address: Ephrata, Route 3.
e. Aaron S. Weaver, b. 5-22-1916; m. Mabel G. Wanner. They
farm, and the address is Ephrata, Pa.
f. Lydia S. Weaver, b. 7-28-1921; m. Isaac M. Zimmerman. They
farm. Address: East Earl, Pa.
g. Elizabeth S. Weaver, b. 7-28-1921; m. Walter N. Horst. They
farm, and live at Bareville, Pa.
h. Ella S. Weaver, b. 3-14-1927.
(k)gd. Amos S. Weaver married to Vera Z. Sensenig. Their child, of the
8th Gen.:
a. Verna S. Weaver, b. 12-20-1940.
(k)ge. Aaron S. Weaver married to Mabel G. Wanner. Their children,
of the 8th Gen.:
a. Vera W. Weaver, b. 10-6-1939;
b. Lydia W. Weaver, b. 2-2-1941.
(k)gg. Elizabeth S. Weaver married to Walter N. Horst. Child:
a. Earl W. Horst, b. 9-30-1941.
Henry Rutt Sensenig embodied the virtues for which the Mennonite
Church is noted. He was truthful, honest, plain-spoken, kind, peaceful,
obedient to his church, yearning for the coming of the kingdom of
God. The Scriptures say, “The meek shall inherit the earth,” and his
clan own some of the best farms in Lancaster County. His many
grandchildren, in emulating him, will be an honor to him, to the
Mennonite Church, and to the community in which they live.
(m) George R. Sensenig (1846-1926), collaborating with his brother Levi
in the cattle business, was a well-known person in Lancaster. Someone
said that George was an ornament to the city, the best-looking man in
the county. I was always greatly impressed by his fine appearance
and his gracious demeanor. He had a soft pleasing voice, used good
language, and was very courteous, and yet made people feel at home.
His mother was exceedingly attractive, and the women of Lancaster
couldn’t help but take a second look at George, who was likewise good
to look at.
George was married to Amanda Fry, who never bore him any children.
They are buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Lancaster. George died at
the Masonic Home, Elizabethtown, Lancaster County, Pa.
(n) Christian Root Sensenig was an ambitious boy, who would have made
his mark in the world if he could have maintained his health. You
will note that there were two Christians born into this family. When
a son named after his father died in infancy, the parents felt that it was
not out of place to give a later boy born into the family the father’s
name. I have noted that in several instances, and it seems to me in
place to do so.
Christian died at the age of twenty-two years.
T HIS group is descended through the 2nd Jacob Sensenig; and the farm,
or the part containing the homestead, has always been owned by some
member of that group.
The order of deeding of the farm:
1st, Thomas and Richard Penn of Philadelphia deeded the farm to
Jacob Sensenig, married to Maria Krey;
2nd owner, Jacob Sensenig, married to Barbara -;
3rd owner, John Sensenig, married to Esther Buckwalter;
4th owner, John B. Sensenig, married to Christiana Burkholder;
5th owner, Isaac G. Sensenig, maried to Annie Z. Martin;
6th owner, Elmer M. Sensenig, married to Lizzie E. Sauder.
This is the family of the 2nd Jacob:
Jacob Sensenig (1730-1814), married to Barbara-. Children:
(3d Gen.)
a. Daniel Sensenig (1782-1841), married Eliza McQuate;
b. John Sensenig (1784-1870), m. Esther Buckwalter;
c. Jacob Sensenig (1778-1841), never married;
d. Mary Sensenig (1762-1840), 2nd wife of John Shirk;
e. Elizabeth Sensenig, m. John Weaver;
f. Anna Sensenig, m. Andrew Summers;
g. Esther Sensenig, m. Joseph Resh;
h. Sarah Sensenig, 2nd wife of Peter Shirk;
i. Fronica Sensenig, b. 1789; m. her cousin Isaac Witmer.
The Fourth Generation:
(a) Daniel Sensenig married to Eliza McQuate had this family:
a. Jacob Sensenig, b. 2-16-1816; d. 1-17-1898;
b. Levi Sensenig, b. 8-9-1818; d. 9-2-1896;
c. George Sensenig, 9-9-1827; d. 11-28-1896;
d. Daniel Sensenig, d. 9-28-1821;*
e. Lydia Sensenig, b. 3-16-1834; d. 12-10-1904;
f. Maria Sensenig, b. 7-8-1882; d. 2-4-1905;
g. Susanna Sensenig, m. Thomas Withrow on July 18, 1850;
h. Elizabeth Sensenig, b. 11-21-1820; d. 5-21-1893; m. John Haus-
man, May 26, 1850. Both sisters were married by the Rev. Daniel
Hertz of the Reformed Church, Lancaster.
(a)a. Jacob Sensenig (1816-1898), m. Rebecca Snader, b. 7-14-1882; d.
8-21-1916; daughter of Isaac Snader. Children: (5th Gen.)
a. Hiram Sensenig, b. 7-30-1852; d. 4-19-1854;*
b. Mary Sensenig, b. 1853; d. 1857;*
c. John Jacob Sensenig, b. 1-31-1855; d. 9-10-1916;
d. Emerson Sensenig, b. 4-17-1864; d. 9-20-1927.
(a)ac. John Jacob Sensenig married Mary Ella Bidden, and these are their
children: (6th Gen.)
a. Narrie Bidden Sensenig, b. 1-21-1887;
b. Earl Harrison Sensenig, b. 12-2-1888;
c. William Schnader Sensenig, b. 11-28-1890;
d. Carl Jacob Sensenig, b. 6-23-1894;
e. John McKinley Sensenig, b. 10-17-1896;
f. Edward Rhine Sensenig, b. 8-2-1899;
g. Mary Anna Sensenig, b. 5-30-1903.
(a)aca. Narrie Bidden Sensenig married David C. Overly, and they live
at 534 Main Street, New Holland. He is a Night Telephone Oper¬
ator. Their children: (7th Gen.)
a. Martha Elizabeth Overly, m. Harvey Horning, Goodville, Pa.
He is employed with the Herr Co., Lancaster, Pa.;
b. Ruth Evelyn Overly, m. Emerson Snader, Paradise, Pa. He
is employed in Lukens Steel Works, Coatesville, Pa.;
c. Daniel Sensenig Overly is in the army, Texas;
d. William Carl Overly works in silk mill, New Holland.
(a)acb. Earl Harrison Sensenig, m. Florence Wilson, and they have one
child—Marion Elizabeth (7th Gen.) ; and she married M. R.
Evans, architect for Hamilton Watch Co., Lancaster, Pa.; one child
—Patricia Wilson Evans—8th Gen.
(a)acc. William Schnader Sensenig, m. Florence Whitman, and they have
one child—Wayne Sensenig. William is employed in the railroad
yards, Pocatello, Idaho.
(a)acd. Carl Jacob Sensenig, not married, works for the American Express
Co., New York City.
(a) ace. John McKinley Sensenig, not married, works for the Narrow Fabric
Co., Reading, Pa.
(a)acf. Edward Rhine Sensenig, m. Pearl Mertz, and they have one child—
Dawn May Sensenig. He is a Textile Machinist, Wyomissing, Pa.
(a)acg. Mary Anna Sensenig, m. Alvin Horning, Reading, Pa. He owns
and operates a garage in Reading.
Addresses of the above group:
Earl H. Sensenig, 220 W. Main Street, New Holland, Pa.;
William S. Sensenig, Pocatello, Idaho, 1248 E. Lewis St.;
Carl J. Sensenig, 456 West 20th St., New York City, N. Y.;
John M. Sensenig, 1018 Franklin Street, Reading, Pa.;
Edward Rhine Sensenig, 1512 Fairview St., Reading, Pa.;
Mrs. Alvin Horning, 204 Clifton Ave., Reading, Pa.
(a)ad. Emerson Sensenig, m. Lucretia Carolyn Nusbaum of Peabody,
Kansas. Emerson was a very active business man in the West, and
finally settled in Idaho, and is buried at Boise, Idaho. Three chil¬
dren were born to this union: (6th Gen.)
a. Grace Rebecca, b. 6-8-1892; d. 1-23-1936;
b. Myrtle, h. 10-28-1895;
c. Kathryn, b. 4-29-1905.
(a)ada. Grace Rebecca married, June 10, 1918, Leslie Hanson, b. 6-7-1891.
She is buried in North Lawn Cemetery, Canton, Ohio. Their three
children are: (7th Gen.)
a. Marjorie Hanson, b. 8-21-1919;
b. Carolyn Hanson, b. 12-15-1927;
c. Ola Myrtle Hanson, b. 4-27-1932.
(a)adb. Myrtle Sensenig, m. November, 1922, Joseph Varley, b. 6-25-1894.
They live at 1620 Spruce Street, South Pasadena, and have one
child—Elizabeth Lucretia Varley, b. 11-17-1924. (7th Gen.)
(a)adc. Kathryn Sensenig, m. 3-1-1930, George W. Binkley, b. 1-24-1904.
They reside at 3064 Chelsea Drive, Cleveland Heights, Ohio.
(a)b. Levi Sensenig (1818-1896), m. Maria Stillwell, b. 6-26-1827; d.
8-31-1860. (Buried in the farm graveyard.) Children: (5th Gen.)
a. Daniel E. Sensenig, b. 12-31-1849; d. 4-16-1916;
b. Anna Elizabeth, b. 6-29-1851; d. 6-6-1939* (never married);
c. Mary Salome, b. 4-12-1853; d. 8-5-1857;*
d. Margaret Ann, b. 3-13-1855; d. 3-25-1921;
e. Lydia, b. 3-19-1857; m. David Weber;
f. Elizabeth Frances, b. 6-5-1859; d. 2-2-1938.
(a)ba. Daniel E. Sensenig (1849-1916), m. Anna Baer, b. 5-4-1850; d.
1-2-1929. They had these children: (6th Gen.)
a. Ada, b. 9-26-1870; d. 12-23-1887;*
b. Mary V., b. 10-16-1886; d. 12-25-1887;*
c. Anna M., b. 10-10-1880; d. 3-22-1894;*
d. Clayton B., b. 8-21-1874; d. 3-23-1894;*
e. Cora, b. 10-4-1883; m. J. Harrison Smith. They reside at 111
Yale Street, York, Pa.
(a)bd. Margaret Ann Sensenig (1855-1921), m. John Sauder; and to this
union were born these children of the 6th Gen.: Daniel, Levi, Anna,
Martin, John, William, Clayton, Noah, Margaret, Abel, Mary, and
Samuel Sauder.
(a)be. Lydia Sensenig, b. 1857, m. David Weber, and these children were
born to the union: (6th Gen.)
Anna, Elizabeth, David and Mary Weber.
(a)bf. Elizabeth Frances (1859-1938), m. Bishop Noah Mack, who taught
school for 22 years, and was ordained a minister in the Mennonite
Church at Groffsdale, and was ordained Bishop in 1919. He was
Superintendent of the Samaritan Home from 1899 to 1910, and
labored in the Mennonite Children’s home at Millersville three and
a half years. He now lives in the Good Samaritan Old People’s
Home, where he had labored 43 years earlier. Brother Mack has
given me lots of assistance in getting this record together. I shall
be pleased to meet him.
(a)c. George Sensenig (1827-1896), m. Leah Miller, b. 4-21-1838; d. 8-6-
1868; daughter of Isaac and Hannah Miller. Their one daughter was
Eliza M. Sensenig, b. 1864; m. James Moore. Leah is buried in the
farm graveyard. George’s 2nd wife was Eliza Kilhefner, b. 7-5-1854;
d. 7-11-1926 (buried in Martindale Mennonite Cemetery). Issue:
a. Elizabeth K. Sensenig; died young, b. 11-26-1864;
b. Susie K. Sensenig, b. 6-12-1875; d. 10-19-1918;
c. John K. Sensenig, b. 10-31-1874; d. 8-3-1923.
(a)cb. Susie K. Sensenig (1875-1918), m. Joseph Berkey.
(a)cc. John Kilhefner Sensenig (1874-1923), m. Sarah Lausch (now Mrs.
Joseph Griffith), b. 2-21-1883. Issue: (6th Gen.)
a. George L., b. 5-4-1904; m. Edna Buck, and they had one son—
Donald George Sensenig, b. 3-29-1931 (7th Gen.).
b. Miles L., b. 9-5-1905, not married;
c. Eliza L., b. 3-11-1908; m. Moses Good. They have one son—
Glenn Good, b. 5-30-1937;
d. Henry L., b. 12-28-1910; d. 1-15-1911;*
e. John L., b. 3-20-1911; m. Elizabeth Bender. Issue:
a. Ronald Sensenig, b. 4-4-1935;
b. Daughter, b. 8-27-1942.
f. Howard L., b. 5-25-1913; m. Arlene Bushong. They have one
daughter—Velma Jean Sensenig, b. 5-20-1937;
g. Blanche L., b. 12-4-1917; m. Paul Lausch. Issue:
a. Rochelle Elaine Lausch, b. 5-6-1938;
h. Marian L., b. 11-11-1921; m. Henry Bender. Issue:
a. Larry Bender, b. 6-4-1938;
b. Henry, b. 11-16-1939.
(a)e. Lydia Sensenig (1834-1904), m. John Burkhard, b. 11-28-1834; d.
3-10-1916 (son of Christian and Anna Burkhard). They are buried
at Weaverland. Issue: (5th‘ Gen.)
Anna (1860-1864); Christian (1862- ); John (1869- );
Lydia (1867-1940), m. Peter M. Newswanger; Mary (1864-1867);
Elizabeth, b. 1871; Fannie (1873-1896), m. Amos Zimmerman;
and Susanna Burkhard, b. 2-21-1876.
(a) f. Maria Sensenig (1822-1905), m. John Lippus, b. 11-22-1829; d.
5-21-1893. They are buried in the Evangelical Church Cemetery,
Akron, Ohio. Issue. (5th Gen.)
Elizabeth, Mary, George, Daniel, Albert, and Aaron Lippus.
(b) John Sensenig (1784-1870), m. Esther Buckwalter, b. 3-30-1792; d.
12-4-1881; daughter of John and Maria Buckwalter. Issue:
a. Esther Sensenig, b. 3-21-1836; d. aged 20yr. 9mo. 4da. She was
the first wife of Samuel Newswanger;*
b. Magdalena Sensenig, d. at age of lyr. lmo. 5da. ;*
c. Abraham Sensenig, d. 4-8-1823, aged 3yr. lmo. 5da.;*
d. Jacob Sensenig, d. 10-4-1820, aged 2yr. 9mo. 7da. ;*
e. John B. Sensenig, b. 4-13-1825; d. 1908. He was married three
times—1st wife, Christiana Burkholder; 2nd wife, Mary Good;
3d wife, Fianna Good.
(b)e. John B. Sensenig, m. Esther Burkholder. Issue (5th Gen.)
a. Ezra B. Sensenig, b. 9-24-1847; d. 1-12-1918;
b. Christian B. Sensenig, b. 9-29-1848; d. 9-25-1914;
c. Magdalena, b. 9-1-1850; d. 10-23-1908; m. John Zimmerman;
d. John B. Sensenig, b. 6-3-1852; d. 1-23-1935;
e. Reuben B. Sensenig, b. 4-6-1854; d. 3-9-1929;
f. Esther, b. 5-6-1856; d. 3-27-1930; m. Joseph Sensenig;
g. Fannie, b. 5-20-1858; m. David F. High;
h. Mary, b. 3-13-1860; m. Moses Martin;
Children to the 2nd wife, Mary Good:
i. Lydia, b. 11-30-1863; d. 2-4-1917; m. Jacob Hollinger;
j. Annie, b. 1-12-1866; d. 10-11-1922; m. Aaron Weaver;
k. Fianna, b. 3-15-1868; m. Christian B. Rutt;
l. Elizabeth, b. 4-29-1870; d. 1-7-1938; m. David B. Rutt;
m. Isaac G. Sensenig, b. 9-1-1872; m. Annie Z. Martin;
n. Amos G. Sensenig, b. 2-6-1875; d. 7-9-1875;*
o. Samuel G. Sensenig, b. 7-21-1876; m. Ida Martin;
p. Emma G., b. 3-20-1879; m. John R. Martin;
q. Barbara G., b. 3-11-1882; m. Rev. Noah N. Sauder.
We shall now develop the lineage of each member of this family to the
extent of the information given us, from the first born to the last born.
(a) Ezra B. Sensenig (1847-1918), m. Magdalena S. Wenger, b. 2-25-
1849; d. 1-13-1932. Children: (6th Gen.)
a. Mary Ann Sensenig, b. 12-16-1868; d. 3-26-1871;*
b. Emma, b. 9-3-1870; d. 4-8-1928; m. Jeremiah Martin;
c. Sarah, b. 8-14-1872; d. 9-8-1888;*
d. David W., b. 9-18-1874; m. Barbara Buckwalter;
e. Magdalena, b. 1-31-1878; m. Samuel H. Nolt;
f. Anna M., b. 6-2-1880; m. David N. Zimmerman;
g. Moses W., b. 9-30-1883; m. Annie Zimmerman;
h. Lydia, b. 2-8-1890; m. Paul R. Good.
(a)b. Emma Sensenig, married to Jeremiah Martin, had this family
(7th Gen.)
a. Amos S. Martin, Deacon, b. 1-5-1893; m. Anna B. Newswanger;
b. Ivan S. Martin, b. 10-12-1894; m. Lena S. Zimmerman, b.
c. Magdalena, b. 2-18-1896; m. Noah B. Weaver, b. 12-21-1894;
d. Emma, b. 10-20-1897; m. Eli M. Zimmerman, b. 7-8-1896;
e. Ezra, b. 12-12-1899; m. Anna B. Zimmerman, b. 3-28-1900;
f. Frances, b. 10-10-1901; m. Ephraim H. Zimmerman;
g. Anna, b. 6-12-1903; m. William G. Weaver, b. 3-15-1903;
h. Jeremiah, b. 10-25-1904; m. Amanda Weaver;
i. Ella, b. 12-17-1906; m. Moses H. Weiler, b. 2-4-1907;
j. Aaron, b. 11-18-1908; m. Mabel Ludwig;
k. Paul, b. 8-25-1910; m. Lizzie Mellinger;
l. Eli, b. 3-4-1913; m. Ruth Dussinger.
(a)d. David W. Sensenig married Barbara Buckwalter. They farmed
and now live retired at Kinzer, Pa. Their family (7th Gen.) :
a. Rev. Hershey Sensenig, b. 10-9-1898;
b. Isaac B. Sensenig, b. 5-28-1900;
c. Martha, b. 11-5-1901;
d. Noah, b. 8-18-1903;
e. Ezra B., b. 10-14-1904;
f. Edna, b. 7-16-1906;
g. Anna B., b. 2-24-1908;
h. John B. Sensenig, b. 8-1-1908;
i. Elva M. Sensenig, b. 2-23-1911;
j. Freeland D., b. 2-15-1913.
(a) da. Rev. Hershey Sensenig married Violet G. Wanner, and their
children are of the 8th generation:
a. Paul W., b. 12-8-1920;
b. Sylvan W., b. 11-27-1922; d. 6-23-1923;
c. H. Ivin, born 12-25-1923;
d. Anna Mae, b. 5-21-1925;
e. Violet Mildred, b. 1-14-1927;
f. Ada B., born 3-29-1929;
g. Gracetta, b. 1-23-1931;
h. Edna W., b. 7-12-1932;
i. Martha W., b. 12-6-1933;
j. David W., b. 10-31-1934;
k. Elva W., b. 4-7-1936;
l. Aaron W., b. 5-22-1938;
m. Elsie W., b. 9-1-1939; d. 10-4-1939;
n. Viola W. Sensenig, b. 5-24-1941.
(a)daa. Paul W. Sensenig, b. 1920, m. Verna B. Martin, b. 11-4-1918,
on November 9, 1941.
(a)db. Isaac B. Sensenig, b. 5-28-1900; d. 11-1-1901.
(a)dc. Martha Sensenig, b. 11-5-1901; m. Samuel G. Horning, b. 4-8-1901.
They were married 11-15-1923. No issue.
(a)dd. Noah Sensenig, b. 1903; m. Elizabeth Oberholtzer, b. 11-25-1902,
on November 10, 1927. Issue (8th Gen.):
a. Infant son, b. 6-8-1929; d. 1929;
b. Miriam O., b. 12-26-1930;
c. Lyman O., b. 7-20-1933;
d. Lena O., b. 2-15-1936;
e. Naomi O., b. 2-5-1938.
(a)de. Ezra B. Sensenig, b. 10-14-1904; m. Anna N. Oberholtzer, b.
7-23-1906. Their family (8th Gen.):
a. Ella O., b. 8-13-1927;
b. David O., b. 11-30-1928;
c. Jeremiah, b. 8-24-1931;
d. Martha, b. 3-21-1934;
e. Anna, b. 2-26-1937;
f. Adin, b. 11-13-1939;
g. Ida, b. 12-9-1941.
(a)df. Edna Sensenig, b. 7-16-1906; m. Aaron H. Kurtz, b. 3-10-1903.
Their children are of the 8th Generation:
a. John S. Kurtz, b. 12-30-1927;
b. Norman, b. 3-22-1930;
c. Elva, b. 3-31-1931;
d. Jane, b. 10-10-1935;
e. Aaron, b. 9-1-1938;
f. Vera, b. 9-2-1940.
(a)dg. Anna B. Sensenig, b. 2-24-1908; m. Noah S. Nolt, b. 2-12-1906.
They farm, and the address is New Holland, R. 2. Issue: David,
b. 11-10-1929; Jonas, b. 7-27-1931; Marvin, 9-16-1933; Willis, b.
7-14-1936; Marian, b. 9-28-1938; Elva, b. 5-19-1941.
(a)dh. John B. Sensenig, b. 8-1-1908; m. Mary Nolt, b. 8-31-1908. They
farm, and the address is Gordonville, R. D. Issue: Anna, b.
12-28-1931; Noah, b. 12-26-1932; Barbara, b. 3-9-1934; Mary
Etta, 8-25-1935; Ruth, 11-29-1936; Frances, 5-2-1938; John, 6-15-
1939; Evelyn Marie, 7-17-1940; Milton, 11-26-1941.
(a)di. Elva M. Sensenig, b. 2-23-1911; m. John M. Huber, b. 12-15-1909.
They farm, and the address is East Earl, Pa. Issue: Edna, b.
12-15-1933; Mary, 11-30-1935; Mabel, 10-2-1941.
(a)dj. Freeland D. Sensenig, b. 2-15-1913; m. Frances Hoover, b. 3-30-
1915. They farm, and the address is Bareville, Pa. Issue: Leon
David Sensenig, b. 9-8-1939.
(a)e. Magdalena W. Sensenig, b. 1-31-1878, married Samuel H. Nolt.
They have retired as farmers, and reside at Bareville, Pa. Issue:
a. David S. Nolt, b. 1-8-1899; m. Lydia Ann Horst. They farm
and live at Bareville, Pa.;
b. Magdalena, b. 9-16-1900; m. David B. Newswanger. They
farm and their address is Ephrata, Route 3;
c. Phares S., b. 7-13-1904; m. Edna Zimmerman. They farm,
and the address is Bareville, Route 1;
d. Lydia, b. 5-7-1906; m. Christian Zimmerman. They farm,
and their address is Ephrata, Pa., Route 1;
e. Emma, b. 2-27-1909; m. John Jacob Reiff. They farm, and
the address is Bareville, Pa., Route 1;
f. Samuel, b. 11-11-1912; m. Eva Martin. They farm, and the
address is Bareville, Route 1.
(a)f. Anna W. Sensenig, b. 6-2-1880, married David N. Zimmerman, b.
8-20-1879. They farm and the address is Ephrata, Route 3. Their
family, of the 7th Gen.:
a. Magdalena S. Zimmerman, b. 10-13-1900;
b. Ada, b. 8-19-1903; m. Mahlon N. Hoover;
c. Noah, b. 1-10-1907; m. Lizzie Sauder;
d. Anna Mae, b. 2-19-1911; d. 11-6-1918;
e. Ezra, b. 3-14-1914; m. Maria Martin;
f. Lydia, b. 3-14-1916; m. Amos Horning;
g. David, b. 3-14-1919.
(a)g. Moses W. Sensenig, b. 9-30-1883; m. Annie Zimmerman, and their
family is of the 7th Gen.:
a. Magdalena, b. 5-7-1911;
b. Aaron, b. 5-7-1911;
c. Katie, b. 12-28-1913;
d. Harvey, b. 1-9-1916;
e. Vera, b. 11-15-1917;
f. Anna, b. 11-21-1919;
g. Ada, b. 9-18-1921;
h. Moses Walton, b. 9-25-1922.
(a)ga. Magdalena Z. Sensenig married Franklin Hoover, b. 8-7-1909, and
they have this family: Arlene Hoover, b. 10-16-1932; Leroy, b.
10-14-1934; David, b. 7-16-1936; Franklin Norman, b. 8-18-1938;
Mary Elizabeth, b. 4-6-1941.
(a)gb. Rev. Aaron Z. Sensenig married Ella R. Zimmerman, b. 5-11-1912,
and they have this family (8th Gen.) : Mary, b. 2-17-1935; Anna,
b. 4-7-1937; Esther, b. 8-22-1938; Ella, b. 2-12-1941.
(a)gc. Katie Z. Sensenig, m. Levi H. Zimmerman, b. 11-4-1912, and they
have this family (8th Gen.) : Anna Mae, b. 11-29-1934; Vera, b.
1- 24-1936; Ella, b. 5-25-1937; Raymond, b. 9-15-1938; Miriam,
b. 1-16-1940.
(a)gd. Harvey Sensenig, m. Katie O. Burkholder, b. 4-25-1916. They
have two children (8th Gen.) : Ivan, b. 9-5-1939; Minerva, b.
2- 16-1941.
(a)ge. Vera Z. Sensenig, m. Amos I. Weaver, b. 12-26-1914. They have
one daughter, Verna, b. 12-20-1940.
(a)gf. Anna Z. Sensenig, m. Benjamin H. Martin, b. 7-16-1919, and
they have one son—Elvin Martin, b. 1-25-1942.
(a)gg. Ada Z. Sensenig, m. Ervin M. Horst, b. 12-31-1919.
(a) h. Lydia Sensenig, b. 2-8-1890; m. Paul R. Good, b. 9-19-1895. He
is a plumber and their address is New Holland, Pa. Their two
children of the 7th Gen.: Victor Paul Good, b. 10-2-1920; Ivan
Roland, b. 6-12-1922. Ivan married Emma Burkholder, b. 12-26-
1923. Victor Paul was run down by a motorist going in the same
direction, while he was riding a bicycle.
(b) Christian (1848-1914) married Barbara Groff. Issue:
a. Elam G. Sensenig, b. 12-5-1872; m. Emma A. Weaver, b.
b. Mattie G. Sensenig, single;*
c. Christian G. Sensenig, b. 1877; m. Emma Martin, b. 1878;
d. John G. Sensenig, b. 1879; m. Mary M. Weaver, b. 1876;
e. Lizzie G. Sensenig; m. Edwin Wenger;
f. Isaac G. Sensenig, b. 1885; m. Katie Kurtz;
g. Barbara Sensenig, m. John Shirk;
h. Harry G. Sensenig, b. 1889; m. Susan E. Myers, b. 1892;
i. Clayton G. Sensenig, b. 1891; m. Cora Hoover, b. 1887;
j. Barton G. Sensenig, b. 1893; m. Ada Beecher.
(b)a. Elam G. Sensenig, b. 1872, married Emma Weaver. Issue:
a. Susanna Sensenig, b. 1893; m. David M. Fox, b. 1882;
b. Lillie, b. 1887; m. Henry F. Bieher, b. 10-9-1892;
c. Elam W., b. 1901; m. Elizabeth Eberly Zimmerman;
d. Emma, b. 1902; m. Jacob H. Burkholder, b. 4-21-1901;
e. Christian W., b. 1908; m. Lydia Burkhard Zimmerman, b. 1904.
Elam G. Sensenig is a retired farmer who lives in Ephrata.
(b)aa. Susanna Sensenig married David M. Fox. They farm, and their
address is Ephrata, Pa., Route 3. Issue: Harvey, b. 1920; Ray¬
mond, b. 1922; John Christian, b. 1924; Floyd Elam, b. 1925;
Edith Susanna, b. 1927; Henry, b. 1928; Emma Ruth, b. 1931;
Alice Lillian, b. 1933.
(b)ab. Lillie Sensenig, m. Henry F. Bieher. They farm, and their address
is Bethal, Pa., Route 1. Issue: Emma, b. 1919; Minnie, b. 1921;
Eva, b. 1923; Ada, b. 1925; Mabel, b. 1926; d. 3-29-1927; Jacob,
b. 1927; Mary, b. 1929; Elsie, b. 1932; Edna, b. 1934; Henry,
b. 1935; Warren, b. 1940.
(b)ac. Elam W. Sensenig, m. Elizabeth Eberly Zimmerman, is a farmer
and their address is Ephrata, Pa., Route 1. Issue: Jacob, b. 1922;
Henry, b. 1924; Anna, b. 1925; Moses, b. 1926; Ezra, b. 1928;
Elam, b. 1920; Paul, b. 1931; Barbara, b. 1933; Ivan, b. 1934;
Mary, b. 1936; Elizabeth, b. 1938.
(b)ad. Emma W. Sensenig, married Jacob H. Burkholder, b. 4-2-1901.
They farm, and the address is Ephrata, Pa., Route 2. Issue:
Aaron, b. 1923, died 1924; Eva, b. 1925; Eli, b. 1926; Titus, b.
1929; Jacob, b. 1931; Ivan, b. 1933; Emma, b. 1935; Elam, b.
1937; Maggie, b. 1939; Anna, b. 1941.
(b)ae. Christian, m. Lydia Burkhard Zimmerman, b. 5-1-1904. They
farm, and the address is Ephrata, Route 3. Issue: Amos, b. 1929;
Emma, b. 1931; Frances, b. 1933; Verna, b. 1934; Mabel, b. 1937.
(b)c. Christian G. Sensenig, Jr., b. 1877; m. Emma Martin, and they
live at Stevens, Pa. Issue:
a. Maggie M. Sensenig, b. 10-15-1899; m. Henry L. Fry, and their
address is Ephrata, Pa., Route 3. Issue: Leroy, b. 7-17-1921;
Floyd, b. 4-10-1923; Richard, b. 6-16-1932.
b. Anna M. Sensenig, b. 3-22-1902; m. Amos Zimmerman, and
their address is Stevens, Pa., Route 1. Issue: Edna May,
b. 4-30-1922; Paul, b. 2-18-1925; Clair, b. 11-15-1926; Amos,
Jr., b. 12-3-1927; Everett Lee, b. 12-9-1936.
c. Harvey M. Sensenig, b. 11-22-1909; m. Katie Lied, and they
live at Adamstown, Pa. Issue: Alma Mae, b. 12-22-1934.
d. Paul M. Sensenig, b. 9-8-1912; m. Ray Friday. They live in
e. Clarence M. Sensenig, b. 5-13-1914; m. Geraldine Lawrence.
Their address is, Denver, Pa. Issue: Autery, b. 4-24-1937.
f. Norman M. Sensenig, b. 11-5-1917; m. Elva Flickinger. Their
address is Stevens, Pa., Route 1.
g. Mary M. Sensenig, b. 9-26-1922; m. Edwin Sheetz, and their
address is, Stevens, Pa., Route 1. Issue: Edwin, b. 12-10-1941.
(b)d. John G. Sensenig, b. 1879; m. Mary M. Weaver, b. 1876. He is
a retired farmer; address: New Holland, Pa., Route 1. Issue:
a. Noah W. Sensenig, b. 6-6-1903. He is a truck driver and
resides at Glenmore, Pa.;
b. Esther W. Sensenig, b. 8-1-1905; m. Christian F. Lapp. He is
a Meat Cutter and Sexton. Address: Lancaster, Route 4;
c. John W. Sensenig, b. 2-18-1907. He works in Parish Steel
Works, Reading, Pa. His address is, Ephrata, Route 3;
d. Barbara W. Sensenig, b. 8-15-1908; m. Edward Mohler,
Plumber. They reside at Ephrata, Pa.;
e. Anna W. Sensenig, b. 7-15-1910; m. John B. Auker, Farmer,
whose address is Ephrata, Route 3;
f. Aaron W. Sensenig, b. 9-20-1916; Farmer, now in Conscientious
Objector’s Camp at Grottoes, Virginia.
(b)f. Isaac G. Sensenig, b. 1885; m. Katie Kurtz. Issue (7th Gen.):
a. Vera, b. 8-28-1912;
b. Lloyd, b. 4-12-1914;
c. Allen, b. 3-21-1916;
d. Ella, b. 9-22-1918; d. 9-25-1918;
e. Rufus, b. 3-7-1920;
f. Isaac, b. 8-30-1922;
g. John, b. 9-2-1924;
h. Martha, b. 6-3-1927;
i. Katie, b. 10-7-1928;
j. Alta, b. 12-2-1930.
He married his 2nd wife, Katie M. Huber, on June 13, 1941. No
issue to this last union.
(b)fa. Vera K. Sensenig, b. 1912; m. Jan. 6, 1935, Mahlon W. Martin,
born, 1-6-1911. He farms, and his address is Ephrata, R. 2. Issue:
Lewis, b. 11-20-1935; Miriam, b. 1-2-1938; Laura, b. 9-25-1939;
Mahlon S. Martin, Jr., b. 6-2-1942.
(b)fb. Lloyd K. Sensenig, b. 1914; m. 12-6-1936, Lydia A. Martin,
born 10-17-1914. He is a Farmer; address: Ephrata, Route 1.
Issue (8th Gen.): Marian, b. 6-10-1937; Melvin, b. 10-14-1940;
Arlene M. Sensenig, b. 3-26-1942.
(b)fc. Allen K. Sensenig, b. 1916; m. 10-23-1937, Anna M. Burkholder,
born 4-11-1918. They farm, and the address is Ephrata, Route 3.
Issue (8th Gen.) : Leon, b. 5-16-1938; Lloyd and Lester, twins,
b. 7-12-1940.
(b)fe. Rufas K. Sensenig, b. 1920; m. 6-14-1941, Martha W. Zimmerman,
b. 9-27-1921. They farm; address: New Holland, Pa. Issue:
Eugene Z. Sensenig, b. 3-18-1942.
(b)h. Harry G. Sensenig, b. 1889; m. Susan E. Myers, b. 1892. He
works in the Linoleum Plant, and lives at Brownstown, Pa. Issue:
Norman, Elva, Mildred, Mary, Aaron, Raymond, Edna, Samuel,
Harry, and Warren Sensenig.
(b)i. Clayton G. Sensenig, b. 1891; m. Cora Mae Hoover, b. 1887, and
these are their children:
a. Aaron H. Sensenig, b. 3-9-1912; m. Viola Kessler, b. 9-10-
1905, and they have two children—Floyd, b. 7-8-1937; Jannet,
b. 6-23-1938.
b. Sadie Sensenig, b. 6-6-1913; m. Lester Beck, and they have
a daughter—Elnora Beck, b. 7-1-1938;
c. Luke Sensenig, b. 10-14-1914; m. Helen Sweigart, b. 9-22-
1914. Issue: Jacqueline, b. 6-22-1936; Darlmar, b. 7-5-1939.
d. Irene Sensenig, b. 3-23-1916; m. Marshall Weisse, b. 6-12-1918.
e. Cora Sensenig, b. 10-21-1917; m. Ralph Frankford, b. 9-16-
1917. Issue: Fern, b. 7-3-1936; Ralph Clayton, b. 3-17-1938;
Jean, b. 3-14-1940; Robert Paul, b. 11-26-1941;
f. Amanda Sensenig, b. 2-21-1919; m. Paul Ernst, b. 11-19-1919.
Issue: Loraine Ernst, b. 3-10-1940.
g. Clayton Allen Sensenig, b. 2-6-1921; m. Fern Messer, b. 5-8-
1921. Issue: Barbara Ann Sensenig, b. 5-3-1942.
h. Merl Ray Sensenig, b. 5-7-1924;
i. Paul Wilber, b. 11-24-1925;
j. Barbara May Sensenig, b. 11-11-1922; d. 1-23-1925.
(b) j. Barton G. Sensenig, b. 1893; m. Ada Beecher, b. 1900. They farm,
and their address is Lititz, Route 4. Issue: Elsie, b. 1920; Florence,
b. 1922; Allen, b. 1926; Amos, 1928; Jacob, 1930; Barton, Jr.,
1935; Ada B. Sensenig, b. 1939.
(c) Magdalena Sensenig , b. 9-1-1850; d. 10-23-1908; m. John W. Zim¬
merman. Issue:
a. Elam S., b. 1868; m. Annie Eberly. Address: Ephrata, Route 3;
b. John S. (1870-1941), m. Mary Sweigart;
c. Reuben S. (1872-1937), married Maria Wanner;
d. Wayne S. (1874-1942), married Katie Weaver;
e. Fannie (1876-1937), m. John Sauder;
f. Amos (1876-1923), married Barbara Martin;
g. Mary (1883-1910), married Michael Martin;
h. Christiana, b. 1884, m. Eli Zimmerman, farmer, Ephrata, R 3;
i. Magdalena, b. 1887; m. Israel Weaver, farmer, Ephrata, R. 3;
j. Fianna, b. 1389; m. John H. Saucier, farmer.
(d) John B. Sensenig, Jr., married Susanna Martin, b. 3-28-1857; died
5-8-1939; daughter of Joseph and Susanna (Wenger) Martin. Issue:
(6th Gen.)
a. Martin Sensenig, b. 8-31-1879; m., 3-24-1905, Lula Virginia
Cooper, b. 1-4-1884. Issue: Lillian Beatrice, b. 1-18-1912.
b. Eli M. Sensenig, b. 11-5-1880; m., 3-26-1914, Ethel G. Stam-
baugh, b. 4-17-1888. Issue: Esther E. Sensenig, b. 3-28-1918;
c. John M. Sensenig, b. 3-30-1883;
d. Daniel M. Sensenig, b. 8-7-1884; d. 10-28-1933; m. Janet
Kieffer, b. 11-24-1885; d. 10-6-1936. Issue: Daniel, Jr., b. 8-4-
e. Edwin M. Sensenig, b. 4-25-1886; m. Mabel Busser, b. 8-27-1893;
died 2-26-1938. Issue: (7th)
a. Millis Sensenig, b. 2-16-1912; d. 3-24-1941; m. Caroline
Sensenig, b. 1913. Issue (8th): Joel R., b. 7-22-1934.
b. John Sensenig, b. 2-8-1914; m. Hazel -; b.
April, 1914. Issue: John W. Sensenig, b. 6-5-1939. (8th)
c. Anna Fern Sensenig, b. 9-11-1916; m. Ralph Angstadt, b.
7-23-1908. Issue: Barbara, b. 9-2-1932; Ralph, b. 3-14-
f. Joseph M. Sensenig, b. 12-14-1887; m. Bertha Becker, b. 4-7-
1889 (not living together). Issue: (7th)
a. Grace Sensenig, b. 12-11-1915; m. Aaron G. King, b. 7-5-
1908. Issue: (8th)
a. Geraldine King, b. 8-10-1937;
b. Phyllis King, 1-28-1939.
b. Florence Sensenig, b. 2-20-1917; d. 10-7-1925.
g. Annie M. Sensenig, b. 7-30-1889; m. Charles Waidley, b. 1885.
Issue: William E., b. 9-27-1914; Charles H., b. 11-29-1916.
h. Samuel M. Sensenig, b. 11-4-1891; m. Agnes Aument, b. 7-16-
1888; d. 6-28-1923. 2nd wife—Jeannette Doerstler Paulsen,
b. 6-16-1889. Issue to 2nd wife: Dorothy Paulsen, b. 7-16-1920.
i. Susanna Sensenig, b. 5-3-1893; d. 3-23-1901;
j. Levi M. Sensenig, b. 10-1-1895; m. Mary Groff, b. 5-6-1895;
d. 8-29-1940. Issue: (7th)
a. Landis G. Sensenig, b. 12-18-1922; d. 8-29-1940;
b. Gladys, b. 11-23-1924;
c. Anna May, b. 5-11-1926;
d. Helen, b. 4-7-1929;
e. Albert, b. 6-26-1931;
f. Arlene, b. 6-10-1933;
g. Levi G. Sensenig, b. 1-16-1935.
k. Isaac M. Sensenig, b. 10-7-1900; m. Alice G. Kissinger, b.
10-25-1901. Issue: (7th)
a. John W. Sensenig, b. 6-24-1921; m. Anna M. Sample on
January 15, 1942. Res.: New Providence, Pa.;
b. George E., b. 12-30-1924;
c. Doris, b. 5-23-1929;
d. Virginia, b. 11-2-1930;
e. Richard, b. 1-21-1931.
(e) Reuben B. Sensenig (1854-1929), m. Lydia S. Weber (1848-1921).
Their address was Rahrersburg, Pa. Issue (6th Gen.) :
a. John W. Sensenig, b. 1879; m. Lizzie Wise, b. 1885;
b. Daniel W. Sensenig (1881-1918), m. Lydia Ann Sauder;
c. Reuben W. Sensenig, Jr., b. 1885; m. Anna W. Stauffer;
d. Isaac W. Sensenig, b. 1889; m. Katie Oberholtzer;
e. Annie W. Sensenig, b. 1882; m. Samuel Wanner;
f. Mary W. Sensenig, b. 1887; m. Levi Stauffer.
(e)a. John W. Sensenig (1879-1929), m. Lizzie Wise. Issue:
a. Ada, b. 1903; m. Harry Remich, and their address is Ephrata,
Route 2. Issue: Esther, born 1927;
b. David W. Sensenig, b. 1905; m. Emma S. Good, and their
address is, Denver, Pa., Route 1. No issue;
c. Aaron W. Sensenig, b. 1911; m. Esther S. Good, b. 1910.
Their address is Terre Hill, Pa. Issue: Lloyd G., b. 9-7-1928;
Earl G., b. 12-22-1931; Melvin, b. 10-4-1934; Mabel, 11-25-
1937; Lester, b. 12-24-1939.
(e)b. Daniel W. Sensenig married Lydia Ann Sauder. Issue (7th):
a. Bertha, b. 11-4-1900; m. Joseph B. Horst. They farm, and
their address is East Earl, Route 1. Issue (8th): Esther,
Lydia, Ann, Grace, Marvin, Ray, Leroy, Edith;
b. Lydia Ann, b. 10-8-1902; m. Jacob M. Hurst. They farm and
the address is, Ephrata, Pa., Route 1. Issue: Clarence, John,
Eva, Noah, Paul, Raymond, Arlene, Mabel.
c. Abram R. Sensenig, b. 7-6-1904; m. Virginia Burkholder. He
conducts a garage and the address is, New Holland, Pa. Issue:
Ray, b. 8-1-1925; Miriam, b. 8-14-1926; Melvin, b. 4-19-1928;
Chester, b. 6-11-1929; Virginia, b. 1-29-1936;
d. John S. Sensenig, b. 5-22-1907; m. Eva Hurst. He is a bakery
distributor, and the address is, Ephrata, R. 3. Issue: Robert,
b. 7-7-1928; Lydia, b. 2-9-1930; Erma, 3-19-1931.
e. Edwin S. Sensenig, b. 9-29-1909; m. Ella Shenk. Edwin is a
mechanic. Address: New Holland, Route 2. Issue: (8th
Gen.) Joyce Elaine Sensenig, b. August, 1940;
f. Daniel S. Sensenig, b. 1-27-1912; m. Blanche Weaver. He is
in the Appliance Business. Address: New Holland, Pa.
Daniel was ordained a minister in the Mennonite Church,
g. Martin S. Sensenig, b. 5-20-1914; m. Elizabeth Garber. They
farm, and the address is, Ephrata, Pa., Route 2. Issue: Henry
Mardine Sensenig, b. 8-2-1940;
h. Jacob S. Sensenig, b. 11-20-1916; m. Martha Myer. He is a
Bakery Salesman, and their address is: Ephrata, R. 3. Issue:
Ruth Ann, b. Sept., 1938; James Lamarr, b. Aug., 1940; Mary
Lou, b. Sept., 1941.
(e)c. Reuben W. Sensenig, b. 1885; m. Anna W. Stauffer. (No report.)
(e)d. Isaac W. Sensenig, b. 1889; m. Katie Oberholtzer. (No report.)
(e)e. Annie W. Sensenig, b. 1882; m. Samuel Wanner, b. 11-15-1878.
Address: Ephrata, Pa., Route 3. No issue.
(e) f. Mary W. Sensenig, b. 1-24-1887; m. Levi W. Stauffer, b. 11-22-1885.
They farm, and the address is, Ephrata, Pa. Issue:
a. Reuben S. Stauffer, b. 2-24-1907; m. Anna Brubaker, b. 6-7-
b. Levi, b. 2-9-1909; m. Stella M. Stahl, b. 8-12-1906;
c. Annie, b. 6-12-1911; m. David H. Horst, b. 8-6-1904;
d. Allen S., b. 5-8-1913; m. Nancy H. Brubaker, b. 5-2-1912;
e. David S., b. 12-11-1915; m. Lydia M. Martin, b. 6-16-1919;
f. Lydia, b. 4-16-1918; m. Isaac N. Weaver, b. 10-11-1919;
g. Ella, b. 9-12-1920; m. Norman S. Zimmerman, b. 9-29-1917;
h. Elmer, b. 9-30-1925;
i. Ruth, b. 11-24-1928;
Infant, d. 1930;
j. Nathan, b. 3-28-1934; d. 3-29-1934.
(f) Esther Sensenig (1856-1930), m. Joseph Sensenig (1840-1912).
(See record in the Farmersville group.)
(g) Fannie Sensenig , b. 5-20-1858; d. 1942; m. David High, dec’d. Issue:
Amos, Christian, David Franklin, Jr., dec’d., Mary High Fox, Lydia
High Weaver, John S., and Samuel High.
(h) Mary Sensenig, b. 3-13-1860; m. Moses Martin (1837-1908). Issue:
Wayne S. Martin (1880-1881) ; Reuben S., b. 1882; m. Annie Burk¬
holder. They farm, and the address is, Ephrata, Route 3; Lydia S.
Martin, b. 1884; m. Reuben Weaver, Laborer, New Holland, Pa.;
Moses S. Martin, b. 1886; 1st wife was Amanda Hoover; 2nd, Barbara
Hoover; Anna S. Martin, b. 1896; m. Henry Kilmer; Mary Martin
(i) Lydia G. Sensenig (1863-1917); m. Jacob Hollinger, b. 1857, dec’d.
a. Isaac S. Hollinger (1893-1942) ; m. Ada LeFevre;
b. Mahlon S. Hollinger, b. 1874; m. Katie Lehman;
c. Mary E. Hollinger, b. 1896; m. Linton D. Myers, Farmer, Bare-
d. Ada Mae Hollinger, b. 1899; m. Daniel H. Rohrer;
e. Barbara S. Hollinger, b. 1902; m. Henry S. Martin.
(j) Annie G. Sensenig, b. 1868; m. Aaron S. Weaver; both dec’d. Issue:
a. Mary S. Weaver, m. Joel Fetter, Restaurant, Blue Ball;
b. Ada S. Weaver, m. Edwin L. Hoover, Supervisor, Bareville, Pa.;
c. Elmer S. Weaver, married and lives in Lancaster, Pa.
(k) Fianna Sensenig, b. 3-15-1868; m. Christian B. Rutt. No response.
(l) Elizabeth G. Sensenig (1870-1938); m. David B. Rutt (1868-1932).
a. John Jacob, b. 1889; m. Rebecca Stoltzfus;
b. Henry S. Rutt (1891-1902);
c. Amos, b. 1893; m., 1st, Mabel Hershey; 2nd, Cora Harbold;
d. Mabel Rutt, b. 1895; m. John Jacob Good;
e. Ida S. Rutt, b. 1898; im Russell Morgan;
f. Emma S. Rutt, b. 1901; m. Jonas M. Martin;
g. Aaron S. Rutt (1905-1908);
h. Elmer (1903-1919);
i. David S. Rutt, b. 1909; m. Fern Adair;
j. Lester S. Rutt, b. 1911; m. Jennie Sweigart;
k. Twins died in infancy.
. (m) Isaac G. Sensenig, b. 9-1-1872; m. Annie Z. Martin, b. 9-11-1872;
died, 1942. Isaac is a retired farmer, and his address is, New
Holland, Pa., Route 1. He is a delightful Sensenig to meet. We
were much pleased to be entertained in his beautiful home, and we
shall visit again when we are in that neighborhood. The children
born to this union:
a. Mary Jane, b. 6-6-1894;
b. Mabel M., b. 1-26-1896;
c. Ivan, M., b. 3-20-1898;
d. Anna M., b. 2-25-1900;
e. Elmer, b. 9-27-1902;
f. Edna M., b. 9-9-1904;
g. Isaac G., Jr., b. 10-27-1906;
h. Leroy M., b. 7-25-1909;
i. Paul M., b. 10-8-1911;
j. Raymond M., b. 11-13-1913. He is in Camp Grottoes, Va.
(m) a. Mary Jane Sensenig, b. 6-6-1894; m. Jacob G. Horst. They farm,
and their address is, East Earl, Pa., Route 1, and they have these
a. Anna Horst, married to Daniel Hoover, and they have one
daughter, Mary Jane Hoover.
b. Earl;
c. David;
d. Luke (all single).
(m)b. Mabel Sensenig married Benjamin Martin, whose occupation is
Silo and Concrete. Address: East Earl, Pa., Route 1. Issue:
a. Anna Martin, married to Roman Musser;
b. Leroy Martin, married to Edith Sauder—daughter, Doris;
c. Eva;
d. Wilmer;
e. Paul;
f. Edna;
g. Harold;
h. Robert (all single).
(m)c. Ivan M. Sensenig married Mary Eby. They farm, and their address
is, Goodville, Pa.
(m)d. Anna M. Sensenig married Milton Horst. They farm, and their
address is, East Earl, Pa. Their children: Raymond, Mary, Miriam,
Florence, and Evelyn Horst.
(m)e. Elmer Sensenig married Lizzie E. Sauder. They have the Home
farm, and their address is New Holland, Route 1. Issue: Mary,
Elmer, Jr., Mabel, Pauline, Ray and Gail Sensenig.
(m)f. Edna Sensenig married Aaron Eby. They farm, and their address
is, Lititz, Pa. Their children are: Richard, Isaac, Lester, John,
Clyde, and Elta Eby.
(m)g. Leroy Sensenig married Martha Troutwine. He is a Miller, and
their address is, New Holland, Pa. Issue: Caroline and Kenneth
(m)i. Paul M. Sensenig married Ruth Bowman. He is a Salesman and
their address is, New Holland, Pa. Issue: Julianne and Janet
(o) Samuel G. Sensenig, b. 7-21-1876; m. Ida Martin. Issue:
a. Alice Sensenig, b. 4-16-1902; m. Erbie Sauder;
b. Edith Sensenig, b. 7-29-1904; m. Rev. John Burkholder;
c. Lloyd Sensenig, b. 4-16-1907; m. Amanda Weaver;
d. Eva Sensenig, b. 7-4-1911; m. Roy Zimmerman;
e. Lillian Sensenig, b. 7-4-1913; m. Hershey H. Weaver.
(No further information.)
(p) Emma G. Sensenig, b. 3-20-1879; m. John R. Martin. (No response.)
(q) Barbara G. Sensenig, b. 3-11-1882; m. Noah N. Sauder, a minister
in the Mennonite Church. They reside at New Holland, Pa. Issue:
a. Elva, b. 1906; m. Clarence Rutt, Machinist, New Holland, Pa.;
b. Mabel, b. 1911; m. Earl Lefevre, Laborer, Bareville, Pa.;
c. Paul, b. 1912; m. Elizabeth Weaver, Bookkeeper, New Holland;
d. Martha, b. 1914;
e. Anna, b. 1916;
f. Ruth, b. 1920;
g. Raymond, b. 1922;
h. Isaac, b. 1924;
i. Elizabeth, b. 1925. These are still single.
Jacob Sensenig, married to Maria Krey;
Michael Sensenig (1723-1801), m. Magdalena Wenger;
John Sensenig (1764-1826), m. Susanna Rutt;
Jacob Sensenig (1790-1833), m. Anna Witwer;
Daniel Witwer Sensenig (1812-1864), m. Elizabeth Stauffer. He is
reckoned as the progenitor of the Brecknock Township group.
D aniel witwer sensenig, b. 3 – 2 – 1812 ; d. 3 – 22 – 1864 , m . Elizabeth
Stauffer, b. 10-12-1812; d. 2-22-1889. Daniel was born in Lancaster
County, near the Weaverland Mennonite Church. His father, Jacob
Sensenig, was a farmer, and Daniel worked for his father until he was six¬
teen years old. Then he began hauling goods between Philadelphia and
Pittsburgh with his six-horse team. He continued with this work for nine
years, until the Pennsylvania Railroad was finished. After this he became
a farmer and continued in that field of work till death.
There is one chapter of his life that must not be passed over. He was
the redoubtable champion of the public school system in Brecknock Town¬
ship. A large number of people in the township were opposed to the public
school system, and the school board of the township refused to lay a tax
to support the system. Daniel Sensenig headed the movement to put the
school law into effect. The Court of Quarter Sessions of Lancaster County
ousted the old board and appointed a new board with Daniel Sensenig at
its head. They employed teachers for the several schools, among whom
was Samuel L. Hertz, son of the clergyman of the German Reformed
Church, for the school at Bowmansville. Daniel with kindly words succeeded
in getting the former teacher to relinquish his position under the old board.
The anti-public schoolmen, angry and excited, met at Bowmansville. The
mob rushed the school, the children fled, the teacher was ejected, the door
was locked, and the key remained in the hands of the mob. Criminal prose¬
cution followed, and after a hearing in New Holland, the rioters were bound
over to appear at the January court of Quarter Sessions in Lancaster. At
the appointed time, Brecknock Township sent a large delegation, which
walked through snow and over ice for more than twenty miles to overthrow
the public school system! The upshot was that the defendants agreed to
pay all the costs and promised to conduct themselves properly in the future
and obey the school laws. Promises are easily made, but Daniel and his
associates were ostracized in business and social intercourse; among whom
was the storekeeper, Bowman, founder of the village.
The anti-schoolmen felt that liberty had been trampled in the dust by
the iron hand of oppression; and, under the leadership of Elias Leinbach,
suit was instituted against Mr. Sensenig for “malicious prosecution.” The
court appointed three arbitrators—David Witmer, Christian Hoffman, and
John Styer—and they met in New Holland, August 7, 1851. Their decision,
after regular court procedure, was—“No cause for action”—and Leinbach
was held to pay the costs. Among Daniel’s bitter enemies was one who
was lying in wait to shoot him on his way home from court, but his horse
chose the longer way home and foiled the would-be Assassin. One of
Daniel’s grandchildren says, “The Angel of the Lord turned the horse’s
head to go the longer way.”
The children born in the Daniel Sensenig family belong to the sixth
a. Anna Sensenig, b. 6-1-1838; d. 9-1-1867 (single);*
b. Jacob S. Sensenig, b. 1-17-1840; d. 10-15-1912;
c. John S. Sensenig, b. 11-30-1849; d. 4-11-1937;
d. Amos S. Sensenig, b. 10-6-1841; d. 3-21-1923;
e. Isaac S. Sensenig, b. 10-16-1845; d. 2-6-1910;
f. Matilda Sensenig, b. 2-22-1852; d.-;
g. Daniel Sensenig, b. 3-10-1856; d. 5-6-1924.
(b) Jacob S. Sensenig (1840-1912) married Elizabeth Massey, b. 10-15-1849;
d. 10-25-1916; daughter of John and Margaret (Wallace) Massey.
They are buried in Fairview Cemetery, Coatesville, Pa. Jacob was a
farmer. Children (7th Gen.) :
a. Curtis Eugene, b. 11-26-1869;
b. Charles Diller, b. 5-1-1871;
c. Martin Lichty, b. 12-26-1872;
d. Amos Kessler, b. 4-3-1874;
e. Jacob Walter, b. 9-2-1875; d. 3-14-1877;
f. Mary Elizabeth, b. 1-14-1877;
g. Florence Elva, b. 4-3-1878;*
h. Warren B., b. 4-20-1881 (single);*
i. John Adams, b. 5-14-1884;
j. Alfred Mast, b. 6-10-1882;* d. 1882;
k. Clarence Park, b. 9-10-1886;
l. Lena Edith (1888-1889);
m. Wilmer Wayne Sensenig, b. 5-18-1890; died 6-24-1890.*
(c) John S. Sensenig (1849-1937), m., 10-6-1869, Martha J. Weaver, born
11-18-1857. Issue (7th Gen.)
a. Isaac W. Sensenig, b^ 7-20-1870; d. 8-13-1941;
b. Lemon, b. 9-16-1871;
c. Heber, b. 2-2-1873;
d. John H., b. 3-26-1876; d. 3-5-1889;*
e. Mary, b. 8-20-1874; d. 9-6-1875;
f. Lydia, b. 8-30-1877.
His 2nd wife was Ida Woomert Lutz (widow), who died in 1914. His
3d wife was Sue Hauck, who died in 1932. He is buried beside his
1st wife in Center Church Cemetery.
(d) Amos Sensenig (1841-1923) m. 10-14-1869 Lydia Burkhard, b. 1844;
d. 1-16-1924. Amos was a director in the New Holland National Bank,
registry assessor of East Earl Township, and a farmer. Amos and his
wife are buried in Center Church Reformed Cemetery. Issue:
a. Emma, b. 2-5-1870; d. 4-20-1920; m. David Shrom, b. 1870; issue:
Ruth, Blanche, Amos, and Andrew. He was remarried and keeps
store at Center Church.
b. Mary, b. 3-29-1871; m. Clayton Martin and they have three chil¬
dren—Lydia, David, and Mary. He is a druggist in Philadelphia.
c. Anna, b. 6-15-1873; m. Charles Kieffer. They have one child.
d. Elam B., b. 1-9-1876; d, 11-16-1898;*
e. A son who died in 1878;*
f. A daughter, b. 1878; d. 1-9-1879;*
g. Lydia, b. 12-8-1879; d. 1-17-1880;*
h. Mahlon, b. 1884 (died young);
i. Ada, b. 8-16-1888; d. 5-28-1905.*
(e) Isaac S. Sensenig (1845-1910) m. Mary Matilda Weaver, b. 6-8-1848;
d. 10-13-1914. Isaac was a Civil War veteran, a Veterinary Surgeon,
and a dealer in horses. He and his wife are buried in Center Church
Cemetery. Issue: (7th Gen.)
a. William Calvin, b. 8-29-1871; d. 8-13-1880;*
b. Mary Mahala, b. 6-12-1881; m., 12-6-1906, Harry Haller, b.
7-30-1874. Their address is, Terre Hill, Pa., R.D. Their children
are Harry Haller, b. 1908; m. Nellie Powell of Virginia; and
Irene Haller, b. 7-2-1919; m. Albert Stoner.
Harry S. Haller graduated from Penn State College in 1930, and
is now a chemist in the Agricultural Department, Washington,
D. C., and lives at Kensington, Md. No issue. Albert Stoner
works for a telephone company. Address: Ephrata, Pa.
c. Hannah Elizabeth Sensenig, b. 4-24-1888; d. 11-6-1940; m. 10-29-
1910, David Sauder, b. 12-28-1886; d. 1931. No issue.
d. Isaac Stauffer Sensenig, b. 9-26-1888 (single).
(f) Matilda Sensenig (1847-1895) m. George Ruth, b. 2-26-1846; d. 4-14-
1915. He was the son of Leonard and Elizabeth Ruth, and a stenog¬
rapher with the Penna. Railroad. No issue. She is buried at Sinking
(g) Elizabeth Sensenig, b. 1852; d. 1941; m. George Breitigam, b. 1-31-1853.
Their children, of the 7th generation:
a. Matilda, b. 1-13-1873;
b. Elizabeth, b. 7-9-1877;
c. Annie J., b. 2-18-1876;
d. George M., b. 1-20-1879;
e. Fannie K., b. 2-12-1881; d. 12-1-1882;*
f. Daniel S., b. 11-22-1883;
g. Heber, b. 7-13-1885;
h. Josephine S., b. 10-31-1887;
i. Abraham S., b. 6-29-1889;
j. Richard R., b. 10-31-1891;
k. Margaret, b. 5-22-1894; d. 2-2-1898.*
(h) Daniel Sensenig (1856-1924) m. Sallie C. Witman, b. 2-22-1860, at
Norristown, Pa. Their children (7th Gen.) :
a. Alice W., b. 3-31-1878;
b. Walter W., b. 10-24-1879;
c. Daniel Leroy, b. 8-8-1881; d. 9-1-1881;
d. Elwood W., b. 10-3-1882; d. -;
e. Laura A., b. July, 1885;
f. Tillie, b. 10-1-1887;
g. Cora, b. 8-17-1888;
h. Florence, b. 11-8-1890;
i. Ralph, b. 2-25-1893;
j. Irvin, b. 1-25-1895; d. 6-1-1895;
k. Earl, b. 7-11-1896;
l. Ella Jane, b. 4-21-1900;
m. Mary E., b. 10-21-1901.
Data on family of Jacob Stauffer Sensenig:
(b)a. Curtis Eugene Sensenig, b. 11-26-1869; d. 11-18-1942; m. Martha
Trout, daughter of Abraham and Mary (Long) Trout. They resided
in Intercourse, Pa. He was a retired farmer, and tax collector of
Leacock Township. No children were born to this union, but they
adopted a daughter, Agnes, who married Leroy Harsh, and they have
two children—Eugene and Leroy.
(b)b. Charles Diller Sensenig, b. 5-1-1871; m. 1st, Mary Skelton, b. 7-6-
1873; d. 6-29-1928; 2nd, married, 7-3-1930, Carmiletta Newberry
Skean. He deals in coal and lumber. The children, both born to
the 1st wife (8th Gen.):
a. William Needham Sensenig, b. 7-28-1898; m. Kathryn Hertzler,
daughter of John T. Hertzler. Children (9th Gen.):
a. Carl Eugene, b. 4-21-1932;
b. Paul Robert, b. 1-5-1933;
c. Leroy Charles, b. 12-9-1934;
d. William Wayne, b. 7-16-1936;
e. Lillie May, b. 4-16-1939.
b. Donald Eugene Sensenig, b. 1-21-1905; m. Frances Taylor,
daughter of Albert Taylor, May 16, 1934. Issue (9th Gen.):
a. Harry Kerr Sensenig, b. 4-3-1935;
b. Charles Albert Sensenig, b. 6-15-1938.
(b)c. Martin Lichty Sensenig, b. 12-20-1872; m. Emma J. Wilson, daughter
of John and Rachael (Franciscus) Wilson, b. 8-16-1868; d. 3-20-1910.
Martin is a partner in grocery and dairy products business. They had
one daughter, 9th generation: Rachel Sensenig, b. 7-27-1898; d. 3-2-
(b)d. Amos Kessler Sensenig, b. 4-3-1874; m. Annie Wilkinson, b. 7-3-1879,
daughter of David and Elizabeth (Roomer) Wilkinson. Issue (8th
a. Earl Wilkinson Sensenig, b. 8-20-1906; m. Alma Faddis, daugh¬
ter of Morris and Grace (Barnes) Faddis. Issue:
a. Carol Jane Sensenig, b. 11-27-1934;
b. Jay David Sensenig, b. 12-2-1937.
(b)f. Mary Elizabeth Sensenig, b. 1-14-1877; m. Robert Montgomery, b.
4-10-1901. He is the son of Alexander and Sarah (Wooley) Mont¬
gomery, of Toronto, Canada; and is inspector for Maryland Casualty
and other companies. They reside at 73 South Fifth Street, Coates-
ville, Pa. Their children (8th Gen.) :
a. R. Eugene Montgomery, b. 4-30-1902. He is single, and a
Machinist, and he is the chief collaborator in gathering the
record of “The Sensineys of America.”
b. Wilmer Sensenig Montgomery, b. 2-5-1904; m. Mary Ella Walker
of Chatham, Pa. Children (9th Gen.)
a. Mary Elizabeth Montgomery, b. 2-12-1928;
b. James Wilmer, b. 7-7-1929;
c. Robert Eugene, b. 3-1-1931.
(b)i. John Adams Sensenig, b. 5-14-1884; m. Anna A. Owens, b. 12-10-1885,
daughter of John and Mary (Stanley) Owens. They reside at 527
North Plum Street, Lancaster, Pa. He is Engineer of the Armstrong
Cork Co. Their children are of the 8th generation:
a. Ruth Anna Sensenig, b. 1906; m. Frank Stanley Quigley, son
of Thomas and Ann (Stanton) Quigley. They live at Quarry-
ville, Pa., and have one daughter (9th Gen.) :
Betty Jane Sensenig, b. 1934.
b. Betty Jane Sensenig, b. 4-17-1917; d. 7-8-1932;*
c. John A. Sensenig, b. 5-17-1922.
(b) k. Clarence Park Sensenig (1886-1936), m. Ada Shenk, daughter of
Jacob R. and Mary A. Shenk. They reside in Toledo, Ohio. Issue
(8th Gen.) : Kermit, b. 8-14-1914; m. Marjorie Ball. No issue.
(c) a. Isaac W. Sensenig, b. 7-20-1870; d. 8-13-1941; m. Maggie Isabella
Engle, b. 7-3-1872; d. 11-23-1935. Issue (8th Gen.):
a. George, b. 9-27-1891;
b. Martha Styer, b. 5-8-1893;
c. Katie Cormany, b. 11-24*1894;
d. John Howard, b. 5-11-1896;
e. William W., b. 4-11-1898; d. May, 1898;
f. Paul W., b. 11-10-1899;
g. Edith May, b. 10-16-1902;
h. Edna Pauline, b. 8-26-1904;
i. Ralph Leroy, b. 4-5-1906;
j. Stella Irene, b. 4-6-1908.
(c)aa. George Engle Sensenig, b. 1891; m. Mary Cooper. We do not have
full information of this family, but the names of the children given
to us are: Harvey, Earl, Esther, Grace, Clair, Leroy, Christian, and
Kenneth. The oldest of this family is Harvey, who is married and
has two daughters, the oldest of whom is Ruth Irene. George is a
Butcher and lives at 1200 Schuylkill Ave., Reading, Pa.
(c)ab. Martha Styer Sensenig, b. 5-8-1893; m. Harvey Youndt on February
22, 1913. He died November 16, 1918. One child, Chester S.
Youndt, b. 2-12-1918, was born to this union. In 1920, Martha S.
Youndt was married to Herbert Reber, and they live at Sinking
Springs, Pa., R. D. 2. Four girls (9th Gen.) have been born to
this union: Irene, b. 12-31-1921; Beulah Arlene, b. 8-24-1924; Chris¬
tina Grace, b. 9-14-1926; Margie Isabella, b. 9-15-1934.
(c)ac. Katie Cormany Sensenig, b. 1894; m. Luther Bowman, and the
children born to this union are of the 9th Gen.:
a. Hazel Marie, b. 12-25-1920; d. 3-21-1921;
b. Lester Earl, b. 10-10-1922;
c. Arlene Beatrice, b. 1-16-1925;
d. Robert Leroy, b. 2-22-1926;
e. Pauline Margaret, b. 5-6-1927;
f. Kenneth Ray, b. 1-26-1929;
g. Donald Lee, b. 12-6-1931;
h. Luther Bowman, b. 3-19-1933;
i. Fay Delores, b. 3-6-1935.
This family lives at 322 Green Street, Lancaster, Pa.
(c)acb. Lester Bowman of the above family married Ruth Smith, and they
live at 322 Green Street, Lancaster. He conducts a gas station.
(c)ad. John Howard Sensenig, b. 5-11-1896; m. Mabel Murray, b. 10-1-1900.
John is a meat cutter, and lives in Pomeroy, Chester Co., Pa. Issue
(9th Gen.):
a. Richard Murray, b. 4-18-1924;
b. Dorothy, b. 4-13-1926;
c. John Howard, b. 9-13-1930;
d. Jane Murray, b. 9-5-1935.
(c)af. Paul Weaver Sensenig is a butcher, and single. His address is 332
Chestnut Street, Coatesville, Pa.
(c)ag. Edith May Sensenig is single. Address: 121 N. 3d Street, Reading,
(c)ah. Edna Pauline Sensenig married Daniel Roth, and they live at Lees-
port, Pa., R. D. 2. Daniel is a Moulder. Issue:
a. Glenn Daniel, b. 5-13-1926;
b. Kent Leroy, b. 2-15-1928;
c. Joan Ardell, b. 9-20-1935;
d. Joyce Elaine, b. 12-5-1939.
(c)ai. Ralph Leroy Sensenig, b. 4-5-1906, is single and a butcher by occu¬
pation. At present he is in the army, and is with the 73d Air Base
Squadron, Napier Field, Dothan, Ala.
(c)aba. Chester Sensenig Youndt married Ethel Wolfe, and they live at
543 15% Street, Reading, Pa. They have one daughter, Nancy
Youndt, who belongs to the 10th Generation.
(c)abb. Irene S. Reber married Robert Steffy, who at present is in the army,
while Irene stays with her mother.
(c)b. Lemon Sensenig, b. 9-16-1871; m. Ella Lesley, b. 7-22-1869; daughter
of Jacob and Mary (Messner) Lesley. Issue:
a. Mazie Sensenig, b. 7-12-1897; d. 1929; m. Walter Diem of New
Holland (no issue) ;
b. Bessie Sensenig, b. 7-2-1899; m. April 13, 1918, Solomon
Gehman. He is a baker and lives at 169 Main Street, Adams-
town, Pa. Issue (9th Gen.):
a. Richard, b. 8-18-1918;
b. Dorothy, b. 5-14-1920;
c. Berniece, b. 4-12-1923;
d. Mary, b. 11-22-1925;
e. Arthur, b. 8-25-1928.
c. Grace Sensenig, b. 4-2-1902, is single, and teaches in the Reading
Lemon Sensenig had been active in the meat and grocery business
but has retired, and lives at 1230 Perkiomen Ave., Reading, Pa.
(c)c. Heber Sensenig, b. 2-27-1873, lived in Brecknock Township in his
boyhood days, attending the public schools. He taught two years
before he entered the West Chester State Normal School, from which
he graduated in 1895, and then taught for a year at Lansford, Pa.,
after which he entered Haverford College. He graduated with the
Class of 1900, and then began his career as a teacher, serving for
eight years in private schools in New York City. Since 1910, he has
been teaching in the High School of Newport, Rhode Island. About
fifteen years ago he wrote three articles for Education Magazine,
Palmer Co., Boston; then, nothing further until 1940, when he pub¬
lished “The Idealist.” This was followed last May by “The Sanc¬
tuary,” which may be obtained from Dorrance and Company, Phila¬
delphia, by remitting $2.50.
Dorrance and Co. speak of the Sanctuary as follows: “Heber Sensenig,
author of the Idealist, has written a new book which you will wish
to read and to own. It is the story of fatherly, scholarly, philosopher-
scientist Julian Leonard, who inherits a large wooded estate from a
friend, and decides to turn it into a sanctuary for a few of his friends,
each of whom has a psychological problem caused by past mental
or physical sufferings. The ‘Woodlands’ family consists of Julian
Leonard, motherly Mrs. Jones, organist-singer Kramer, tall well-
built athletic, psycho-analytical Robert Gordon, and last but not least,
charming Eva Nelson, with her past history of unhappy marriage and
mental illness. The experiment turns out to be a huge success, and
the story becomes increasingly interesting when romance enters the
picture, and two, who had forsworn further affairs of the heart,
undergo a change of mind and lose their mental ills in the process.”
This sounds quite interesting, and when I get through with this family
record, I shall taste of it and see for myself.
Heber didn’t receive much encouragement to enter the educational
field, and is to be congratulated in forging to the front on his own
Heber Sensenig married Elizabeth Boschagen in 1903. Her father
was German as far back as they could trace, and her mother was
Jane Johnson of pure English stock. The children born to this union
belong to the ninth generation, and their names are:
a. Edmee Alice Sensenig, b. 2-4-1906;
b. Herbert Rudolph, b. 6-10-1908;
c. Edgar Carl, b. 5-11-1910.
(c)ca. Edmee Alice married William N. Kitchen in 1926, draughtsman and
engineer in the Kellogg Co., Battle Creek, Michigan. Edmee didn’t
finish college, but spent three years at Antioch. They have two
children, a boy and a girl.
(c)cb. Herbert Rudolph in 1932 married a Hungarian girl, Mimi Racz, in
Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. He has an A.B. from Dartmouth and
a Ph.D. from the University of Bonn, and is associate professor of
German Language and Literature in Dartmouth. His wife had to
leave Germany before finishing her final thesis and lacks only that
of having her Ph.D. No children were born to this union, but they
have adopted two boys.
(c)cc. Edgar Carl, the youngest of the family, was born in 1910, and has
the A.B. degree from the University of Iowa; an A.M. from the Uni¬
versity of Michigan, and Ph.D. from the same place. He is now
teaching in the University of Alabama. About five years ago he
married Elizabeth Kreuning of Wytheville, Virginia. No issue.
(c)f. Lydia Sensenig married Rev. George S. M. Kauffroth, b. 10-20-1878.
The children born to this union belong to the ninth generation, and
their names are:
a. John Andrew, b. 7-14-1909;
b. Ruth K., b. 3-28-1911;
c. Sara Dorothy, b. 4-16-1912;
d. Mary Catherine, b. 4-2-1913;
e. George, b. 7-7-1914; d. 7-8-1914;
f. Lydia, b. 10-2-1915;
g. Susanna Jane, b. 2-12-1917;
h. Sylvester Martin, b. 8-16-1918.
(c)fa. John Andrew Kauffroth is a graduate of Ursinus College; also, a
graduate of Westminster Seminary, with a post-graduate course at
Westminster. He married Marguerite Davis, a teacher in Honeybrook
School, and he is now pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of
Winona, Illinois.
(c)fb. Ruth Kauffroth, a trained nurse, married Frederick A. Brown, 7-15-
1939. He was a student at Temple University, and is now an engi¬
neer. Their address is Phoenixville, Pa.
(c)fc. Sara Dorothy, a trained nurse, married Louis Bicking, a graduate
of the University of Pennsylvania, and a Federal Court Reporter.
Their address is Norristown, Pa. Louis Bicking died August 5, 1942.
(c)fd. Mary Catherine, a trained nurse, married Harry F. Kline, who is
connected with the Armstrong Linoleum Plant, Lancaster, Pa. They
reside in Lancaster.
(c)ff. Lydia was a student in the Lancaster Business College, and later
took care of her parents’ store.
(c)fg. Susanna Jane, a trained nurse, married Lieut. William Hooper, who
is a graduate of Johns Hopkins School of Engineering. He is in
the army engineer corps at Camp Meade, Md., at present.
(c)fh. Sylvester Martin Kauffroth was a student at Dartmouth, but is now
an Aviation Cadet in the advanced school of Aviation at Kelly
Field, Texas, and we have lately been informed that he has passed
his examination and is now a Lieutenant in the Air Corps.
The Sensenigs can well be proud of this family.
(h) The Daniel Sensenig (1856-1924) family, in detail:
(h)a. Alice W. Sensenig, b. 3-31-1878, married John W. Brown, and they
had one child, Cora Ruth Brown, b. 3-11-1896; m. William H. Doner,
b. 2-26-1894. They live at 38 S. 5th Street, Reading, Pa.
(h)b. Walter W. Sensenig, b. 10-24-1879; m. Susan Palm, born at Mohn-
ton, Pa. Walter is a clerk, and they live at Springmont, Pa. Issue:
a. Norman C., b. 1-25-1906;
b. Raymond, b. 10-15-1908;
c. Luther, b. 4-4-1912;
d. Pauline, b. 9-4-1915.
(h)ba. Norman C. Sensenig married Bertha Brendel, b. 8-24-1900. Norman
is an auto-mechanic, and they live at Wyomissing, Pa. Issue: Hayden
Robert, b. 12-18-1920; Laverne; Marguerite; Norman, Jr., b. 8-21-
1928; Shirley.
(h)bb. Raymond Sensenig married Edna Brendel, b. 7-11-1908. He is a
factory worker, and they live at Sinking Springs, Pa. Issue:
a. Geraldine;
b. Russell, b. 8-17-1929;
c. Donald, b. 12-7-1930.
(h)bc. Luther Sensenig married Pearl Sallade; business: trucking and ice.
They live at Womelsdorf, Pa.
(h)d. Elwood W. Sensenig, b. 10-3-1882; m. 2-24-1903, Jennie M. Johnson,
b. 5-3-1884, at Fritztown, Pa. Elwood is deceased. He was a farmer,
and lived at Reinholds, Pa. Issue (8th Gen.) :
a. Florence, b. 2-23-1904;
b. Mearl May, b. 5-9-1906; d. 3-18-1912;
c. Helen, b. 2-4-1908; m. Paul Sweigart. They live at Reinholds,
d. Chester, b. 3-19-1910; m. Erma Steely. He is a textile worker.
They live at Reinholds, Pa.
e. Phamie Sensenig, b. 7-11-1912; m. Clarence Royer. They live
at 38 South Sixth Street, Reading, Pa.
f. Clarence Sensenig, b. 4-20-1914;
g. Grace, b. 11-29-1915;
h. Alverta, b. 8-12-1917;
i. Roy C. (single) ;
j. Warren L., b. 7-3-1921; m. Susan L. Steffy, daughter of Elam
Stelfy. Warren is a factory worker and they live at Reinholds,
k. Claude, b. 1-31-1923;
l. Mildred, b. 1925;
m. Hazel V., b. 1929.
(h)e. Laura A. Sensenig, b. July, 1885; m. Clayton Hornberger, and they
reside at Mohnton, Pa., Route 2. Issue:
a. Ruth Hornberger, b. 12-24-1907; d. at age of four years.
b. Leona Alberta, b. 11-23-1911; m.-Gantz.
c. Charles William, b. 12-16-1912; m. Mary Pennabacker. They
reside at West Lawn, Pa.
(h)g. Cora Sensenig, b. 8-17-1888; m. John Pleufelder, who died several
years ago. She has remarried. Res.: 30A South 5th Street, Reading,
(h)i. Ralph Sensenig, b. 2-25-1893; m. 10-15-1896, Ella Lash of Bern
Township. Ralph is a garage attendant, and their address is Reading,
Pa., Route 2. Issue:
a. Leon, b. 2-25-1917;
b. Wayne, b. 6-10-1920; m. Julia Harrison, 1921. He is a garage
attendant, and resides at 411 S. 11th St., Reading, Pa.
c. Mary, b. 8-4-1921;
d. Dorothy, b. 10-24-1922;
e. Jean, b. 1-10-1932.
(h)k. Earl Sensenig, b. 7-11-1896; m. Vergie Ream, daughter of Frank
and Ada Ream of Reading, December 25, 1916. Earl is a salesman for
the Breneiser Tobacco Company of Reading. Issue: Kenneth R.
Sensenig, b. 12-15-1917; m. Darline Swisher. They reside at 536
Franklin Street, West Reading, Pa.
(h)i. Herbert Sensenig, b. 9-27-1897; m. 1st, Esther Mauger. Two children
were born to this union—Mildred, b. 7-4-1922, and Richard, b. 9-27-
1924. His second wife is Margaret M. Wolfe; and Barry H. Sensenig,
b. 3-12-1940, is of this union. Herbert is in the clothing business,
and lives at 30A S. Fifth Street, Reading, Pa.
(h)m. Ella Jane Sensenig, b. 4-21-1900; m. Reuben Shober. They have
no children and live at 30A South Fifth Street, Reading. She is a
practical nurse.
(h)n. Mary E. Sensenig, b. 10-21-1901; m. William A. Hoyer. He is a yarn
store proprietor, and they live on Wilson Street, Springmont, Pa.
Issue: M. Arlene Hoyer.
/ OHN SENSENIG, son of Michael, b. 1723, married Susanna Rutt. He
was a very prominent man in Earl Township in his day; a man of
means who gave each of his boys a farm. He was both a miller and a
farmer, and often held the role of executor in the settlement of estates.
a. John Sensenig, d. 12-12-1798;**
b. Mabel Sensenig, d. 12-12-1798* (both died young);
i. Anna Sensenig, b. 6-21-1788; d. 6-30-1850;
d. Jacob Sensenig, b.* 3-10-1790; d. 3-8-1833;
e. Christian Sensenig, b. 3-22-1793; d. 6-5-1863;
f. John Sensenig, b. 8-11-1802; d. 9-13-1878;
g. Michael Sensenig, b. 1-20-1794; d. 9-13-1836;
h. Susanna Sensenig, 2-27-1805; d. 12-6-1865;
i. Elizabeth Sensenig, b. 2-27-1805; d. 5-10-1861;*
j. Joseph Sensenig, b. 9-29-1808; d. 12-17-1860.
(c) Anna Sensenig married George Martin, b. 7-18-1780; d. 12-3-1850.
a. Susanna Martin, b. 7-26-1808; d. 4-5-1857;
b. Joseph S. Martin, b. 9-26-1809; d. 9-17-1891;
c. John S. Martin, b. 3-4-1811; d. 1-30-1898;
d. Elizabeth Martin, b. 11-11-1812; d. 7-5-1832;
e. Anna Martin, b. 8-12-1814; died young;*
f. George S. Martin, b. 9-6-1815; d.- (moved to Indiana);
g. Annie Martin, b. 1-10-1818; d.- (moved to Snyder Co.);
h. David Martin, b. 9-8-1819; d. 3-28-1901;
i. Moses Martin, b. 7-4-1821; d. 11-17-1856;
j. Lydia Martin, b. 11-28-1822; d. 1-4-1851;
k. Henry Martin, b. 7-4-1825;
1. Jacob Martin, b. 2-22-1827;
m. Maria Martin, b. 11-22-1828; d. 2-3-1918; m. David Zimmerman,
father of the Rev. Menno Zimmerman of Martindale;
n. Isaac Martin, b. 1-8-1832 (moved to Ohio).
(d) Jacob Sensenig married Anna Witwer, b. 3-15-1792; d. 5-18-1882.
a. Daniel W. Sensenig, b. 3-2-1812; d. 11-4-1864;
b. John Sensenig, b. 12-21-1813; d. 3-11-1836;*
c. Anna Sensenig, b. 10-10-1815; d. in 1836;
d. Susanna Sensenig, b. 10-4-1817; d. 1836;*
e. Lydia Sensenig, b. 3-19-1821; d. 2-22-1889; m. John Good;
f. Catherine Sensenig, b. 8-31-1822; m. Amos Stauffer;
g. Jacob W. Sensenig, b. 2-23-1825; d. 3-24-1860; m. 1st Elizabeth
Oberholtzer (1825-1853); m. 2nd Anna Lichty (1828-1906);
h. Elizabeth Sensenig, b. 6-16-1827; d. 7-20-1858;*
i. Magdalena Sensenig, b. 12-14-1829; d. 12-6-1919, age 90;
j. Michael Sensenig, b. 10-25-1831; d. in 1838.*
(e) The Christian Sensenig family is listed under the Conestoga Branch.
(f) John Sensenig (1802-1878) married Elizabeth Martin, b. 8-3-1807;
d. 7-31-1879. Issue:
a. Magdalena, b. 10-31-1829; d. 8-17-1910; m. John Hollinger;
b. John M. Sensenig, b. 9-21-1832; d. 1-20-1923;
c. Susanna, b. 3-29-1834; d. 6-19-1915; m. Moses Gehman, b. 6-6-
d. Lydia, b. 3-27-1838; d. 3-3-1842;*
e. Elizabeth, b. 10-18-1836; d. 5-12-1891; m. Jacob M. Weber;
f. Sarah, b. 2-22-1841; d. 9-19-1891; m. Daniel Wanner, b. 4-18-1833;
g. Lucy, b. 1-25-1846; m. Henry Gehman, b. 8-8-1840; d. 3-20-1923;
h. Mary, b. 1-28-1844; d. 9-5-1916; m. Israel Fox, b. 3-6-1844;
i. Moses, b. 7-3-1848; d. 6-28-1849;*
j. Anna, b. 11-6-1850; d. 9-10-1868;*
k. Martin M. Sensenig, b. 6-26-1853; m. Mary A. Steffy.
(g) Michael Sensenig (1794-1836) m. Barbara Denlinger, daughter of Jacob
and Mary (Kreider) Denlinger. After Michael’s death, she married
David Eshelman. Michael was a miller by trade. Issue: Mtgy.
a. Marie Sensenig (1818-1833);*
b. Elizabeth Sensenig (1827-1838);*
c. Jacob Sensenig (1835-1835);*
d. John Denlinger Sensenig, b. 3-19-1836; d. 5-4-1882.
(j) Joseph Sensenig , b. 9-29-1808; d. 12-17-1860; m. Mary Showalter,
b. 11-1-1819; d. 3-5-1847. Issue:
a. Henry S. Sensenig, b. 12-12-1837; d. 10-15-1915; m. Elizabeth
Musser, b. 6-13-1840; d. 6-18-1910; 2nd wife, Eliza. Good;
b. Joseph Sensenig, b. 1-17-1840; d. 10-28-1912; m. Anna Martin,
born 3-4-1849; d. 2-19-1879; 2nd wife, Esther Sensenig, b. 5-6-
1856; d. 1930;
c. Susanna Sensenig, b. 11-11-1841; d. 9-29-1860;*
d. Lydia Sensenig, b. 6-26-1843; d. 11-27-1872; m. Samuel Rutt, b.
3-10-1837; d. 5-15-1910;
e. Tobias Sensenig, b. 8-30-1844; d. 9-15-1922; m. Magdalena Witmer,
b. 3-27-1844; d. 6-23-1918.
(h) Susanna Sensenig (1805-1865), m. Henry Eby, b. 7-11-1804; d.
11-1-1888. Issue:
a. Peter Eby, b. 2-6-1835; d. 6-9-1910; m. Magdalena Musser, b.
7-11-1831; d. 2-10-1865;
b. John Eby, b. 11-18-1826; d. 8-10-1901 ;*
c. Margaret Eby, b. 3-27-1828; d. 5-9-1910; m. Jacob Musser, b.
3-6-1826; d. 6-27-1857; 2nd husband, David B. Weaver;
d. Susanna Eby, b. 2-23-1830; d. 1-15-1910; m. Abram Metzler, b.
3-24-1822; d. 7-12-1907; v
e. Henry S. Eby, b. 9-10-1832; d. 2-10-1873; m. Barbara Herr, b.
11-9-1836; d. 3-12-1871;
f. Elizabeth Eby, b. 3-4-1836; d. 3-17-1913; m. John Keneagy, b.
2-23-1836; d. 1-8-1923;
g. Joseph S. Eby, b. 2-12-1839; d. 2-2-1936; m. Susanna Martin, b.
h. Jacob S. Eby, b. 2-28-1842; m. Susanna Ranck, b. 12-31-1838;
died 8-16-1907;
i. Jonas S. Eby, b. 12-4-1845; m. Mary Denlinger, b. 11-9-1846;
d. 6-12-1913.
Sixth Generation:
(d)a. Daniel Witwer Sensenig (1812-1864), m. Elizabeth Stauffer, and we
reckon him as the progenitor of the Brecknock Township Group.
(See that group.)
(d)g. Jacob W. Sensenig (1825-1860), married to Elizabeth Oberholtzer,
was killed when a log rolled over him in Clearfield County. Elizabeth
is buried in Terre Hill Cemetery. He is buried with his 2nd wife in
Lichty Cemetery. There was one son to the first wife:
a. Martin 0. Sensenig, a schoolteacher and a widely-known base¬
ball player. For years he was President of the Racine Malleable
and Wrought Iron Company, now defunct. He was married to
Jennie Chapman, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, and they have two
children: (7th Gen.)
a. Dr. Herbert Sensenig, b. 6-28-1884, at Toledo, Ohio;
b. Helen Sensenig, m. Dr. Frank Herbert Boon.
Dr. Herbert has two children (8th Gen.) : Robert and
Eugene Sensenig.
Martin 0. Sensenig (1852-1919) and Jennie Chapman Sensenig
are buried in Linwood Cemetery, Fort Wayne, Ind. Mtgy.
(f)a. Magdalena Sensenig married John Hollinger and they went West.
This is their family:
a. John S. Hollinger (1849-1932); m. Adeline Fraze;
b. Anna, b. 1851; m. Joseph Burget;
c. Martin S., b. 1853; m. Sarah Eschelman;
d. Elizabeth Hollinger (1855-1855);
e. Magdalena, b. 1857; m. Daniel Gesamen;
f. Sarah (1859-1865);
g. Sevilla Hollinger, b. 1861; m. Benjamin Hall;
h. Amanda Hollinger, b. 1863; d. 1920; m. Albert Myers;
i. Jacob S. Hollinger (1865-1929); m. Fidelia Lehman;
j. Emma Hollinger, b. 1869; m. Clayton Brenner;
k. Walter S. Hollinger, b. 1872; m. Florence Farmer.
(f)b. John M. Sensenig (1832-1923) married Magdalena Hoover, b. 3-24-
1835; d. 11-22-1912. They were married by the Rev. J. J. Strine of
Trinity Lutheran Church, Lancaster. She was the daughter of Jacob
and Matty Hoover. Issue:
a. Jacob H. Sensenig, b. 1855; d. 1855;*
b. Samuel H. Sensenig (1857-1927) first married Annie Eberly;
2nd wife, Mary Brown;
c. Elizabeth H. Sensenig (1860-1932) married John Musselman.
Seven children were born to this union;
d. Fianna H. Sensenig (1863-1940) married Joseph Zimmerman.
Eight children were born to this union;
e. Magdalena H. Sensenig, b. 1865, never married;
f. John H. Sensenig, b. 1870; m. Martha M. Zimmerman, b. 10-18-
1871, died 10-26-1933;
g. Aaron H. Sensenig, b. 1870; m. Alice Lefever, and three children
were born into this union.
(f)c. Susanna Sensenig married to Moses Gehman had this family:
a. Isaac S. Gehman (1867-1886) ; single;*
b. Samuel S. Gehman, b. 1871; m. Lydia Horst. Their address:
Ephrata, Pa., Route 1.
(f)e. Elizabeth Sensenig married to Jacob M. Weber had this family:
a. Martin S. Weber, b. 1858; m. Hettie Kern;
b. Israel S. Weber (1860-1920); m. Mary Wechter;
c. Elizabeth S. Weber, b. 1864; m. Milton Mendenhall;
d. Jacob B. Weber, b. 1862; m. Anna Gehman;
e. John S. Weber (1866-1903) ; m. Etta Leese;
f. Michael M. Weber, b. 1868; m. Annie Webster;
g. Henry S. Weber, b. 1871; m. Mary Burkholder. Address:
Ephrata, Route 1;
h. Annie S. Weber (1874-1874);*
i. David S. Weber, b. 1875; m. Gertie Dunkelberger;
j. Levy S. Weber (1878-1907); m. Ida Gehman;
k. Amos S. Weber (1880-1919); m. Katie Fisher.
(f)f. Sarah Sensenig married to Daniel Wanner. Issue:
a. Daniel S. Wanner, b. 1862; m. Mary Martin. Farm. Address:
, Bird-in-Hand, Pa.
b. Margaret Ann Wanner, b. 1863; m. Henry Fox;
c. John Jacob Wanner (1865-1865);
d. Moses W. Wanner (1866-1870);
e. Martin E. Wanner (1867-1868) ;
f. Amos S. Wanner, b. 1869; m. Annie Horst;
g. Sarah C. Wanner (1870-1875);
h. Elizabeth Wanner, b. 1872; m. Jacob Schlott;
i. Maria Wanner, b. 1873; m. Reuben Zimmerman;
j. Harry S. Wanner, b. 1874; m. Barbara Graybill. They farm
and address is Ephrata, Pa., R. 3;
k. Annie Wanner, b. 1876; m. Samuel Bowman;
l. Susanna Wanner, b. 1877; m. Barton Taylor. Res.: Union Grove;
m. Samuel Wanner, b. 1878; m. Anna Sensenig;
n. Emma Wanner (1880-1880);
o. Ida Wanner, b. 1881; m. Martin Troup.
(f)g. Lucy Sensenig married Henry Gehman. Issue:
a. Lizzie S. Gehman (1866-1888) ; m. Frank Horst;
b. Harry Gehman, b. 1868; m. Barbara Horst;
c. Katie Gehman, b. 1877; m. Benjamin M. Weaver, of Blue Ball.
(f) h. Mary Sensenig married Israel B. Fox. Issue:
a. Anna Fox (1868-1868);
b. Elizabeth Fox (1869-1934); m. Levi G. Zimmerman;
c. Maria Fox, b. 1872; m. Jacob Beacher;
d. Henry Fox, b. 1874; m. Ella Buckwalter. Address: Martin-
dale, Pa.;
e. John S. Fox, b. 1876; m. Lizzie Stahl. Address: Ephrata, R. 3;
f. Israel Fox (1879-1893);
g. Martin Fox (1881-1940) m. Vannie Gregory;
h. Fanny Fox, b. 1883; m. Samuel M. Zimmerman. Ephrata, Pa.,
R. 3.
(g) d. John Denlinger Sensenig (1836-1882) m. Mary A. Miller, b. 11-10-
1837; d. 1-8-1907; daughter of Martin Miller, a storekeeper at Martin-
ville, Pa. They are buried in Byerland Mennonite Cemetery. Issue:
a. Martin M. Sensenig, b. 9-12-1858; d. 1927;
b. Barbara Sensenig, b. 8-10-1862;
c. Annie, b. 8-12-1865; d. 1-4-1907;
d. John K. Sensenig, b. 10-3-1869;
e. Emmanuel, b. 10-23-1871;
f. Joseph (1875-1876) ;*
g. Emma (1877-1878);*
h. Harry, b. 2-20-1877;
i. Absalom (1880-1888).
(g)da. Martin M. Sensenig (1858-1927); m. Martha C. Hess, b. 11-10-1858;
d. 1933; daughter of John and Catherine Hess. They are buried in
Providence Mennonite Cemetery. Issue: Laura and William K.
Sensenig (7th Gen.);
(g)dc. Annie (1865-1907); m. 10-29-1886, Hiram Warfel, b. 10-10-1862;
son of Amos and Leah (Good) Warfel. Issue: Mary, Leah, Annie,
Cora, and Edna Warfel;
(g)dd. John K. Sensenig, b. 1868; m., 1894, Annie Wiggins, b. 1870.
One child, Oscelia, b. 2-4-1897; m. 1918, Benjamin Fessler, Jr.;
(g)de. Emmanuel Sensenig, b. 1871; m., 1892, Anna R. Good, daughter
of William and Martha Good, b. 5-14-1872; d. 5-11-1926. Res.:
Martindale. She is buried in River Corner Cemetery. Issue:
a. Roy W. Sensenig, b. 12-25-1894; d. 9-12-1901;*
b. Annie Mae. b. 11-5-1892; d. 5-27-1915; m. in 1913, William
L. Karr, b. 6-4-1904, son of John B. Karr;
c. Maggie M., b. 7-26-1896; m. Jacob Johnson;
d. Reba, b. 7-26-1899; m. John C. Witmer in 1920;
e. Claude E., b. 3-3-1906; d. 4-29-1929.*
(g)dh. Harry M. Sensenig, b. 1877; m. (1896), Myra G. Hess, b. 9-3-1875,
daughter of George Hess of Conestoga. Issue: (7th Gen.)
a. George, b. 7-13-1896;
b. Susanna, b. 2-8-1898;
c. Mary, b. 4-30-1899;
d. Mabel, b. 2-11-1901;
e. Raymond, b. 9-10-1902; d. 1-30-1923;*
f. Harry, b. 5-9-1904;
g. Walter, b. 7-24-1906;
h. John, b. 3-26-1911;
i. Ruth, b. 12-21-1913.
(f)bb. Samuel H. Sensenig, b. 5-22-1857; m. Anna M. Eberle, b. 3-4-1858,
a God-fearing woman who tried hard to bring up her family in the
ways of righteousness. Issue: (7th Gen.)
a. Elias Elmer Sensenig, b. 6-1-1879;
b. Infant, born and died 4-13-1882;*
c. Annie E. Sensenig, b. 9-21-1883; d. 1-19-1885;*
d. Mary E. Sensenig, b. 1-29-1885;
e. Lizzie E. Sensenig, b. 7-14-1886; d. 3-4-1888;*
f. John E. Sensenig, b. 10-29-1887;
g. Clayton E. Sensenig, b. 12-18-1890;
h. Harry E. Sensenig, b. 10-10-1892;
i. Katie E. Sensenig, b. 3-15-1894; d. 6-19-1895.*
(f)bba. Rev. Elias Elmer Sensenig , first married Anna Alva Schaeffer, b.
8-26-1879; d. 11-28-1906. She is buried in the Union Cemetery,
Womelsdorf, Pa. His second wife is Anna E. Smith, daughter of
Jonathan B. and Mary Ann Smith, of Kutztown. She is a graduate
of Keystone State Normal School; has taken special courses, and
has taught fifteen years in the public schools. She also attended
the divinity school of Chicago University, and the Theological
School at Lancaster, Pa.
Rev. Elias Elmer Sensenig was born in Lancaster County; taught
school two terms, and graduated from Keystone State Normal
School. In 1901, he became Assistant Principal of the West
Reading schools, and took courses at Temple University and Ursinus
College. In 1909, he was challenged to enter the holy ministry
by the Lehigh Classis of the Reformed Church. He accepted the
challenge and entered the Theological School at Lancaster, from
which he graduated in 1912. In that year, he preached in St.
Paul Mission in Allentown, and was called to serve that mission.
Starting with a congregation of fifty, in two years they erected
a church building costing $25,000, increased the congregation to
250, and reduced the debt to $6,000. At present he is President
of the Ministerial Association of the Reformed Church in the
Lehigh Valley, the largest organization of its kind in the denomina¬
tion. He is also President of the Classis of East Pennsylvania,
and is chairman of the Publicity Committee of the Eastern Synod,
and is actively engaged in City Welfare work and other civic
(f)bbd. Mary E. Sensenig, b. 1885; m. Harry E. Curley, b. 7-13-1882.
He is a conductor and yard-master in the employ of the Reading
Railroad Company. They live at 1041 Marion Street, Reading, Pa.
Issue: (8th Gen.)
a. Anna Irene Curley, b. 12-10-1904;
b. Paul Leonard Curley, b. 10-20-1907;
c. Laura Lucretia Curley, b. 5-31-1921; d. 6-2-1921;*
d. Betty May Curley, b. 5-31-1921; d. 6-2-1921.*
(a) Anna Irene graduated from the Reading High School
in February, 1922.
(b) Paul Leonard also graduated from the High School in
1924, attended State College, and married Doris Eddinger.
They have one child, Frances L. Curley (9th Gen.).
(c) Laura Lucretia is pursuing the Latin Academic course in
the Reading High School.
(f)bbf. John E. Sensenig was born at Farmersville, Pa., and made his home
with his grandfather, John M. Sensenig, and became a member of
Zeltenreich’s Church. He married Celesta Fenninger of Intercourse,
b. 3-22-1891. Issue:
a. Elizabeth Sensenig, b. 8-6-1914;
b. Richard Sensenig, b. 11-21-1918.
(f)bbg. Clayton E. Sensenig, b. 12-18-1890, attended the public schools of
Reading, and married Barbara Martin, daughter of Isaac Martin
of Blue Ball, on January 4, 1912. He is conducting a general
merchandise store in Blue Ball. They are members of the Weaver-
land Mennonite Church. Issue:
a. Mervin Elmer, b. 12-28-1914; d. 4-9-1915;*
b. Helen Arlene, b. 9-18-1923;
c. Carl Clayton, b. 3-26-1927.
(f)bbh. Harry E. Sensenig, b. 1892; m. Hattie M. Bowers, b. 12-12-1892.
He is in the employ of the Bareville Concrete Co., and has charge
of the cast stone department. Issue:
a. Leroy, b. 12-7-1917;
b. Melvin, b. 7-5-1919; d. 8-14-1919;*
c. Arlene Sensenig, b. 2-27-1925.
(f)bf. John H. Sensenig, b. 1870; m. Martha M. Zimmerman. Issue
a. Martin Z. Sensenig, b. 11-3-1895; d. 12-17-1896;*
b. Harry Z. Sensenig, b. 6-15-1897; m. 1st, Alta Weaver; 2nd,
Marian Matthews; 3d, Edith Wenger;
c. Anna Z. Sensenig, b. 11-10-1895; m. Ralph Dreibelbis;
d. Walter Z. Sensenig, b. 11-29-1901; m. Pauline Bair;
e. John Z. Sensenig, b. 6-3-1906; m. Dorothy Witmer;
f. Paul Z. Sensenig, b. 9-22-1913; m. Edith Eitnier.
(f)bc. Elizabeth H. Sensenig (1860-1932), m. John Musselman. Issue:
a. John S. Musselman, b. 6-6-1881; d. 7-11-1913;
b. Ella Mae, b. 6-6-1884; d. 4-8-1933; m. Amos Geigley;
c. Elizabeth M., b. 12-30-1887; m. Banks Benner;
d. Emma M., b. 8-8-1891; m. – Bair;
e. Martha M. Musselman, b. 8-1-1893; m. Tom Stoner;
f. Christian H., b. 3-19-1880; m.-Sweigart.
(f)bd. Fianna H. Sensenig (1863-1940), m. Moses Zimmerman. Issue:
Rufus, Harvey, Moses, Jacob, Anna, John, and Ira Zimmerman.
(f)bg. Aaron H. Sensenig, b»1870; m. Alice Lefever. Issue: Harry L. and
Minnie. (Oldest child died in infancy.)
(j)a. Henry S. Sensenig, b. 1837; m. Elizabeth Musser. Issue:
a. Joseph M. Sensenig; m. Mary Weaver. No issue.
b. Henry M. Sensenig, b. 2-16-1877.
(j)ab. Henry M. Sensenig, m. Mary M. Martin. Issue:
a. Titus M. Sensenig, b. 2-22-1911;
b. Amos, b. 4-4-1913;
c. Luke M., b. 5-23-1927;
d. Anna M. Sensenig;
e. Ruth;
f. Phoebe;
g. Lena M. Sensenig.
(j)aba. Titus M. Sensenig, m. Edna M. Leaman. Issue: (8th Gen.)
a. Richard E. Sensenig;
b. Kenneth V. Sensenig, b. 5-11-1936;
c. Ruth Elaine, b. 5-11-1940;
d. Lamar Luke, b. 5-10-1942.
(j)abb. Amos M. Sensenig, m. Anna M. Schnupp. Issue:
a. Robert L. Sensenig, b. 12-23-1936;
b. Donald J. Sensenig, b. 11-26-1937;
c. Marion Louise, b. 1-4-1938;
d. Sylvia Marie, b. 1-6-1939;
e. Amos Clair, b. 3-30-1940;
f. Ruth Elaine, b. 3-30-1940;
g. Esther May, b. 3-30-1942.
(j)abc. Luke is single.
(j)abd. Anna M. Sensenig married Harry L. Sensenig. Issue:
a. Chester Earl, b. 5-31-1926;
b. Roy Melvin, b. 2-7-1929;
c. Irvin J., b. 8-26-1935;
d. Paul, b. 2-17-1940.
(j)abe. Ruth M. Sensenig, b. 4-28-1905; m. Lester C. Shirk.
(j)abf. Phoebe M., b. 2-18-1909; m. John N. Wenger.
(j)abg. Lena M., b. 1-18-1915; m. Elmer Schnupp.
(j)b. Joseph S. Sensenig (1840-1912), married Anna Martin. Issue:
a. John Sensenig (1866-1927), m.-. Issue:
a. Mary, b. 1900 (single);
b. David, b. 1899; m. Emma Zimmerman, b. 1900. Issue:
Ivan, b. 1923; John, b. 1927; Adam, b. 1938; Earl, b. 1941,
and daughters (not reported).
b. Martin Sensenig (1868-1941);*
c. Joseph Sensenig (1870-1931) (buried at Groffsdale);
d. Mary Sensenig (1875-1891).
(j)b. Joseph Sensenig married to Esther Sensenig (2nd wife). Issue
a. Annie Sensenig, b. 1885; m. John Good; they have boys and
girls in family.
b. Lydia Sensenig, b. 1889; m. Nathan Zimmerman—no children.
Address: New Holland, R. D.
c. Samuel Sensenig (1893-1894);*
d. Fannie Sensenig (1895-1896).*
(j)e. Tobias Sensenig (1844-1922) m. Magdalena Witmer, and these are
their children:
a. Lydia W. Sensenig (1867-1902); single;*
b. Amos W. Sensenig (1869- ), m. Fianna W. Martin, daughter
of Peter and Anna Z. Martin, b. 1868. Issue:
a. Katie M. Sensenig, b. 1894; m. Joseph N. Snyder, son of
Henry Snyder;
b. Martha M. Sensenig, married Martin M. Zeiset. Issue:
a. Emma Sensenig Zeiset, b. 1920; m. Paul Ranck;
b. Katie Sensenig Zeiset, b. 1922; m. Harvey S. Good;
c. Abraham M. Zeiset, b. 1932.
c. Emma W. Sensenig, b. 1876; m. John Weaver, son of Ezra
Weaver. They have one daughter:
a. Lena S. Weaver.
d. Daniel W. Sensenig, b. 1882;
e. Elam Witmer Sensenig, b. 10-1-1870; d. 7-11-1932; m. Emma
Susan Frey, b. 11-27-1875; d. 11-29-1922. Issue:
a. Elva Minerva Sensenig, b. 2-19-1893;
b. Mabel May, b. 5-17-1894;
c. Emma Susan, b. 2-18-1896;
d. Clayton Frey, b. 8-28-1897;
e. Lena Grace, b. 4-16-1899;
f. Elmer Frey, b. 12-26-1900; d. 3-6-1932;
g. Elam Frey, b. 12-28-1903;
h. William Frey, b. 12-26-1904; d. 12-26-1904;
i. James Frey, b. 10-29-1905;
j. David Frey, b. 3-23-1907; d. 4-7-1907;
k. Ralph Frey, b. 9-1-1909;
l. Walter Frey, b. 6-29-1911; d. 4-7-1918;
m. Mary Ruth, b. 2-4-1914.
(j)eea. Elva Minerva Sensenig, b. 2-19-1893; m. Menno G. Sauder. Issue:
a. Helen Ann Sauder, b. 2-26-1914; d. 3-5-1914;
b. Luke Sauder, b. 6-1-1917;
c. Thelma Grace Sauder, b. 3-31-1922;
(j)eed. Clayton Frey Sensenig, b. 8-28-1897; m. Edna Stauffer Kauffman.
a. Violet Kauffman Sensenig, b. 7-16-1923;
b. Betty Kauffman Sensenig, b. 7-26-1925;
c. Richard Kauffman Sensenig, b. 8-7-1927;
d. Donald Kauffman Sensenig, b. 12-22-1928;
e. Dorothy Kauffman Sensenig, b. 8-19-1932.
(j)eef. Elmer Frey Sensenig, b. 12-26-1900; m. Florence Metzler Brubaker.
a. Evelyn Brubaker Sensenig, b. 7-16-1923;
b. Miriam Brubaker Sensenig, b. 10-3-1926;
c. Paul Brubaker Sensenig, b. 8-3-1928;
d. Wilbur Brubaker Sensenig, b. 1-3-1931; d. 3-21-1932.
(j)eeg. Elam Frey Sensenig, married Vera Alberta Minnich. Issue:
a. Vera Elizabeth Sensenig, b. 8-2-1934;
b. Alice Corinne Sensenig, b. 1-22-1936.
(j)eei. James Frey Sensenig, b. 10-29-1905; m. Irene Barry Clair. Issue:
a. Virginia Clair Sensenig, b. 4-1-1932;
b. Lois Clair, b. 10-7-1933;
c. James Clair, b. 9-17-1934;
d. Robert Clair, b. 10-29-1936;
e. Audrey Clair, b. 10-7-1937;
f. Barry Clair, b. 7-8-1939.
(j)eem. Mary Ruth Sensenig, b. 2-4-1914; m. Hershey Hess Balmer. No
D R. PETER SENSENEY, youngest song of Jacob Sensenig, the first, was
born in 1733 and died, September 4, 1804. He was born in Lancaster
County, Pennsylvania, and lived there during his early manhood.
His first wife was Ursula Shoneur Senseny, widow of his cousin Christian
Senseny, who died in 1761, leaving two minor children, Mary and Barbara.
Ursula is buried in Stewart Burial Ground, Spring Garden Township, York
County. The tombstone contains no dates and has the simple inscription,
“Hier ruhet Ursula Sensenich.” (York County Historical Society.)
We know that Peter was living in Lancaster County as late as 1767,
for he and Ursula sold a tract of land there in that year, but he was a
resident of York, Pa., as early as 1779, as he is taxed for house and lot
that year, and he continued paying taxes there in York as late as 1783, as he
is reckoned among the taxables for that year, with the notation:
Dr. Peter Senseny of York Town, 4 males, 4 females, one cow, 1 horse,
Y 2 lot, 1 house, 1 chair; valuation £443, tax £5.19.9 (1st census of York Co.).
The four males would have included Dr. Peter, his sons John and
Peter (born 11-4-1781). We cannot account for the 4th male. The four
females may have included his wife, Mary and Barbara (the two daughters
of Ursula) and Hannah, b. 8-14-1775. We do not know when Ursula died,
and there is nothing on record to show that his 2nd wife was a Hollings¬
worth, as has been reported. There are no Hollingsworths in the first census
of York County. Be that as it may, the mother of son Peter died between
1781 and 1784; for, according to the Register of the First Reformed Church
of York, on December 29, 1784, Peter Sensenig and Maria Holl were
Though Dr. Peter was taxed in York as late as 1783, he had been
buying land in and around where Middletown is now located, and had
thought of locating there for some time before he moved there, as he had
run into trouble in York on account of his not being a staunch supporter
of the Revolutionary Government. These are the facts: Dr. Peter resided
within the bounds of the Seventh Company of the First Battalion of York #
County Militia, and should have reported for duty under Captain Ephraim
Pennington, as a private. Peter did not respond, and as a result he paid
fines amounting to £90.0.0. from March 1780 to March 1781; and he also
paid none-exercise fines from October 1, 1781 to November 18th, 1782, of
£4.4.0. He was taxed double in 1781 because he had never taken the oath
of allegiance to the Revolutionary Government. (Pennsylvania Archives.)
Though Dr. Peter had this bit of trouble with the Revolutionary Govern¬
ment, we can only think of him as a very exemplary citizen, judging from
his activities later in the Shenandoah Valley. We think of him as having
erred in judgment, not fully appraising the issues at stake. Taxation with¬
out representation is not only tyranny, it is a form of slavery. Queen
Anne had befriended the Mennonite refugees, and Peter felt kindly dis¬
posed toward the English and was willing to be under their government,
but there was a principle involved transcending personal feelings. In this
very war in which we are now engaged human liberty is again at stake.
Smaller nations may not be tyrannized by nations seeking world power.
This argument applies to the English as well as to the Germans.
The first record of land purchases in Virginia by Dr. Peter was in the
year 1777 when he purchased several tracts from Samuel Vance and John
Worth, located twelve miles south of Winchester. (Mtgy.) But he bought
other tracts from Lord Fairfax. These purchases are on record at Richmond,
Va. (Mrs. Gutridge.)
In 1796, Peter obtained a charter, “for the purpose of erecting a
meeting-house, a school, and the establishment of a churchyard.” For
many years the town that sprang up around this settlement was known as
Senseneytown, but was later changed to Middletown. It was well planned,
with wide streets and many other improvements in advance of the times.
When the state of Virginia decided to build the road through the valley
there were no expensive claims to be paid at Senseneytown. Dr. Senseney
had already provided the wide road in his plan for the town. He had hoped
that the town would become a manufacturing center, and in its early days
a certain success seemed assured. Clocks were made there as early as 1786,
and were noted timekeepers, and in demand. Precision instruments were
made by Jacob Danner, who was highly regarded. Joseph Ridings manu¬
factured a threshing machine with which it was possible to perform the
miraculous feat of beating out a hundred bushels of wheat a day. Much
of this early success was due to Dr. Senseney’s encouragement.
This broad-minded man was the first to welcome Bishop Newcomer,
when the United Brethren Church was struggling for recognition in the
Valley. His house was the first meeting place in Middletown, and the
bishop, in his frequent visits, often preached in Dr. Peter’s house or in the
Methodist Church. Dr. Peter’s house stood where the Kerr School building
now stands. His will, dated August 26, 1804, is recorded in the Winchester
Courthouse. Mtgy.
Sources of information:
Cartrell: Shenandoah Valley Pioneers and their Descendants.
Morton: “The Story of Winchester in Virginia.”
Deeds in the courthouse at Winchester; Will of Maria (Holl) Senseney
and John Senseney; Letters from Mrs. Harry Gutridge.
Dr. Peter Senseney, b. 1738; d. 9-7-1804, was first married to Ursula
Shoneur Senseny, widow of his cousin Christian Senseny, and to this union
were born:
a. John Senseney, d. 1819;
b. Hannah Senseney, b. 8-14-1775; d. 9-12-1823;
c. Peter Senseney, b. 11-4-1781; d. 4-29-1833;
Children to the 2nd wife—Maria Holl, b. 1756; d. 6-2-1835:
d. Leah Senseney, b. 12-6-1785; d. 8-5-1875;
e. Rachel Senseney, b. 7-18-1790; d. 12-2-1849;
f. Catherine Senseney, b. 1792; d. 7-3-1843;
g. Jacob Senseney, b. 12-10-1794; d. 12-27-1860.
(a) John, died 1819, was married twice; the 1st time to a Gonder, and the
second time to Nancy -, who died about 1819. John was
a farmer, and in his will at Winchester he names the following chil¬
dren: (4th Gen.)
a. Nancy, who married Henry Rhodes;
b. Peter Senseney;
c. Polly (Mary), b. 8-10-1792; d. 9-9-1872; m. John Rhodes, b.
9-6-1789; d. 12-12-1871;
d. Samuel Senseney, m. Lydia -; moved to Harrison Co.,
e. Abraham, d. 1826 . (single) ;
f. Hannah, m. West Burgess;
g. John G. Senseney, b. 8-19-1897; d. 2-11-1884;
h. Jacob Senseney (moved to Wheeling, W. Va.) ;
i. Leah, married Robert McClure.
(b) Hannah Senseney, b. 1775; d. 1823; m. 10-25-1795, Jacob Danner,
b. 12-4-1763; d. 6-17-1850. They are buried in Mt. Carmel Cemetery,
Middletown, W. Va. Issue: (4th Gen.)
a. Jacob S. Danner, b. 3-15-1807; d. 4-15-1877; m. Mary Sophia
Miller, b. 9-14-1811; d. 5-28-1850. Jacob Danner was a jeweller
in Middletown, Va., for many years.
(c) Peter Senseney (1781-1833), m. 11-22-1808, Louisa Catlett, born
11-1-1787; d. 3-17-1839; and since the Tennessee Senseneys branch
off this union, we shall complete our record of this family in the Ten¬
nessee branch.
(d) Leah Senseney, b. Dec., 1785; d. 8-5-1875; m. Major James Anderson,
b. 3-11-1783; d. 3-9-1870 (buried in Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Middletown,
Va.). Issue: (4th Gen.)
a. Mary Kathrine Anderson;
b. Elizabeth Anderson, b. 1823; m. Thomas Ridings (1822-1897);
c. Ann Anderson (1825-1905);
d. Rutledge Anderson (unmarried).
(e) Rachel Senseney married Thomas Sperry. They are buried in Mt.
Carmel Cemetery. Issue:
a. C. E. Sperry, b. 7-22-1824; d. 4-20-1900;
b. Amanda Sperry.
(f) Cathrine Senseney (1792-1843), m., 10-17-1820, George Wright, born
in Dunningham, England, 9-11-1792; d. 3-27-1859. He was the in¬
ventor of several ingenious devices, and was responsible for many
improvements on the threshing machine invented by Ridings and
McKeever. They are buried in Mt. Carmel Cemetery. Issue:
a. John Wright, b. 7-26-1822; d. 9-8-1899; m. Jacqueline Hite;
b. Anna Wright, b. 5-11-1824; d. 3-23-1855;
c. Thomas Wright, died in infancy;
d. Cathrine Wright;
e. Mary Hull Wright, b. 4-11-1832; d. 1-4-1905; m. Arthur Bragg,
3-3-1823; d. 9-10-1895;
f. Peter Wright, b. 3-21-1834; d. 2-16-1885; m. his cousin Mary
Maud Wright, b. 12-19-1842; d. 11-10-1899; daughter of John
and Sarah (Kerchival) Wright.
(g) Jacob Senseney, b. 12-10-1794; d. 12-27-1860; m. Cathrine Baker, born
3-2-1796; d. 2-27-1868. They are buried in Mt. Hebron Cemetery, Win¬
chester, Va. Kerchival, in his history of the Valley of Virginia, lists
them among the first citizens of 1833. He is listed as a general merchant
in Winchester between the years 1838-40 (Morton, page 123), and his
name appears among the justices of the city in 1836 (Morton). He
was a man of considerable wealth in his day, and lived in a beautiful
colonial house at the corner of Court Street and Senseney Road, now
owned by George Haddox. There is a large Memorial window to Jacob
and Cathrine Senseney in the Episcopal Church at Winchester. (Mtgy.)
a. John Peter Senseney, d. 1819;
b. Mary Asenath, b. 8-20-1823; d. 7-9-1864;
c. Charles Edwin, d. 1826;
d. George Edward, b. 9-27-1827; d. 9-28-1869;
d. Ann Eugenia, b. 6-27-1829; d. 2-15-1850;
f. Edgar Jacob;
g. Cathrine Baker, b. 5-15-1835; d. 12-27-1901;
h. Arthur Henry, b. 1-15-1840; d. at age 6yr. 4mo., 28da.;
i. Virginia, b. 9-14-1837; d. age 4mo., 14da.;
j. John Page Senseney, d. 5-29-1840; age lyr., 4mo., 15da.
Fifth Generation
(a)g. John Gonder Senseney (1797-1884), m. 1st Margaret Young. His
2nd wife was Mary Kline, b. 1-26-1807; d. 11-5-1879 (buried in
Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Middletown, Va.
Issue to the first wife:
a. John G. Senseney, left home when young. Never heard from
b. Lucinda, b. 8-26-1821; d. 6-3-1894; a sweet kindly Christian (un¬
married) .
Issue to the 2nd wife:
c. Amos K. Senseney, b. 4-25-1831;
d. Harvey K. Senseney;
e. Hammett, b. 3-4-1836; d. 6-16-1919;
f. Edward (11th Virginia Cavalry);
g. Anthony (a private in Cutshaw’s battalion), Page 294, Morton;
h. Martha, b. 6-4-1840; d. 2-21-1930; age 90;
i. Eliza (1841-1939), age, 98;
j. Cornelius (d. 1926), Confederate army, Company D, Va.
Cavalry. He moved to Bloomington, Illinois.
k. James, b. 1-6-1831; d. 12-13-1915;
l. Virginia (1838-1915);
m. Ann Elizabeth, b. 7-23-1837; d. 10-15-1939; age, 102 years;
n. Jacob Mitten Senseney, died 1863.
This was a remarkable family, and before we proceed to other
families, we shall give brief character sketches of this family group
by one who has personal knowledge of them.
Amos was a cabinetmaker who lived and died in Lexington, Virginia.
His work was of the best quality.
James was a blacksmith, who also lived and died in Lexington. He
was twice married. After his death many prominent men who had
been students at Washington and Lee, wrote of the great help given
them by James when in trouble. He was a fine Christian character.
Harvey lived and died in Chicago. He was handsome, well groomed, ‘
and a fine personality.
Edward married twice, a carpenter by trade, lived near Strasburg,
Va., an honest man.
Hammet was a coal dealer, who lived and died at Bloomington,
Illinois. He was very good to his father, and financially, the top
of the family. He was married twice.
Elizabeth Ann married at 18, and lived in Lexington, Va. She was
a pillar in the Methodist Church.
Mary Virginia, married at 23, lived in Middletown.
Martha Ellen (Mrs. Frank R. Rhodes) lived in Lexington, and was
a very beautiful character.
Eliza Emily, married at 40, was the 3d wife of James Madison
Leary (a Peter Pan), loyal and generous.
Anthony, clever and shrewd, lived until middle life in Middletown,
and then moved to Los Angeles, Cal., where he had one son, and died
at the age of 86.
Cornelius Waugh (bachelor) was sweet and refined to those he loved.
Came often to see his favorite sister, “Ginny” (mother). He died
in Bloomington, Ill., aged 79.
Jacob, the father of Nell Z. Senseney, was witty and loved by all
who knew him well. He worked in the C and 0 shops, and died in
Huntingdon, W. Va.
(a)h. Jacob Senseney, d. 1863; m. Rebecca Cooper and resided in Wheeling,
W. Va. Issue:
a. William Beverly Senseney, d. in early manhood (unmarried) ;
b. Charles Henry (1844-1926), m. Anna Eyster;
c. Albert, drowned at age of nine years;
d. Mary Virginia, married John Cooper, and they have two chil¬
dren—Lena and Edna Cooper;
e. Laura, died young (not married);
f. Annie, married William Trull, and they have two children—
William and Harry Trull;
g. Emma, married Joseph Pauli, and they had three children—
James, Rebecca Cooper, and Joseph Fry Pauli;
(a)hgb. Rebecca Pauli married John Marshall, and they live at 2405
Tracy Place, Washington, D. C. Issue: (7th Gen.)
a. James Senseney Pauli, b. 12-25-1878;
b. Rebecca Cooper Pauli, b. 1-12-1883;
c. Joseph Fry Pauli, b. September 1881.
(g)d. George Edward Senseney (1827-1869) m. Mary Helen Gallaher, b.
1824; d. 4-15-1903, daughter of John and – Shannon Gallaher. George was editor of the Winchester Republican for many
years. His paper was a continuation of the Constellation, established
by Peter Printz. It survived until the outbreak of the Civil War, when
it was destroyed by order of General Banks. George is buried in the
Mt. Hebron Cemetery, Winchester, and his wife, who was a Catholic,
is buried in Holy Rood Cemetery, Washington, D. C. Issue:
a. George E. Senseney, b. 1851; d. 6-11-1875;
b. Frank G. Senseney; b. 1855; d. 5-9-1889;
c. Anna Gertrude, b. 1862; d. 6-22-1885;
d. Eugene, died in infancy.
e. Charles Albert, b. 7-30-1864; d. 4-11-1916.
The first four are buried in Holy Rood Cemetery, and Charles is
buried in Congressional Cemetery, Washington, D. C. They all died
single. The children were raised in the Catholic faith, but deserted
the church when they came of age.
(g)f. Edgar Jacob Senseney married Margaret Moore of Winchester, and
moved to Brunswick, Mo. Issue:
a. Edgar Moore Senseney (1855-1916).
(g)g. Catherine Baker Senseney, b. 5-15-1835; d. 12-27-1901; m. Charles
Needles, b. 10-27-1826; d. 11-3-1895. They are buried in Mt. Hebron
Cemetery, Winchester. Issue:
a. Charles Senseney Needles, b. 8-29-1856; d. 6-27-1857.
Sixth Generation:
(a)gc. Amos K. Senseney, b. 1831; died 1892; m. Judith Ann Liggan, b.
2-17-1834; d. 1895. Issue:
a. Mary Marshall, born and died November 1858;
b. Anna Virginia, b. 12-16-1859; d. 12-15-1879;
c. John Richard, b. 4-15-1861;
d. Ophelia Vanderslice, b. 10-4-1863;
e. McCrum Senseney, b. 5-14-1865; d. 1875;
f. Alice Taylor, b. 12-3-1866; d. 2-11-1929;
g. James White, b. 2-15-1871;
h. Sarah, b. 3-2-1872; d. 1872;
i. Pratt, b. and d. 1872;
j. Campbell Waddell, b. 4-25-1874; d. 7-12-1912;
k. Sidney Preston, b. 10-24-1875; d. 8-30-1898;
l. Carrie Gilbert, b. 10-24-1876;
m. William Pendleton, b. 1-2-1878.
(a)ge. Hammett Senseney (1836-1919), m. Love Ballard, b. 1845; d. 2-18-
1879. They are buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Bloomington, Illinois.
a. Fanny Senseney, b. 5-16-1866;
b. Louis Senseney, b. 5-31-1869; d. 2-13-1937;
c. Edgar H., b. 7-14-1872;
d. Hugh M., b. 3-24-1875;
(a)gf. Edward Senseney, married twice. The 2nd wife’s name was Huffman.
a. Hugh Senseney, married, and lives in Harrisonburg, Va.;
b. Edward Senseney, residence unknown to family;
c. Ellsworth; d. Freddie, a girl, married several times. Her 3d
husband is James Davidie Harrover.
(a)hb. Charles Henry Senseney (1844-1926), m. Anna May Eyster, born
1854, and still living at Wilmette, Illinois. Issue:
a. George Eyster Senseney, 10-11-1874;
b. Mary Virginia Senseney (resides at Wilmette, Ill.).
(a)gh. Martha Ellen Senseney (1840-1930), m. Frank P. Rhodes, 8-10-1836;
died 12-22-1910. They are buried at Lexington. Issue:
a. Ernest L. Rhodes, wholesale Milliner, Atlanta, Georgia;
b. Mollie, early deceased;
c. Margaret (wife of Rev. D. H. Kern, dec’d). Last address:
St. Petersburg, Florida;
d. Charles Emory (dec’d). His widow manages an apartment
house for Ernest L. Rhodes;
e. Virginia (Mrs. F. M. Mitchell, Roanoke, Va.) ;
f. Anna J. Rhodes.
(a)gi. Eliza (1841-1939), m. Madison Leary, b. 1822; d. 11-30-1905; buried
at Middletown, Va. Eliza died, Jan. 3, 1939, aged 97.
(a)gk. James Senseney, b. 1-6-1831; d. 12-13-1915; m. Sarah F. Caskey,
b. 7-5-1828; d. 12-1-1873. His 2nd wife was Mary -,
b. 7-12-1830; d. 3-10-1908; buried at Lexington. Issue:
a. John Greenlee Senseney, d. 6-27-1854, aged 6 mo.;
b. Harvey Greenlee, b. 1867; Res.: Charleston, S. C.;
c. Mrs. Ella Cupp, Lexington, Va.
(a)gl. Mary Virginia Senseney (1838-1915), m. 1860, Malcolm Israel
Wilkinson (1823-1907), son of Israel and Maacah Wilkinson. They
are buried in Mt. Carmel Cem., Middletown, Va. Issue:
a. Annie J. Wilkinson, m. John T. Henretty, of Charlestown, W.
Va. Their oldest son is Raymond T. Henretty, a lawyer in
Gen. Accounting Office of U. S. Gov. He is married and has
one daughter, Joyce, aged four years. The 2nd son Malcolm
is office manager of General Motors branch, Washington, D. C.
They have two sons, Richard and Donald Bruce. A daughter,
Virginia, is married to Earl VanDine Coville, Richmond, Va.
b. Florence Mary Wilkinson;
c. Rosalie Virginia, m. Irvin Hottel (1873-1930);
d. Richard Senseney Wilkinson, m. Mary Louise Rine of Keyser,
W. Va. Res.: 1788 Galena St., Aurora, Denver, Col. Issue:
a. Jean Wilkinson, m. James Webb, Mining Engineer. They
reside at Edgewood, Denver, Col.
b. Rosalie Virginia (Mrs. W. E. Wallenthin, Florist), located
at Aurora, Col.;
c. Joseph Wilkinson, Aurora, Col.;
d. Mary Louise (Mrs. Richard Malcolm Harrison), Oakland,
(a)gm. Ann Elizabeth Senseney, b. 7-23-1837; d. 10-18-1939; m. James
Payne Kirkpatrick. Issue:
a. Maggie Ella (Mrs. Robert Gillock, Lexington, Va.);
b. Nora (Mrs. John Champs, Lexington, Va.);
c. Annie Virginia (Mrs. James Larricks, California);
d. Willie (died at age 10);
e. Elizabeth, dec’d (Mrs. James Bosworth);
f. Mary Elizabeth, died at age 18 months.
(a)gh. Jacob Mitten Senseney (1848-1905), m. Maacha Larrick (1851-1932).
Issue: (6th Gen.)
a. Sue Ethel Senseney, m. Azel McCurdy. Issue:
a. Lillian Fordice McCurdy; b. Azel, Jr., m. Goldie Harmon—
no issue;
b. Janice Aileen; m. Joseph Lusk. Issue;
c. Corydon Enslow, m. Mary Welda Durrett—one son, Bobby;
b. John Jacob Senseney, m. Bessie Marie Chambers—no issue;
c. Alice Cary, unmarried;
d. Nelle Zirkle, unmarried;
e. Maurice Larrick, deceased;
f. Mary, deceased;
g. Albert Cornelius, m. Minnie Raditz, and they have two sons—
Robert Milton and Francis Lee Senseney;
h. Agnes Virginia Senseney, m. Paul Vorse Kline. Issue: Mary
Beldon Kline, m. Frank M. Cochran.
(g)de. Charles Albert Senseney (1864-1916), m. Emma Mae Davidson,
born 5-4-1886. They are buried in Congressional Cemetery, Wash¬
ington, D. C. Issue:
a. Henry Sedgewick Senseney, m. Hannah Stagel, and they have
one child—Doris Helen Senseney, b. 7-12-1924, now a fresh¬
man at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Tex.;
b. Ethel Davidson Senseney (Mrs. Harry Gutridge. Issue: Eloise
Senseney Gutridge, b. 7-10-1922; m. Ralph Purdum of Mt. Airy,
c. Charles Gallaher Senseney, m. Marie Webber. He is a Certified
Public Accountant of Florida, and at present a Major Pilot in
the army air forces;
d. Albert Newton Senseney, m. Mamie Bellison. Issue: Charles
Albert Senseney, b. 4-17-1924. He is a freshman at Harvard.
(g)fa. Edgar Moore Senseney (1855-1916), m. Hortense Towner, who died
at sea in 1886. 2nd wife: Mary Thurston Messick, born 6-5-1864,
daughter of Brinkley Morris Messick, D.D., minister in the Methodist
Episcopal Church South. Edgar Moore Senseney was Professor of
Therapeutics in the St. Louis Medical College. Issue to 1st wife:
his son GEORGE LEONARD. Standing in rear —his sister,
a. A son who died in infancy;
b. Eugene Towner Senseney, b. 1880;
Issue to 2nd wife:
c. Barbara Thurston Senseney, b. 1892;
d. Margaret Moore Senseney.
(a)hba. George Eyster Senseney, b. 10-11-1874; m. Dorothy Lucile Stewart
of Philadelphia, Pa. She is the daughter of William Wright Stewart,
an American painter. At the time of her marriage she exhibited
in the salons of Paris exquisite examples of craftsmanship in
jewelry. Three children were born of this union:
a. Virginia Stewart, b. 8-20-1913;
b. George Leonard, b. 9-18-1923; Instructor in Aeronautics;
c. William Stewart Senseney, b. 9-29-1926.
Since George Eyster Senseney is one of the most prominent mem¬
bers of the big “Sensiney” family of America, we shall set forth
his record at some length, as follows:
He was born in Wheeling, West Virginia, attended the public schools
of that city and Lindsley military academy. He studied art in
Corcoran School of Art, Washington, D. C.; and privately, under
Howard Helmick, a well-known artist of Washington. In the year
1899 he went to Paris and studied in the Academie Julien under the
masters Jean Paul Laurens and Benjamin Constant. He exhibited
paintings, etchings, and drawings, in the Paris Salon in 1901. He
was the first artist in this country to practice the art of color
etching, though at that time there were artists who were printing
color etchings in France. George developed the art along individual
lines. As an example, he had to make his own inks, and was
influenced but slightly by what was done abroad.
He taught a class in etching at the Art Students League in New
York in the years 1906-07. Returning to France, he worked along
his line from 1910 to 1914. During this period he etched in
color; also, lithographs, and wood blocks, and laid the technical
foundation which was to serve in creating v and manufacturing
decorative papers later on. In 1911 he was elected a member of
the “Societe des Graveurs Original en Couleurs” in Paris, being
one of the two members allowed to foreign countries. In 1912,
he was elected President of the “Societe des Artists de Picardee”;
a group of artists of various nationalities residing in the north of
In association with Frederick F. Fursman, he established the “New
School of Art” in Chicago, and was elected President of the Chicago
“Society of Etchers” in 1915. In 1917 he taught design in Smith
College, and was also employed as art director of the American
Writing Paper Company in Holyoke, Mass.; developing there a
process of “marbling” papers. In 1921, George Senseney, Russell
H. Rreewell, and Francis C. Hey wood, all at that time employed
by the American Writing Paper Company, left its employ to form
the Marvellum Company of Holyoke, the first to manufacture
marbled paper by machine. The company soon expanded its busi¬
ness into coating, embossing, and printing decorative papers in every
conceivable way.
George was awarded a silver medal for etching at the Panama
Pacific Exposition, and his etchings are found in museums in this
country and abroad. He considers himself fortunate in having found
a way to employ his knowledge of etching, engraving, and printing,
in industry; and at the same time keep in touch with the art of
today. He is still active as President of the Marvellum Company.
Among various patents, he has a patent on a textile printing process,
which he considers a decided contribution to the art of textile
printing. This process will be known as “Sentone.” He is at
present getting ready an experimental machine to demonstrate the
process to a large textile printing company. He has had experience
in textile printing, having developed the “Sensagraph Process” for
silks, which was used extensively, and he knows more about various
processes of printing than any other man alive, in that he can
engrave and etch printing rolls, and is constantly doing so, and
makes inks and colors for all classes of printing. There are experts
in Lithography, Photoengraving, Embossing, Rotogravure, Offset
Printing, etc., but as a rule they know their own particular process.
He has a working knowledge of practically all the processes, which
he has put into practical manufacturing, designing machines for
the same, making colors, and engraved rolls for the same.
George has accomplished his great work under handicap. He has
been lame on account of infantile paralysis when eighteen months
of age. All of the big “Sensiney” family can well be proud of
numbering George Eyster Senseney among our cousins. B.S.
(a)hbb. Mary Virginia Senseney married-Maxwell. Residence:
Wilmette, Illinois.
(a)gcc. John Richard Senseney, b. 1861; m. Orlena Hughs of Taxewell,
Tenn. Issue: a son, who died in 1919. They reside at Alexandria,
Louisiana, Post Office Box 484.
John Richard Senseney was born in Lexington, Virginia, on the
15th day of April, 1861. He attended the public schools of Lexing¬
ton. Although he was born in the town where the Virginia Military
Institute and the Washington College (afterwards named the Wash¬
ington and Lee University) were both located, he did not have the
privilege of a collegiate education, as the Civil War left his family
in desperate financial shape. He took to a trade, which in part
made up for the deficiency in schooling—that of the “Art Preserva¬
tive”—the printing business. He entered as a “printer’s devil”
Jan. 1, 1877, with the Lexington Gazette founded in 1805. His
salary was one dollar a week (without board and lodging, with
14 hours a day and no overtime). Later he went to work on the
Rockbridge Enterprise in the same town, at an advanced wage.
After he served his apprenticeship, the lust for travel struck him.
He worked on papers in Lynchburg, Va., beside U. S. Senator Carter
Glass; then in Richmond, Va., Washington, D. C., Philadelphia, Pa.,
Cincinnati, 0., Louisville, Ky., Harrisburg, Pa.
In 1870 he attended the funeral of General Robert E. Lee, and
in 1873 that of Commodore Matthew Fountaine Maury, known as
the “Pathfinder of the Seas.” He was well acquainted with both
of the above great men. He also knew General (Stonewall) Jack¬
son’s widow and daughter. In 1936, by request of the Alexandria
(La.) local chapter of the Confederate Daughters, he wrote a
detailed account of the funerals of Gen. Robt. E. Lee and that of
Commodore Maury, printing about 100 copies. After distribution
of copies he was deluged for copies from all over the South. He
then printed over a thousand more for free distribution—leaving
none in a few months. He has written a number of magazine
articles, and a great number of articles for the two “old home”
papers in Lexington, Va., his birthplace.
He does not drink, and never eats after 8:00 P. M., except an apple
a day “to keep the doctor away.” Of his 82 years, to his knowledge,
he has not been sick but four times; the longest spell lasting less
than a month. People recently have guessed his age to be not more
than 60 to 65 years. He is a member of the Presbyterian church.
He has never held but one public office, and that was more than
50 years ago. He held the office of U. S. Deputy Marshall for
East Tennessee for seven years. About this time he was elected
a member of the board of directors of Arthur College, and Vice-
President of the Three States Fair and Racing Association (em¬
bracing the states of Tennessee, Virginia and Kentucky, held at
Arthur, Tenn.).
His hobby is farming, and especially, the raising of thoroughbred
poultry. He has won prizes all over the South, and at Madison
Square Garden, N. Y., and the Colosseum at Chicago, Ill. In his
37 years on the Alexandria, La., Daily Town Talk, he has missed
less than 250 days showing up at his desk for work. This includes
vacations. This is not because he loves the money he receives,
for he gets his salary whether he is there or not.
After trying out the ownership of several newspapers, with fair
success, he settled in Alexandria in 1906 and is still going. He has
one “superstitious” idea, and that is if you spend a great number
of years in the printing business, smelling printer’s ink and the
fumes in a print shop, and quit, you will die within a year. He
intends to say in “harness” until, in the parlance of newspaper¬
men, the call of “30,” which means quitting time.
(a)gcd. Ophelia Vanderslice, b. 1863; m. 1st Gustav Stiebartz; 2nd, October
1897, Joseph Barton. Issue: nine children. They live at 209
Northcott St., Clarksburg, W. Va.
(a)gcf. Alice Taylor Senseney, b. 1866; d. 1929; m. Charles Hall of Lynch¬
burg, Va. Issue: seven children.
(a)gcj. Campbell Waddell (1873-1912), m. Hattie Wetz of Middletown,
Indiana. Issue: five children.
(a)gel. Carrie Gilbert, b. 1876; m., May 29, 1901, Martin L. Feagans, of
Lynchburg, Va. Issue: nine children. Res.: 124 Fredonia St.
(a)gem. William Pendleton, b. 1878; m. Laura Johnson of Marion, S. C.
Issue: one child, dec’d. Address: Roseboro, North Carolina.
(a)gea. Fannie Senseney, b. 5-16-1866; m., 10-9-1889, William Penn Gar- •
retson, b. 1-16-1858. Res.: Normal, Ill. Occupa.: Jeweler. Issue:
Cathryn, b. 4-22-1894; m.-Myers.
(a)gee. Edgar H. Senseney, b. 1872; m. Mary E. Leitch. Res.: Blooming¬
ton, Ill. Occupa.: Watchman, Safe Deposit Vault. Issue: Ferdinand
Senseney, dec’d.
(a)ged. Hugh M. Senseney, b. 1875; m. Maud Wheeler. Res.: Reno, Nev.
Issue: Daniel M. Senseney.
(a)geb. Louis W. Senseney (1869-1937), m. Myrtle Renfrow. They live at
McAllen, Texas.
(a)gkb. Harvey Greenlee Senseney, b. 1869; m. Sallie Holsenback. He
was in the operating service of the Southern Railway, serving as
locomotive engineer for 30 years. He is prominent in the Brother¬
hood of Locomotive Engineers, and has one of the oldest cards in
the Brotherhood. For a number of years he had charge of the
finest passenger train operated by the Southern Railway Company
between Charleston and Columbia, S. C., the Carolina Special.
He was elected a member of the legislature from Charleston County
in 1912, and served in the sessions of 1913-14-15-16. In 1912
he represented Ward 12 on the Board of Alderman of Charleston.
He was also a member of the Chamber of Commerce, etc.
Issue: Mtgy.
a. James Senseney; m. Margaret Allen. Res.: Philadelphia, Pa.
Issue: James and Doris.
Alexandria, La.
Knoxville, Tenn.
b. Harvey G. Senseney; m. Orie Lambert. Res.: Florence, S. C.;
c. Nettie (Mrs. Granville Stewart). Res.: Charleston, S. C.;
d. Mildred (Mrs. Thomas Edwards) ;
e. Josephine.
(g)fab. Dr. Eugene Towner Senseney, b. 1880; m. Miriam Coste. Res.:
St. Louis, Mo. For biographical sketch see “Who’s Who” among
Physicians and Surgeons, page 821. Issue:
a. George Towner Senseney, architect in Chicago;
b. John Hollingsworth Senseney.
(g)fac. Barbara Thurston Senseney, b. 1892; m. 4-8-1918, Joseph Allen
Lee. Issue: Allen Senseney Lee—in school at Hotchkiss.
(g)fad. Margaret Moore Senseney, b. 1923; m., 10-6-1920, Howard E. Allen.
(g)fae. Harriet Gaulbert Senseney, b. 7-10-1901; m., 5-20-1920, Howard
Weeker Clark.
Eighth Generation:
(g)faba. George Towner Senseney married in 1902 Florence Keats Noyes
of Chicago, great granddaughter of George Keats, brother of John
Keats. Issue:
George Keats Senseney (8th Gen.).
(g)fabb. John Hollingsworth Senseney, attended Washington and Lee Uni¬
versity, when this report was made.
P ETER SENSENEY, born in York County, Pa., 11-4-1781; d. 4-29-1833;
m. 11-22-1808, Louisa Catlett, of Frederick Co., Va.; b. 11-1-1787; d.
3-17-1839. This Peter we reckon as the progenitor of the Tennessee
Branch of the big “Sensiney” family; and these are their children:
a. Fayette Franklin Senseney, b. 9-30-1809, at Front Royal, Va.; d.
1-1-1835, of smallpox, while attending the University of Pennsyl¬
vania, at the age of 25 years;*
b. Addison P. Senseney, b. 10-9-1810, at Front Royal, Va.; d. 8-4-1811;*
c. Cyrus Burns Senseney, b. 8-9-1812, at Mt. Hope, Va.; d. 4-1-1876,
at Lafayette, Ky; m. Sarah Jane Tinsley, 12-30- 1845;
d. Alice Ann Senseney, b. 9-7-1815; m. John Catlett, d. 9-16-1867;
e. Louisa Amelia Senseney, b. 6-2-1817; m. A. U. Anderson, 11-24-1840;
f. Mary Catherine Senseney, b. 12-1-1818, at Mt. Hope, Va.; m. John
C. Blankenship, 9-11-1845; d. 8-4-1857, in Texas;
g. John Addison Senseney, b. 1-28-1822, at Mt. Hope, Va.*
(c) Cyrus Burns Senseney left Virginia about 1840 and lived at Linton,
Ky., several years, and then settled at Lafayette, Ky., where he built
a brick house and also ran a tannery. He died there, and twelve
children were born in his family, as follows:
a. Louisa Jane Senseney, b. 10-1-1846; d. 1-22-1925;
b. John Catlett Senseney, b. 12-17-1848; disappeared in 1875;*
c. Jacob Burns Senseney, b. 6-8-1851; d. 3-30-1926;
d. Addison Peter Senseney, b. 2-5-1854; d. 9-27-1854;
e. Amelia Ann Senseney, b. 8-6-1855; d. 5-31-1894;
f. Robert A. Senseney, b. 2-6-1858, still living with his niece, Etta
Sawyer; *
g. Althea Cornelia Senseney, b. 8-11-1861; d. 4-10-1908;
h. Thomas F. Senseney, b. 1863; d. 7-31-1908;
i. Mary Catherine Senseney, b. 6-18-1864; d. 6-26-1864;*
j. Alexander Senseney, d. 1863, as a baby;
k. Virginia Senseney, b. 6-23-1865; d. (date not known);
1. Finas F. Senseney, b. 4-28-1868; d. as a baby.
(c)a. Louisa Jane Senseney married Wesley Sawyer, b. 6-20-1847; m.
12-23-1873; d. 10-29-1890. Five children were born to this union—
three daughters and two sons. The names of the children—Etta,
Allie, Jamie, Wiley, and Mallory Sawyer. Etta never married; Allie
married Cosby Smith, and they have one child—Jamie, married to
George Reinhart, who died while living at Chattanooga, Tenn., 4-29-
1934. Wiley died 7-29-1934; and Mallory died 6-17-1932; they never
(c)c. Jacob Burns Senseney first married Signora Allensworth, 3-13-1878.
She died 7-17-1900. His 2nd wife was Mrs. Lulu Moss Hewell, who
died in 1933. No issue to this union. To the first union was born:
a. Cyrus Allensworth Senseney, b. 1-8-1879.
(c)ca. Cyrus Allensworth Senseney, b. 1-8-1879, is a man of outstanding
ability as a farmer. He owned from 400 to 500 acres of land, and
also managed property for others. He was a good judge of tobacco,
and raised as much as 60,000 pounds in a year. He was a super¬
visor of roads for years. This year he sold all his land to the
government, as part of a camp site, and has bought a farm near
Clarksville, Tenn. Cyrus was married twice. His first wife was
Cordelia Hewell, b. 1-10-1881; d. 10-24-1908. Issue:
a. Allen Burns Senseney, b. 4-29-1902;
b. Mary Elizabeth Senseney, b. 10-22-1903;
c. Lowery Ewing Senseney, b. 11-12-1904.
To the 2nd wife, Eunice Bard Bibb, were born:
d. Signora Belle Senseney, b. 9-6-1910;
e. Alice Catherine Senseney, b. 2-17-1912;
f. Cecil Allensworth Senseney, b. 10-8-1913;
g. Sara Louise, b. 8-19-1917; d. 6-2-1919.
(c)caa. Allen Burns Senseney, married Frankie Galloway, 12-16-1932.
No children born to this union. Allen is in the insurance business;
also, buys and sells real estate. He resides in Knoxville, Tenn.,
and has given us the information about the Tennessee Branch of
the family.
(c)cab. Mary Elizabeth Senseney, b. 10-22-1903; m. Brower Harvey in
December, 1921, and they lived in Clarksville, Tenn. He was vice-
president of a bank up to three years ago, and now is a govern¬
ment land appraiser, and deals in real estate and insurance. He
has made wide contacts. Their children are: Catherine, Aubrey,
Burns, and Abner Brown Harvey, 3d.
(c)cac. Lowery Ewing, b. 11-12-1904; m. Olga Parson of Dawsen Springs,
Ky. He is in the Government Transportation Service. They have
three children: Beverly Rose, Harold Allensworth,, and Jack—all
in school.
(c)cad. Signora Belle married Oakley Sanderson, who works for the gov¬
ernment. They have three children: Nancy Ruth, Janet and Marilyn.
(c)cae. Alice Catherine married-. They have three
children: Joan, Betty, and Bobby.
(c)caf. Cecil Allensworth Senseney married Mary Katherine Ramsdell.
No issue. He operates a filling station; also buys and sells property.
(c)e. Amelia Ann Senseney, the fifth child of Cyrus Burns Senseney, b.
8-6-1855; m. Thomas Whitfield, and one child was born to the union:
Ambrose Whitfield, who lives at Clarksville, Tenn. He married, and
his wife died without issue. Ambrose owns and operates a tobacco
loose floor. Both parents are dead.
(c)f. Robert A. Senseney, now 84 years of age, lives with his niece, Etta
Sawyer, at Port Royal, Tenn. He is the only one of the Cyrus Burns
Senseney family still living.
(c)g. Althea Cornelia Senseney married Rufus Jeffries, and they had four
children: Hugh, Robert, Jennie Lee, and Bessie May. Hugh never
married and died about 1912. Robert married, lives in California,
where he operates a store. Jennie Lee married T. C. Bethel. They
live at 121 Vine Street, Ravenna, Ohio. Bessie May married Edward
Moery. They live at Terre Haute, Indiana. Note – Oscar not mentioned, Bessie Mae belongs below
(c)h. Thomas F. Senseney (1863-1908) m. 2-22-1893, Adele Weeks, b.
3-7-1867. Two children were born to this union: Sara Louise, b.
2-16-1899; d. 11-3-1904; and Bessie Mae, b. 12-1-1902; m. Edward
Moery. They live in Terre Haute, Indiana.
(c)k. Virginia Senseney, b. 1865, m. Guy L. Tanner, and they had three
children, Earnest, Byron, and Sudie. Earnest lives in Los Angeles,
California; Byron lives at Wood River, Illinois; and Sudie, who is
married to R. G. Goss, lives at 1425 N. 42nd Street, East St. Louis, Ill.
This concludes the information we have of the Tennessee branch. We
have no information concerning John Addison Senseney, b. 1-28-1822, at
Mt. Hope, Va.
The design of the Crest:
The following is a description and interpretation of the elements in the
design of the Crest found in the center of the title page of this book:
A description of the award to a Sintzenich is on record in “Erklarung
des Wappans,” page 17, book V, in Vienna, and in the Bavarian Bibliothek
on Ludwig Strase, Munich. This awaits the efforts of a competent translator
to give the exact wording in English. The highlights of description were
given to Dr. Roscoe Lloyd Sensenich of South Bend, Indiana, by Captain
Rudolph Sintzenich, an Austrian army officer, when Dr. Sensenich was in
The crest lacks definte delineation, and we shall rely on the interpreta¬
tion given by Captain Sintzenich, as follows: The figure at the top of the
crest is that of a warrior clad in armor and bearing the battle arms of the
date of the award. The wings are those of an Austrian bird distinguished
for swift flight. The central design is that of a helmet and shoulder piece
worn in battle at that time. The figure in the base, on the left, is that of
a tiller of the soil, and the design on the right is an early fleur de lis. The
heads in the design serve as a background and indicate strength.
The symbolism of all this is as follows:
The warrior is symbolic of stalwart character and readiness to battle
for the right and in defense of the homeland and the monarch. The wings
symbolize speed of accomplishment. The fleur de lis is symbolic of purity
of purpose. The tiller of the soil symbolizes faithful performance of peace¬
ful duties.
The wording of the award is from the monarch to an individual, citing his readiness to defend, his speed of accomplishment, his purity of purpose, etc.
As to the name:
Captain Sintzenich said the name is Austrian, and has no particular meaning, indicating Slavic influence. Another Austrian found fault with the Virginia Senseneys for their way of spelling the name, saying that it
should be Sensenig. The letters e and i have about the same value in pronunciation, and if e takes the place of i in Captain Sintzenich’s name, we have Sentzenich, which is exactly the same in pronunciation as Sensenich,
which is one of the branches of the big “Sensiney” family. Lately, we have found out that the name Sensenig is found in Denmark.